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Update on WE4 Bruce Toelle PTS Xtreme


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TBcom Admin /Prayers NYFD/NYPD
May 24, 2001
Referring to this post :

Cindy says:
(Bruce is driving me crazy. He needs to be able to work again. LOL)

Seriously, they (meaning the hospital) misdiagnoised me. As time was going by I figured I would be getting better but I started getting horrible headaches and extreme left shoulder pain. They brought me in again and did some more scans and told us I have a severe concussion and a rotator cup muscles torn with a sore socket from the dislocation. I was pissed and asked how they could screw this up? I was getting worse not better. Man was I pissed!!!
Anyway I have had some setbacks and they are treating me and I am now in physical theropy. At least now the headaches come and go and the shoulder is ok if I keep my lt arm below the waist. More and more movement everyday. They say it will just be time from now on , something I am so short on and am so far behind I cannot believe it.

I humbly apologize to all of my customers for understanding and all the emails and calls.
There is no way I could see this coming and I also didn't expect the complications I have suffered.

However, I am starting to catch up on all the things I can do when I can and have a friend helping out with the things I cannot lift or do right now. I figure I will just do what I can do and the rest will fall into place. Just wayyyyy behind but I will persevere.

Thanks to all and if you have had trouble getting a hold of me you now know why. They gave me some meds that make me sleep alot so I won't do anything, but I have been slowly decreasing the meds.

Again I cannot thank or express how much you guys were cool and concerned. Family for sure.
The new website should be going up here in the next couple of months and all will be well. PRAY it will be well. I think I have passed the test.

Oh yea more good news. Turns out kid is 19 years old, had 6 20oz energy drinks in him, NEVER been issued a drivers license in any state, but was driving daddy's car, and claims he wasn't on a cell phone but we saw the phone still live on the floor. He must have gotten to it before the cops. But an onlooker saw it. Once the parent was contacted, The police gave the father a choice , screw his son and screw the other driver by saying the kid stole the car and did not have his concent but then they would add another felony to the kid which two of the citations at the scene of the accident turned into felonies so they would add grand theft auto and grand theft auto causing accident and bodily harm. The lawyers are gonna have a field day because everything is on the kid. Cops said he was 100% at fault and has 6 charges against him, 2 of which are felonies. How do this idiots find me? Both duallys wrecked by unlicensed illegal aliens. My dumb assed luck.
Well, the father took responsibility and gave up the insurance company in which he has pretty good coverage. But what kind of parent would knowinly let an unlicensed driver in todays world, drive?
Everyday this world never ceases to amaze me.

Thanks for listening
Bruce, Glad to see you are doing ok. We are always here for you. God Bless and get well soon. Don't work to hard ;)
Tanks mon lol

Thanks man... Very much appreciated but I still have an obligation to my customers. They can't wait forever. Hell, I feel so bad but at the same time I feel they have shown their concern by putting me before the car. Like they been tellin me, "Bruce, you are person and only human. Cars are a material thing and they will be there when you are better".
I agree but guys want their parts and trannys as they are on a schedule as well and I am screwing that up. I HATE BEING THE THING THAT HOLDS PEOPLE UP!

ANYBODY that has a job in here or cannot wait another week or so I will refund any and all deposits if left and if they want to pick up their car or trans work, I would fully understand and have no issues with it. All I ask is I get compensated for anything that was completed. I fully understand BUT I HAVE BEEN as open to all as I could possibly be and am the most frustrated and internally angered person you know right now. My wife says I am driving her nuts and I should have bitched more in the beginning at the hospital, but I figured it was just part of the healing till the headaches started.

Anyway screen starting to blur now so gonna go eat somethin and take meds and sleep and get ready to get what I can get done tommorrow. One day at a time.

So sorry to hear about the accident..I wish you a full recovery.. Best wishes to you and the family..
Chris P.
Limited still running great, just like when your mother had it.
Today Bruce called me at work. He didn't sound too good. He explained to me that he has heart failure. He was heading into the operating room soon. He doesn't know how this will turn out. Supposedly the doctors are replacing heart valves and try to get his ticker back on track. He told me they were transferring him to another hospital. This particular hospital is re-known as a heart specialist. I hope my friend will be okay.

I can still remember the first time we met. I had just joined the board. I visited PTS Extreme to buy some un-available parts. Bruce came out from back of the shop and introduced himself. We sat in his parts storage area for a few hours just talking. From time to time, we I would visit or we would talk on the phone. Soon after that, he made me a moderator and eventually an admin.

We are a small community with a big heart. I hope you'll take some time out of your busy day to wish my friend well and speedy recovery.

I wish I had more to say to Bruce during our conversation this morning. I was just in shock.
Today Bruce called me at work. He didn't sound too good. He explained to me that he has heart failure. He was heading into the operating room soon. He doesn't know how this will turn out. Supposedly the doctors are replacing heart valves and try to get his ticker back on track. He told me they were transferring him to another hospital. This particular hospital is re-known as a heart specialist. I hope my friend will be okay.

I can still remember the first time we met. I had just joined the board. I visited PTS Extreme to buy some un-available parts. Bruce came out from back of the shop and introduced himself. We sat in his parts storage area for a few hours just talking. From time to time, we I would visit or we would talk on the phone. Soon after that, he made me a moderator and eventually an admin.

We are a small community with a big heart. I hope you'll take some time out of your busy day to wish my friend well and speedy recovery.

I wish I had more to say to Bruce during our conversation this morning. I was just in shock.

Well thanks for the news. Haven't heard anything bad so far so I thought he was OK so far. He's been a staple on the board for a while and I will say a prayer for him.:smile:
This is sad to hear, We wish him well and hope for a speedy recovery! Bruce and family will be in our prayers....

Scot W.
Wow, Bruce I hope you get better man, you have been through a hell of a lot. Get better!
Damn Bruce...take care of yourself man,hope you're back up to speed soon.

I am so sorry to hear this! My prayers will be with him and him family!
This is really crumby news. :frown: Bruce, get well and keep fight'n man!!!

I still got a tranny full of his billet parts that I've been beating on since the mid 90's!! He sure knows how to make some quality parts!!
I hope all goes well for you, you really have had a ruff road to ho. But I wish you and your family all the best and hope you receive the best of care, Just take care of yourself and the rest will fall in place.

God Bless him -I hope he makes a speedy recovery, these surgeries are more of a dailey routine these days, my uncle and cousin went through them with hardly any pain or discomfort.
God Bless you and Cindy in this time of need. Prayers sent.
Get better Bruce! Not a avid religious man, but prayers have been sent.

I was just thinking about him yesterday as I was abusing my trans and it laughed and asked for more.

Mark E.