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My $.02...
I've been in the "car game" for 65+ yrs. Car clubs, forums, shows, like World of Wheels, drag racing, etc. Without fail, as the economics, demographics, age groups, etc, all change, the interests in these, once fun ventures, declines to failure.
A case in point: Georgia Classic Chevy club. Late 70's, we had 12,000 members. When it came time to step up, volunteer to help with shows, conventions, the same 15-20 folks did all the work. The time passed, and the 12,000 are gone. At the same time, those of us doing all the work, said "screw this."
At 1 time we had more 55-57 Chevies than all the turbo Buicks ever made.
If there was an ACCURATE count of the t cars still left, the number would be small. A trip to BG is an eye opener. Especially, for guys that have been there in the heyday of Buick racing.
People change interests, cars being one of them.
Look at Harley....Young folks ride rice rockets, old die hard HD riders are just that.. Dead. Harley is about to go tango uniform.
The big reunion in SD, is about all I see keeping up with the times.

It's the way it goes.. Like it or not, things change.

BAck under my unused inj bench..
My $.02...

Look at Harley....Young folks ride rice rockets, old die hard HD riders are just that.. Dead. Harley is about to go tango uniform.
The big reunion in SD, is about all I see keeping up with the times.

You skipped a step with the Hardley crowd. When I was in the motorcycle bidness around 2000 +/-, the old Hardley guys were actual motorcyclists. I hate those worthless bikes, but those people were OK to be around.

The 30's/early 40's guys, needed a 'Harley' (not a 'motorcycle') to park between the wife's XL Suburban and the jetskis. That way they could buy black T-shirts (with Hardley Davidson on them), Black flat toe boots (with Hardley Davidson on them), a black vest (with Hardley Davidson on them). and a black bone dome (with Hardley Davidson on them).

Then brag about how clean and low mileage their bike is.

Those guys are actually worse than the street squids (by a pretty good margin)

....and street squids really get on my nerves.
Where is the Paypal link to Donate? Was there a thread started or something? Guess I missed it. Shane is there a link or something? If so, can u please post.
I missed it too. There was a thread discussing it that seemed to fall into the abyss. Happy to donate. Tell me how.

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Turning us against the vendors and threatening them is a mistake. Who are they anyways?
Dont tell me to go to the vendors section and look because it's not that easy to find. When was the last time it was updated? Who's not paying Bill's? Should our first conversation go something like 'you paying your bills because if not...' But how would we know?

Maybe find a new way to generate money.

With you saying 'wonder why im not motivated...' makes me feel like you dont even care about this place and it's the beginning of the end. I'm sorry you got bamboozled but I still hope for the best in the future!
I am not trying to turn you against anyone. I am stating facts... If I wanted to turn you away from a vendor I would simply list all the BS I have heard about them....

THEY, know who THEY are. Some tell me they don't need the site anymore but they sure keep on posting... Again they know who they are.....

I do care, care more than probably anyone else out there. I am just fed up with some of the BS. If I truly get to the point I don't care anymore I would offer the site for sale to SOMEONE in the Buick community. I have turned down 6 figures for this place before the FB revolution. I wasn't interested in selling then and I am not now.

We have some plans to try something different for the server again. With the size of the database we just have a huge footprint. Every "tech" guy I have spoken too immediatley wants to shrink the database, I hear "Do you really need all that stuff from 2002 on." is my email and PP address...
would be great to be able to keep all the tech and usefull data from the sites birth... and can all the jib jab .. but what a task to go through it all ... would take a good bit of time o_O ... thank you for your time and effort and dealing with all the BS ...and most of all caring about the site and us
It's a tough situation Shane. I'm sure they benefit but really, how much? I hate to be the devils advocate but their wates are sold all over the place. Why should you be the only one they pay?

This place is out dated. About the only change I see is the lack of moderation. Remember back when you were a nobody and we had a mob of moderators that were involved in pretty much every single post? We couldnt say 'shit' without the threat of being banned. We always said mods were bad, look at the change. It's nice here now.

Lol yeah Shane was once just a noob around here.

Anyways, those old ways just arnt with the times man. Maybe the days of vendors are over too. You dont even glorify vendors around here, if they're ever mentioned I see 'buy from a vendor.' Who are they though? Do I really need to scroll the main page searching for the vendors section? No, it's easier to select 'find on page.'

