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Un affordableGN We-4 bought from Jason Mcguire


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X2!!! Are you sympathetic, I don't understand?:cool:
I'm sure he has read this thread numerous times. Maybe from another screen name but im sure he realizes that he will NEVER be able to sell anything on this board again unless he makes right by refunding Dave his entire amount of money back. And HE can pay to have it shipped back to him if he still wanted it which I doubt he does.

I gotta wonder why someone with 1000+ posts would black ball themselves? Maybe he is a crack-head?:confused: Maybe he is knee deep in gambling debt:confused: Donno, don't care. A couple members have stated they are suprised he would do this. BUT.... it's not his first negative transaction so it's likely he is just an opportunist like most criminals are and take advantage of trusting people.

And Dave is one of the most helpful people on this site so for him to openly discuss this means it's indicitive that he has no intentions of making it right and thru many PM's and emails he has gotten the run-around.

But he is free to defend himself as this is a public forum for anyone to join and read.

I think there is a better chance of seeing Elvis at Burger King them him refunding the money but the ball is in his court. He can make it right if he chooses to.
I'm sure he has read this thread numerous times. Maybe from another screen name but im sure he realizes that he will NEVER be able to sell anything on this board again unless he makes right by refunding Dave his entire amount of money back. And HE can pay to have it shipped back to him if he still wanted it which I doubt he does.

I gotta wonder why someone with 1000+ posts would black ball themselves? Maybe he is a crack-head?:confused: Maybe he is knee deep in gambling debt:confused: Donno, don't care. A couple members have stated they are suprised he would do this. BUT.... it's not his first negative transaction so it's likely he is just an opportunist like most criminals are and take advantage of trusting people.

And Dave is one of the most helpful people on this site so for him to openly discuss this means it's indicitive that he has no intentions of making it right and thru many PM's and emails he has gotten the run-around.

But he is free to defend himself as this is a public forum for anyone to join and read.

I think there is a better chance of seeing Elvis at Burger King them him refunding the money but the ball is in his court. He can make it right if he chooses to.

I am sorry for my confusion Brett, that was x2 on what you said and the sympathetic remark was towards the fella wanting to close the thread.:wink:
He scammed me so badly that I had to sue him to try to recoupe some if my money. Dave if I recoupe a fraction of it I will give you some of my winnings as my Atty is free and you and particularlly Brian have been great to me.
I know jason from attending all the buick events in the past. He seemed like one of the good guys in the community. Maybe he has fallen on hard times. I know its no excuse but some people will do what they have to to survive. Some may rob banks or houses, some may sell parts they may not be as advertised. Anyways, I hope jason comes around and gets this all resolved.

I don't see you defending Jason here Kev. I have met Jason a few times at Buick events and he always seemed like a good guy. Matter of fact I just tried to call the cell phone he was using at BG last year and it is cut off. I am not defending him, but it is surprising that he has gotten himself into this. Lot of money involved and the car is obviously not rust free. Hope he gets this straightened out.

Your blatant disrepect to police officers are the reason why the police have so many calls about clowns like you...and why their job is so damn dangerous. Cops are the best examples to ANY neighborhood in the United States...they are there to PROTECT even clowns like you...making crap pay,long stressful hours they have and you run your mouth like this? YOU, dickwad, are the main reason I couldn't be a policeman at all....I couldn't hold back from blowing your fresh, stupid, idiot, loud, imbicilic, disrepectful, stinking, nonkissable mouth by ANY woman or transvestite totally away with my .357 Magnum. It's why I have such great admiration of police officers...they are able to put up with loser clowns like you not only on a daily basis, but an hourly basis. You..the idiot mouthboy here, have pissed me off so bad, I want to find you and beat the living chit out of you, that's how you MADE me feel, and now you know why I can't be a policeman. In high school, I never let bullies get me down, and I truthfully will tell you this, I beat the living chit out of every one of them that picked on me because I wear a hearing aid, had long hair, have a speech defect, walked the wrong way, or had the prettiest girlfriend for them to act BIG MAN in front of...I ran track, played football, baseball and was champ wrestler, worked out, and I NEVER, EVER took the crap like you so disrspectfully gave GNBRETT, you little weasle, I beat them half to death, to this day, regardless of the BIG MAN mouth statement you're going to make to my comments, I'm damn proud of it, that the bullies were taken care of in a very painful way by my fists, and only fists, not the coward way YOU handle things now with you little .44 popgun, knives, acid, machetes, razor know...your type of coward fight. MY GOD, you little chit, I'd take you apart with that mouth of yours the way it is. Sure, saying all this behind a keyboard is easy, but the pure ANGER you got out of me is REAL. You, idiot, are worse than the coward that gypped Dave out of his hard earned money. I'm sure you secretly are getting an orgasim from knowing that. I have to go, I'm so angry that I just can't type anymore. Yes, I feel better knowing that YOU know there are people out in this world who could reduce your little smart stinking mouth to ashes with one swipe. And by YOU knowing that, it's YOU who hides behind the keyboard. You, are a true example of a COWARD. Apologize to GNBRETT, like a MAN would. Then get the **** off this forum.

