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Aug 28, 2004
Using my phone and tried a PC.....this forum is really bad now!

What happened to all the pics in the "For Sale" . I can't see shit but a Black X.

100% worthless to browse now.

Have been away for a while and come back the site keeps getting worse and worse as the years go by.

Server fire late last year. All pictures uploaded prior to October 2019 are gone.
yes, site was down for about a week or so. went live again about January 7th using a text only backup created on October 18th or so.

everything from october 18th to January 7th is gone forever. all the pics and attachments from October 18th back to the re-birth of the forum in May 2001 are also gone, possibly forever, if the site's owner doesn't try to recover any data from the hard drives or the hard drives are unrecoverable from the fire and/or fire suppression systems deployed. they are pretty tight lipped about any efforts of data recovery and don't seem to be open to member help in restoring data. I have 23 pages of tech threads in my watched group that I've participated in stuff other than idle chit chat. I've offered to go thru my threads and re-upload any pics or file attachments but all I hear in turn is crickets...:rolleyes:
Operating a forum has become an increasingly thankless job. Very few understand or appreciate the investment in time, money, effort, etc. Meanwhile, operating expenses rarely if ever decrease. I'm grateful that this forum still exists. Thank you.
If I could go back and edit some old threads I could also reload saved pics I have too. Hopefully they can open up editing.
yea and ppl are willing to pay and have been for many years so that comment falls on deaf ears
I hear ya GNBRETT .. there are probably many things that go along with it being a paid for membership ... legally.. and I am guessing that is why that option has not been pursued ... probably much more of a headache IDK..
yea and ppl are willing to pay and have been for many years so that comment falls on deaf ears

I seriously doubt that.

People might claim that before they can actually put their money where their mouth is... (sorta like when everybody wanted Mark to re-pop Buick Motorsports tach faces, and he got stuck with them)

But I can say with 100% accuracy, I'll be gone like a shot.

The ability to edit my posts would be nice though. It's been quite a few years since Bruce owned the board and the turbobuick .vs turbobuicks drama was happining.

Pretty much every one of my how-to tech articles are worthless now.
That was the good old days when memberships would have worked, not these days. Btw, where are all the guys that helped screw these places up and left Shane stuck?
I hardly doubt any long term members would have a problem donating $25 a year to something some spend thousands of hours on each year. Marks tach faces is a really weak comparison bro. Apples to oranges......

I seriously doubt that.

People might claim that before they can actually put their money where their mouth is... (sorta like when everybody wanted Mark to re-pop Buick Motorsports tach faces, and he got stuck with them)

But I can say with 100% accuracy, I'll be gone like a shot.

The ability to edit my posts would be nice though. It's been quite a few years since Bruce owned the board and the turbobuick .vs turbobuicks drama was happining.

Pretty much every one of my how-to tech articles are worthless now.
Regarding charging annual membership fees....there is a much greater, complicated web to navigate above and beyond whether membership fees/dues are a good idea or how much or who would pay.

When annual membership fees/dues are assigned, the definition of this "social club" changes. there are several state and federal regulatory agencies from which to comply. The club is regulated by the state in which it is registered. Yes, have to register the club with the state the owner resides unless he chooses to state shop for more friendly state regulations via shell companies and LLC's.

Additionally, there is the federal regulatory compliance to deal with. Expecting the newly defined social club with its membership fee structure is registered as a non-profit 501(c)(7), it must adhere to the IRS regulatory bylaws for 501(c)(7). Part of that is publishing a financial disclosure statement summary to the members of the club detailing the sources of revenue, interest and expenses. While social clubs are not taxed at the federal level, IRS form 990 must be filed each year. if not filed for 3 consecutive years, the club looses its non-profit status. The google ad revenue received may be greater than the allowable income from nontraditional sources for 501(c)(7) status.

It may very well be better to keep the site as a free social club. for more detailed info, refer to the link below.
exactly what I was referring to Anthony ... as being more of a headache/complicated
I had to stop reading before I blew a head gasket... 1st off this sites database is HUGE. The server bills are extremely high. People are quick to say they would pay, I am sorry but I find that hard to believe. I can't get people to take 3 secs to click an ad, what makes me think they will pony up money? 2nd, lets imagine I did take paid memberships and spent more money on the board and another problem happened. People bitch about it and its free, I can't imagine what it would be like if they had a nickel invested....Finally, all the I'd pay, I'd donate talk lasts about 2 days. I have put up a donation paypal address and had 3 people donate....

One of the other Admin, has been broke down and basically homeless for the last 3 weeks. We have a large amount of files left to upload but we are waiting for him to make it back home. None of this is anyones problem or concern, I am not complaining just stating facts....

I am about to have my fill of this if you wanna know the truth. I realized how ungrateful people can be a few years ago at the event we put on. We had more people show up on a Thursday for a free meal than actually went and paid to go into the track.

I know many of you guys are genuine and actually care, if it weren't for you guys I don't think I would keep doing it. The ASSHOLES are out numbering the good guys lately though.....

Wonder why I am not motivated to do more:cautious:
If you guys really wanted to help do 2 things, tell your vendor if they are not PAYING advertisers here you won't buy from them. A good majority of them don't think they should have to pay because of Facebook. I am not saying they are wrong. Funny thing is I see they still post here but don't wanna pay. I am going to fix that chit before long too, gonna embarrass a few folks....

2nd google how google ads work. I don't want donations, don't really want to charge for memberships, if these things were done correctly there wouldn't be a need...
thank you SGRIM for the insight... you know I contribute ... please post donation address for others ;)
Where is the Paypal link to Donate? Was there a thread started or something? Guess I missed it. Shane is there a link or something? If so, can u please post.
vendor...not PAYING...won't buy from them....gonna embarrass a few folks....
Turning us against the vendors and threatening them is a mistake. Who are they anyways?
Dont tell me to go to the vendors section and look because it's not that easy to find. When was the last time it was updated? Who's not paying Bill's? Should our first conversation go something like 'you paying your bills because if not...' But how would we know?

Maybe find a new way to generate money.

With you saying 'wonder why im not motivated...' makes me feel like you dont even care about this place and it's the beginning of the end. I'm sorry you got bamboozled but I still hope for the best in the future!