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Update on WE4 Bruce Toelle PTS Xtreme


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What's keeping ya?
Put Lee in the trunk and head North, 5 or 99. Funny thing is you two could technically get on freeway and make a total of 2 turns to get here to my place.

So im'a waiting on you. LOL

Yea there is something you could do, Come up here and buy some of this stuff I got laying around and move it to your manpile down there in L.a. or So Cal, whichever you prefer.


Im sure i would lose my damn mind if i went up there and looked at all the stuff you have. It would be christmas and i would be in debt big time
Hey Bruce,

This is George Williams from Marietta GA. I just read through the forum and am very glad to see that you made it through some very tough surgery. My father had his mitral valve replaced when he was 62. His heart had enlarged to the point where the doctor couldn't believe he was standing. It has been 8 years now and he as ornery and active as ever (at least for a 70 year old).

I talked with you earlier in February about rebuilding my 200r4 and the billet converter I bought from you almost 10 years ago, and I just left you a message on your phone concerning the transmission.

I hope you are feeling better and better each day Bruce, and my thoughts are with you.


I just tuned in here and didn't realize you were having health problems. My thoughts are with you and I wish you a speedy recovery.

Best wishes,

Tyson Green
Update 2/11/11 Man this sucks LOL

We (Bruce,Cindy,Kendra) have been shocked and amazed with the emails, calls, visits, and donations.

I am just so excitable to hear from you guys and the visits from people in the area and well wishers from all over the world.
I even got some get wells from Belguim, Sweden and other Euroupean countries.

A Few "Bay Area Boys" came up to see me.
I even had a gentleman on his way to Los Angeles from the Northwest that said he had to stop by.
Man you guys know how to touch somebody. Can't get emotional now......

I got a doctor appointment this weekend for a slight complication but I think all should be ok.

We have been just overwhelmed by people asking what we need and/or how they can help us out.

You guys KNOW me and KNOW me very well.
I never ask or have asked for anything.

I have givin out hours of information and done everything I could to help my fellow TR owner. To know me is to understand that I got off more on helping people than I ever did the money.
That is one thing I could never be accused of. I would give people hours of help and never asked for anything in return. Yes, sales, but if you know me, that was last on my list.

Well now My family needs help. My wife did all she could to hold up the fort while I was totally incapacitated.

Yesterday the Doctors gave me my license back so I could drive to dr appointments and the store. So that is a good thing.

I am going nuts around this house. I need to do anything. If someone out there needs something done and you think I could do it for you, please call or contact cause I am going stir crazy and with the chest pain I need something to take my mind off the pain.

We have set up a fund and people have be absolutly fabulous!!!!!!
Paypal is :
Credit card with receipt if asked can be called in or emailed in.

The direct email to us is Please feel free to use it and emails make my day!!!!!

Our address is Bruce, Cindy, and Kendra Toelle
9472 Dillard Road
Wilton Ca. 95693
Phone# 916-952-9567 a manned cell phone now.

The help keeps coming in and Cindy, Kendra, and I do not know the words to thank you all.

Again, there are no words and I need to go as I am starting to get emotional.

Thoughts and prayers to all and we love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bruce, Cindyand Kendra Toelle.

(You guys know me, I don,t care what Happens to me, but my most inportant thing to me is my Girls are Taken care off):o

Bruce We4

I am selling everything I have so if you email what it is you are looking for or need to I will see what I can do. I got alot of stuff that I have never talked or shown people so shoot an email and maybe I have it. I have no junk so if I have it , it is worth something.

I Think I will stick to the Quad,,,, No horses for me... LOL

Nice though tho...:rolleyes:



I tried to email you, but my email service (hotmail) wont let me put a space between BT and Recovery when typing into who it was. I tried to send to with it being rejected....

Anywhere else I could send my email?
Plan B would be

Just send it to PRMNSGN@AOL.COM

I will get it. Thanks again as emails make you feel good.

