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Update on WE4 Bruce Toelle PTS Xtreme


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By all means

Glad to hear you are around and kickin!

Can I send in my 9/11 converter for a free reflash? J/K!!!! ;)

I am going to still help out with all of this. I just will not be able to PHYSICALLY WORK from the waist up for quite a while.
But as far as parts and tech and converters , why kill a good thing? I am here for EVERYONE OF MY CUSTOMERS

You guys just have to put up with me being a little slow till I relearn some things. All of the info is in my head and clear and concise to me I just have a little diffuculty relaying it to you. I think we are going to write a book, and do a video , not some so called manual, but a book on all that transpired and then what you guys can do to offset your costs and still have a quality product. I got nothing to lose anymore including money. Don't care, don't want to care, and if you follow history, money is the connecting factor 90 % of the time so If you take that 90% of a money problem part out of the picture, all you got is the truth and honesty.
Well, I don't give a flying ah......oops......squirell yea that's it a flying squirell anymore, so if you guys get what I am saying. No money , no bias ,NO BULL$HIT!!!!!
BUT...........They opened your sternum, correct?

I survived my heart valve transplant from 2 years back, some even say that I finally got a heart.:D, the mental recovery has been harder than the physical for me.

Dennis, seriously, they went through the chest, sternum based correct?
How do you feel and did they replace it with Bovine, pig, mechanical or repair your own cartiledge with a bovine ring?
Inquiring minds would like to know.


bruce, glad your doing better. you have damn near been to hell and back. its time for you to relax and spend as much time with your friends and loved ones as you can.

Keep your head up..

At least I keep coming back.
Like the garbage, not so easy to throw out, keeps coming back.

Sounds like you are doing better - got your sarcasm back. :)

I haven't been on this board much lately and was pretty shocked to hear the news. I'm happy you are a cat with 9 lives, that's for sure. Take care,

At least I keep coming back.
Like the garbage, not so easy to throw out, keeps coming back.


You're the energizer bunny now Bruce? Hopefully no one puts your battery in backwards so you do keep cumming and cumming.:biggrin: Bad joke but I just had to Bruce.:rolleyes::smile::eek:
I would think....or like to think....

That in our world that we would want to SUPPORT our people who have given so much to the community and now in return need a little retaliritory help and you would want to help.
I have given HUNDREDS probobly THOUSANDS of hours in trying to bring you guys a better product and invented and brought to the table parts that would help our cars to progress. I wish I still had a list from that week back in 1989-1990 when GNpilot and the others in BUICKGN chatroom when they told me I was nuts and nobody would buy the stuff. I would give alot of money for those transcripts of us in there at 2-5 am in the morning going over this. Dan Boden is just one that comes to mind.
Not to mention, the wife and I were going over our records as the lawyers wanted NUMBERS for their job and we discovered that from the time I started this project , from the first day we picked up a drum and dceided how we were going to produce a better one, to the pans, to the transbrake, to well all parts used and or scrapped during the progression progress and have come up with a number that shocked us.

I shouldn't disclose this but WTF do I care anymore but to make a point I will.
I can't believe she didn't add it up (The wife BTW) and go into the bedroom get my 9mm pistol and shoot me herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dumped over $584,000.00 into this project money that came out of our savings which is gone forever and the comment she made was (Do they even care or know and see what you have put in over the years?)
You know, I couldn't answer her question honestly?
Anyway, Like she said, (with me laughing my ass off) "Do you know how much and how many things I could have had for this house and nobody would care either way?"
Then there were those most famous words in a married couples's vocabulary said.......................YES, DEAR!!!!!!! Thank you honey As I about puke in the backround...........So you gents better appreciate it as I took one for the team!!!



