use for old aluminum drums?


Feb 26, 2002
Are there any use of an old set of aluminum drums besides paper wieghts? I have a set off my GN, the liners have cracks in them. I wasn't sure if people reline/refurbish these things or what?

"the liners have cracks in them"

That's the main reason I don't like these aluminium drums. On my previous race car, I had one that litterally exploded at the end of the track!...:eek: Luckily, I was able to stop safely, but I said to myself " I'll never use aluminium drums again"...:rolleyes:
Like "liv4gnz" said in the previous post, they're only good for "scrap".

Claude. :)
Don't laugh at this but they make the best set of cup holders ever. Put one on the floor and insert cup. Holds the cup perfect. :)
Besides the expense of having them relined, would it be bad to do? As in failure of the drums after the reline?
Besides the expense of having them relined, would it be bad to do? As in failure of the drums after the reline?

You would be better off installing rear disc brakes. I talked to a guy at the buick meet in march and I think they were talking $150-200 a drum to reline them :eek:
It's only a 10 lb difference. If it's that big of a deal cut out the junk food for a few weeks-now your car will weigh 10 lbs less;)
It is unsprung, rotating weight though. should have more of an affect than takin' a 10 pound dumper :D
Make a nice wall clock out of one of them with the 6 logo in the centerand the numbers going around
It is unsprung, rotating weight though. should have more of an affect than takin' a 10 pound dumper :D

he he, 10 lb dumper:biggrin:

My daughter had one last night. "hey dad, my poop was 'this big'" The wfe and i laughed our asses off
Cup holder LOL.. hope you don't crash or your 5lb cup holder will take a 5 oz chunk out of you head banging around... :biggrin: I flipped a truck that had a bunch of tools and straps and other things behind the seat. ... Nothing like getting showered with crescent wrenches and sockets while going end over end then upside down and backwards.. True story . I had lumps on my head for weeks.
If there cracked scrap pile end of story. These drums do not scare me at all. you should be checking over a performance vehicle much more often anyway and these should be spotted before they come apart.
Are there any use of an old set of aluminum drums besides paper wieghts? I have a set off my GN, the liners have cracks in them. I wasn't sure if people reline/refurbish these things or what?


Nate we have been working with a company who is re lining the old aluminum drums. There will be a core charge on them so you may want to hang on to them. They already do the big Pontiac drums.
Nate we have been working with a company who is re lining the old aluminum drums. There will be a core charge on them so you may want to hang on to them. They already do the big Pontiac drums.

Very cool...I would think there would be lots of interest in this if it ends up not being super expensive.
Bweavy - you got all the bases covered don't you !!:biggrin: You da man.