Sorry you had problems.:frown:

Now you can really keep up with NASCAR races..... But no simulators for you, too much excitement.

How about a Japanese sand garden?

All kidding aside glad to hear you are getting better.
Bruce, How are you feeling? A little update please??

p.s. I never got a response to my email I sent to prmsgn email account :(

Take care friend,
any update on bruce??

Hello! I'm new to the group and I'm wondering if there is any news about Bruce toelle. I'm dying to get a front pump from him for my 200 4r trans along with some other parts. Any update would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the concern guys

I have been recovering slowly and trying not to do too much because that is me. In fact , I have been doing less then I ever have. With the wife, doctor and mother on me 24/7 I don't have much choice. Got this stupid cold with allergies as well so life has kinda sucked lately. I'm told I still have a couple of months to go before I feel more normal and have some stamina. Stamina is the killer right now. Hell I can get tired walking around the house. They have me on a walk and exercise and drug regiment so I guess I just have to let it run the course. Thanks to Eric and Ray Bryant as they are class act family as they have been in touch. Ray just had open heart surgury in Oct last year so he KNOWS what I'm going through. Anyway, putzin around driving myself crazy. Got lots of parts for sale and lots of tools for sale. Got 4 cars for sale. Need to unload. Have no idea how I am going to recover from this, but you watch, somehow I will.
Love and prayers to the Bryant family and ALL the Mothers out there
Happy Mothers Day!

Glad to hear you are recovering. Hell with the doctor, watch out for the wife and mother!! Good luck to you, take it easy and things will get better.
I tried to sell one of your motors for you to a board member, I guess it was too far for him. If you can make a list of what you have for sale and an idea of what you are wanting for them I am sure somebody here needs the stuff.

Take care

Bruce, How are you feeling? A little update please??

p.s. I never got a response to my email I sent to prmsgn email account :(

Take care friend,

Adam, Adam, Adam is my private or was my private email at one time but I use it the most. Last time you had a head smack there I believe, so would you like to do it or should I for ya? LOLOL You made my day man and my chest hurts from laughing. Feels good to smile and talked to Erics dad Ray today. You kill me and I love it.
Thanks for the concern and prayers
Still waiting

Im sure i would lose my damn mind if i went up there and looked at all the stuff you have. It would be christmas and i would be in debt big time

You could still come up and take a ride.............

Adam, Adam, Adam is my private or was my private email at one time but I use it the most. Last time you had a head smack there I believe, so would you like to do it or should I for ya? LOLOL You made my day man and my chest hurts from laughing. Feels good to smile and talked to Erics dad Ray today. You kill me and I love it.
Thanks for the concern and prayers

LOL! I must have just typed in the wrong name in my post here...sheesh. whata embarrassment!

Bruce, bruce, bruce... I DID type it in correctly in my email to you!! I promise I promise!!!! :tongue::tongue: (I knew I did since, I went back to an email you sent me and hit the reply button :D)

And you thought YOU had problems!
I have been recovering slowly and trying not to do too much because that is me. In fact , I have been doing less then I ever have. With the wife, doctor and mother on me 24/7 I don't have much choice. Got this stupid cold with allergies as well so life has kinda sucked lately. I'm told I still have a couple of months to go before I feel more normal and have some stamina. Stamina is the killer right now. Hell I can get tired walking around the house. They have me on a walk and exercise and drug regiment so I guess I just have to let it run the course. Thanks to Eric and Ray Bryant as they are class act family as they have been in touch. Ray just had open heart surgury in Oct last year so he KNOWS what I'm going through. Anyway, putzin around driving myself crazy. Got lots of parts for sale and lots of tools for sale. Got 4 cars for sale. Need to unload. Have no idea how I am going to recover from this, but you watch, somehow I will.
Love and prayers to the Bryant family and ALL the Mothers out there
Happy Mothers Day!


Good to hear Bruce!