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what does rod knock ?


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Oct 23, 2001
What I thought was my tranny making noise's turned out to be possible #6rod knock. I checked the bolts on tc, all where tight. No eexhaust leaks but GN would feel.rough when I would accelerate to take off from a stop. At idle it doesn't make any noise just as I tried to take off. I finally put stethoscope on top of pass side valve cover and could hear faint click clack on number 6. So 4.1 is coming out for bottom half re-build.
A slight rod knock should not make it miss or run rough. Pull the valve cover and check the rockers.
Ok, but GN isn't missing. It feels like shudder when I take off from a stop , that's how I can best describe it. You can feel it pretty bad on floorboard. When giving it gas. But after GN takes off it smooths out. If at idle and I goose the throttle, I can hear a clacking sound but again it don't clack at idle. If rocker was broke it would clack constantly even at idle.
What does you're oil and inside of your oil filter look like?

A rod knock shouldn't show itself listening to the valve cover. It should sound like it's coming out of the oil pan mostly.

With any luck you have a bent pushrod, broken rocker shaft, or broke rocker button.
Earl, when I opened the oil filter, I really didn't see big flakes. It was more like gun powder, with some what looked liked silver shavings. But your right, when I was underneath the GN with stethescope on oil pan I didn't hear any knocking. I will pull plugs and valve covers off tomorrow. And see what I see.

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Earl, if any of the ubove that you mentioned, it would make a rattle or thumping sound. As I re-call bending a push rod and breaking a rocker on my first GN. That sound I won't forget.

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Head gasket blown out at the back of the head.!!!

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Nope , not a blown head gaskit as GN don't overheat. Plus radiator is full. And no white smoke coming out of anywhere. I'll check all else tomorrow.
Sent from my LG-LS840 using TurboBuick Mobile mobile app
What throws me off is shudder feeling from floorboard when I give it gas to take off from a stop.
Sent from my LG-LS840 using TurboBuick Mobile mobile app
I'm gonna throw a wild idea at you here. Check the bell housing bolts and see if they're loose. Doesn't happen very often but I have seen it happen.;)
charlie, would that cause the shudder I'm feeling?

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It's possible. Once things are under load the bolts would be in a bind and stop the shudder. It's not likely this has happened but I believe in the KISS method. Start with the simplest thing and go from there.;)
U joint or driveshaft bolts. Clutch packs,bad ring&pinion.

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Also check the THDP for clearance at the upper control arm since the car seems makes the noise under torque. My control arm bushings burned out and caused the DP to hit the control arm under torque.
I have been called"simple minded" because I prefer to start with simple tests when chasing a problem. ;)

In this case, my first check would be with a hand-help temp gun to compare all cylinder temps.

Next I would pull the plugs and check them, and follow with a compression test. :)
Drain the oil in a clean pan. Check for metal. If it's clean, it's not internal in the motor anywhere more than likely. You probably have more than one problem. I'm going to say you might have a bad seal on your headers, a crack in the headers, bad plug wire caused by the heat coming from the craccked headers/leaky flange. A motor that isnt running smoothly is caused by a million different things. Start simple.
Ok, I've already checked for exhaust leaks, no exhaust leaks. Changed wires on #4, did the same thing- no arch, but do have a good arch when I pull off plug wire at #4 coil. I pulled off the belt and noise was more noticeable. Will drain oil and pull pan off next week. As I only have my days off to work on it. ;-) and I go back to work tonight, so it will eat at me til next week. :-)
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Nick. I'll see if I can get ahold of a temp gun, as I don't have one. I have narrowed the noise to front of engine, almost sounds like its coming from timing cover.

Sent from my LG-LS840 using TurboBuick Mobile mobile app
The engine did run smoother when I pulled wire from #6 plug. ;-/

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