Bruce '87 Grand National

I would have to disagee until we hear his side of the story. Maybe he will man up and do the right thing. Stranger things have happen.

Brett and Chris, listening to you two argue is like listening to two midgets argue about who is taller ;):biggrin:

Now ya'll play nice!

Bruce, you say that is how he MADE you feel. Seriously, wow, there's not another human on the face of the Earth that MAKES me feel anything. I choose to feel how I WANT to. I'm not sure if you have figured this out yet, but the rant and threats is exactly what Chris was baiting you into. Nobody actually goes out and get in fights with other Buick members, no one is rumbling in the streets, well nobody but me and BillyRValentine. However, let me make this clear, Chris has at least one friend around here and if you ever get the bright idea to, how did you put it, beat him half to death. You will walk a long mile through me to do it.
Your blatant disrepect to police officers are the reason why the police have so many calls about clowns like you...and why their job is so damn dangerous. Cops are the best examples to ANY neighborhood in the United States...they are there to PROTECT even clowns like you...making crap pay,long stressful hours they have and you run your mouth like this? YOU, dickwad, are the main reason I couldn't be a policeman at all....I couldn't hold back from blowing your fresh, stupid, idiot, loud, imbicilic, disrepectful, stinking, nonkissable mouth by ANY woman or transvestite totally away with my .357 Magnum. It's why I have such great admiration of police officers...they are able to put up with loser clowns like you not only on a daily basis, but an hourly basis. You..the idiot mouthboy here, have pissed me off so bad, I want to find you and beat the living chit out of you, that's how you MADE me feel, and now you know why I can't be a policeman. In high school, I never let bullies get me down, and I truthfully will tell you this, I beat the living chit out of every one of them that picked on me because I wear a hearing aid, had long hair, have a speech defect, walked the wrong way, or had the prettiest girlfriend for them to act BIG MAN in front of...I ran track, played football, baseball and was champ wrestler, worked out, and I NEVER, EVER took the crap like you so disrspectfully gave GNBRETT, you little weasle, I beat them half to death, to this day, regardless of the BIG MAN mouth statement you're going to make to my comments, I'm damn proud of it, that the bullies were taken care of in a very painful way by my fists, and only fists, not the coward way YOU handle things now with you little .44 popgun, knives, acid, machetes, razor know...your type of coward fight. MY GOD, you little chit, I'd take you apart with that mouth of yours the way it is. Sure, saying all this behind a keyboard is easy, but the pure ANGER you got out of me is REAL. You, idiot, are worse than the coward that gypped Dave out of his hard earned money. I'm sure you secretly are getting an orgasim from knowing that. I have to go, I'm so angry that I just can't type anymore. Yes, I feel better knowing that YOU know there are people out in this world who could reduce your little smart stinking mouth to ashes with one swipe. And by YOU knowing that, it's YOU who hides behind the keyboard. You, are a true example of a COWARD. Apologize to GNBRETT, like a MAN would. Then get the **** off this forum.

Bruce '87 Grand National

You aint gonna do nuthin but talk like the rest of these b!tches. 601 754 5615 is my phone number. Now lets see you do something besides talk shiet on a forum. You aren't the only one who won't back down from anything. I aint hiding. I shut my mouth out of respect for Shane. F u

You may get away with more threats... because of who's d!ck you got in your mouth...but that is just that. Don't feel special.

Pardon me if I dont highlight EVERY friggin word to make my

And shiet on Brett and every power trip cop out there like him.

Now what?

And good morning.

Now what?

Enough is what, this has gotten totally off topic. Bottom line is we can all see the car that was received. Now its up to them to work this out. We have not heard from Jason on this matter yet either. Please keep this to the car and them, not police officers, who is going to poke who in their eye, etc.:( Fast with Class guys, lets not go there ok. :smile:
Daniel Ray Mod for resto. Thanks
Now what?