So, ads? Personally I dont like them but that's the thing nowadays. They're everywhere anyways so why not here? People shouldn't complain. Crap, I pump my gas and listen to ads.

You're a businessman, you cant figure something out? C'mon!

You touched on something. Data from 2002. You know, theres a lot of garbage here. A lot of posts in the lounge are just a waste of space. Alot of good old school conversations too from our legends. Cant you weed through and delete the crap? What about all the sub sections? You cant streamline them?

And uhhhh....what about the photos from the members rides section? They're kinda important.

Settle down (even tho I know you probably already are) and figure something out so you're at least almost satisfied.
would be great to be able to keep all the tech and usefull data from the sites birth... and can all the jib jab .. but what a task to go through it all ... would take a good bit of time o_O ... thank you for your time and effort and dealing with all the BS ...and most of all caring about the site and us
Some of that job jab is classic old school a lot of fun threads to read of the old guys horsing around.
I think the for sale section is one area that needs to be addressed , there's a lot of useless posts that take up space now, maybe set it up so that anything thats older then 6 months are purged, we really dont need to see stuff from 2006 thats for sale when we do a search,
im sure that would shrink the data base, and any photo oriented section's like members/friends rides/engine bay/ should be deleted and re started since the old photo's are gone, they may turn out smaller since most members are gone also.
I know its a lot of work..
I really doubt anyone is gonna read nor care about threads from 15-20 years ago.

There was a lot of valuable information on builds and tech info that was lost. That's a shame.
reading this shit show tells me some others should start another board. that Shane guy obviously doesn't have a clue how to run a BB. ;)
You know what p's me off Grumpy? When I think about all those old guys Shane trusted and listened to. Shane came around when those guys were popular so Shane trusted them. A bunch of windbags that screwed this place up and got alot of people to dislike Shane and I really dont know what Shane did wrong.

Let's play 'Where are they now.'

Correct me if I'm wrong (PLEASE!) but have that all bailed?

Whatever, in the end it's up to Shane to figure something out. This place might be kinda slow but I have a feeling that that'll change, might take a year or five but itll change.

P.s. in the past I've searched BBs for old content. Sometimes I get redirected to an archive. It's part of the site but very generic looking, no colors, no photos, no avatars, just black and white text. What's that all about? Would it be an option here?
Valuable to who? Do u really think ppl search back 15 years for information? Hardly. They look back maybe 10 pages and thats like 6 months worth. Bottom line is if all this info is causing this many issues with the server then its time to go and move forward!!!!

There was a lot of valuable information on builds and tech info that was lost. That's a shame.
Thanks guys. Again, hopefully we still have a large portion of that old content. Just trying to get it restored. It is a tedious process.

Most of the trouble makers have gone on, not sure whom you guys are speaking of but....

There are many misconceptions about things here. Since I bought the board NOTHING has been deleted. All the deletions and all the crazy stuff that happened was before I bought it. If there are any missing threads 99 times out of 100 we have the thread in the Problem Thread archive. Also contrary to popular believe I don't hide things for vendors. I am accused of doing so for a few of them but the funny things is there are plenty of threads bashing them and me for protecting them, LOL! The stupid runs deep sometimes.....
When I search back to the beginning I get reminiscent and read read read lol.
Shane, I didnt say troublemakers idt, but you know the whom's I speak of. You mentioned some of them with your last paragraph. I believe you tho and yes, the stupid does run deep.
I think the for sale section is one area that needs to be addressed , there's a lot of useless posts that take up space now, maybe set it up so that anything thats older then 6 months are purged, we really dont need to see stuff from 2006 thats for sale when we do a search,
im sure that would shrink the data base, and any photo oriented section's like members/friends rides/engine bay/ should be deleted and re started since the old photo's are gone, they may turn out smaller since most members are gone also.
I know its a lot of work..

There is a reason why I choose to leave the for sale section fully intact.

It "helps" to keep people honest. People used to buy cars or parts etc, ask to have the old ad deleted so they could jack the price up or lie after trying to polish a turd....

I see it almost daily on another type of board I visit. They have a huge for sale section and they allow self moderation. Well there is always people claiming ads where changed or people lied about condition etc....