I wanted to post my surgery pics with all the brusing and colors but she (Momma) wouldn't let me. She said some a hole would try to turn it into p:tongue:orn or some crap like that and it wouldn't be worth it, but man dude, I could not have had a whole body tattoo that looked that good!!!(
Dean , you are close

Sounds like you are doing better - got your sarcasm back. :)

I haven't been on this board much lately and was pretty shocked to hear the news. I'm happy you are a cat with 9 lives, that's for sure. Take care,


You KNOW how much crap I got. You would be the first to get up here and decide what you want. I am selling alot of stuff but giving alot of it away. I am NOT going to sort through everything. I am just going to lay oiut in piles and a pile is given AWAY OR SOLD.
But with you and Mark and the others so close you would be a fool not to take advantage of this offer before anyone has the chance.
Dennis, seriously, they went through the chest, sternum based correct?
How do you feel and did they replace it with Bovine, pig, mechanical or repair your own cartiledge with a bovine ring?
Inquiring minds would like to know.


Pig valve, I had a 5.6 aneurysm in the Aorta Stem, I was also bicuspid with 2 leaflets instead of 3. . It is still weird to hear the cracking of my chest every so often. My eye site and memory are not as good as they were. Coughing sucked so my heart pillow was my best friend for months.
When you are ready for visitors, let us know so plans can be made to head out to you. I'll talk to Ed, too.

I am ready

You just have to excuse my slowness sometimes, and sometimes it takes me a second to process.
Other than that, I am still me just ALOT slower..:biggrin:

Just let me know.
I better see that long haired hippielike dude named Mark!. Hehheh

Ed as well
Bruce you have been through the ringer buddy! You and your family are in my prayers. God speed on your recovery and just go with the flow brother.
Rehab is a mental and physical batlle. Keep your chin up and hang in there.

Thanx for your contributions to the Buick community..and thanx for dual feeding the directs that helped ...uh ..just a little...LOL

Heart pillow

Not too many people would know what this is, but it is one of THE SINGLE MOST important things on earth in the early days after surgery!
As simple as it sounds, my daughter gave me this shaggy dog to use as my heart pillow.
What it is , is a pillow or stufferd animal that you keep with you all the time and if you feel you are going to sneeze, cough, hiccup, heartburn, or any other shock to the chest, you criss cross your arms around this pillow or toy, and try to disperse your energy into it so it absorbs the shock.
If you should forget said pillow, this situtaion will only happen once as if you do any of the above without it, you will see and discover planets and stars you had no idea existed. IT HURTS SO BAD THAT DENNIS WILL TELL YOU AS WELL< YOU WILL BE CRYING AND READY TO MEET GOD AT THIS POINT!!!

Dennis? How close did I come to the perfect description of the Heart Pillow?

Yo Bruce sorry to hear about your recent mishap. Maybe you should stop buying duallies or air-brush words on the tailgate that says "stop destroying my ass" :)

Glad you are out of the "storm" and looks like they found you deep rooted issue and fixed it.

Take care bud!

MARK Bald?

Hrmmmm And you wonder have I have 9 lives......:rolleyes:

bruce, i wish i would have been able to know you better. i have only been able to keep up alittle with all the issues you have had over the years. I remember the horse kick incident like it was yesterday. I remember us talking on the phone about it. also remember the talks about the fires etc. Im glad you are doing better and on your way to recovery. God kept you here for a reason my friend. Us buick guys need you :)

one day when you are doing better i would like to meet you in person. I know i might not be able to do much but if you need anything or if there is anything i might be able to do let me know. Maybe lee and i could head up that way togther.

Anyways take care buddy and get well soon.
Man. I don't know what to say but...

What's keeping ya?
Put Lee in the trunk and head North, 5 or 99. Funny thing is you two could technically get on freeway and make a total of 2 turns to get here to my place.

So im'a waiting on you. LOL

Yea there is something you could do, Come up here and buy some of this stuff I got laying around and move it to your manpile down there in L.a. or So Cal, whichever you prefer.

I'd guess..

all of this "overhaul work" means you won't be horseback riding this summer??:confused:

Take it easy! Adopt my "retirement" SOP:
**You can't be late if you don't care when you get there.
**A "power nap" is an absolute essential. [I never allow work to get in the way of the "nap"!!];)

Bottom line: GET WELL SOON!!:D