Enough is what, this has gotten totally off topic. Bottom line is we can all see the car that was received. Now its up to them to work this out. We have not heard from Jason on this matter yet either. Please keep this to the car and them, not police officers, who is going to poke who in their eye, etc.:( Fast with Class guys, lets not go there ok. :smile:
Daniel Ray Mod for resto. Thanks

Where were you when this guy starts threatening to

Your blatant disrepect to police officers are the reason why the police have so many calls about clowns like you...and why their job is so damn dangerous. Cops are the best examples to ANY neighborhood in the United States...they are there to PROTECT even clowns like you...making crap pay,long stressful hours they have and you run your mouth like this? YOU, dickwad, are the main reason I couldn't be a policeman at all....I couldn't hold back from blowing your fresh, stupid, idiot, loud, imbicilic, disrepectful, stinking, nonkissable mouth by ANY woman or transvestite totally away with my .357 Magnum. It's why I have such great admiration of police officers...they are able to put up with loser clowns like you not only on a daily basis, but an hourly basis. You..the idiot mouthboy here, have pissed me off so bad, I want to find you and beat the living chit out of you, that's how you MADE me feel, and now you know why I can't be a policeman. In high school, I never let bullies get me down, and I truthfully will tell you this, I beat the living chit out of every one of them that picked on me because I wear a hearing aid, had long hair, have a speech defect, walked the wrong way, or had the prettiest girlfriend for them to act BIG MAN in front of...I ran track, played football, baseball and was champ wrestler, worked out, and I NEVER, EVER took the crap like you so disrspectfully gave GNBRETT, you little weasle, I beat them half to death, to this day, regardless of the BIG MAN mouth statement you're going to make to my comments, I'm damn proud of it, that the bullies were taken care of in a very painful way by my fists, and only fists, not the coward way YOU handle things now with you little .44 popgun, knives, acid, machetes, razor know...your type of coward fight. MY GOD, you little chit, I'd take you apart with that mouth of yours the way it is. Sure, saying all this behind a keyboard is easy, but the pure ANGER you got out of me is REAL. You, idiot, are worse than the coward that gypped Dave out of his hard earned money. I'm sure you secretly are getting an orgasim from knowing that. I have to go, I'm so angry that I just can't type anymore. Yes, I feel better knowing that YOU know there are people out in this world who could reduce your little smart stinking mouth to ashes with one swipe. And by YOU knowing that, it's YOU who hides behind the keyboard. You, are a true example of a COWARD. Apologize to GNBRETT, like a MAN would. Then get the **** off this forum. just want to tell ME to shut up?

Tempers flared, it was a lazy afternoon in the winter... Lets leave it at that!

I am asking for all this to be dropped and let the OP's thread continue...

Tempers flared, it was a lazy afternoon in the winter... Lets leave it at that!

I am asking for all this to be dropped and let the OP's thread continue...


Hmmm...Did that yesterday and got slapped around a bit after I turned off the pc.

You must not have noticed all this ugliness untill this morning when I commented.:rolleyes: stuff happens.

Sure. I'll drop it again. I dropped it out of respect yesterday.
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This tends to work for preventing this stuff. :D
Maybe thats it shane, cabin fever lol, lord knows I want to drive mine some but with the rear end tore all to shreads after that boost lauch in renyolds I haven't gotten to drive it since then. I was not trying to single you out 8av8, I was asking for ALL to take a breath and relax , springs coming guys !!!!! Hang in there lol. Daniel
Tempers flared, it was a lazy afternoon in the winter... Lets leave it at that!

I am asking for all this to be dropped and let the OP's thread continue...


Shane I don't have a problem if you want to sift through the thread and delete any unnecessary BS.

As far as 8av8, I don't know what to say??? I don't know who you are or what I did to you? If you have a problem start another thread about it. Or YOU give me money and I'll give you the thread.
Shane I don't have a problem if you want to sift through the thread and delete any unnecessary BS.

As far as 8av8, I don't know what to say??? I don't know who you are or what I did to you? If you have a problem start another thread about it. Or YOU give me money and I'll give you the thread.

I'll be honest Dave, I am really curious about the other side of that roof??? How does it look? Pics:D:D
I'll be honest Dave, I am really curious about the other side of that roof??? How does it look? Pics:D:D

The sunlight wasn't that great on the pass side A pillar when I took the photos. At this time I think I proved my point. I'll chalk this up to a lesson learned, and pray one day jason gets his.

I still want jason to take his skirt off and say something for christ's sake..........I mean chit "even the guy can't think said SOMETHING"