First of all, thanks Cal for encouraging me to waste 30mins of my life that I will never be able to get back.................
Congrats Donnie on your new personal best!
I'm contemplating trying the same engine management TEC3-r on my new twin turbo GS project. The only reservation I have at this point is the software appears to SUCK as well as the data logger when comparing to a FAST or BS3. If I stay the course with the TEC system I will run a separate PCS datalogger which can interface with the TEC via the RS232 port. This is the same company that makes the dash logger for FAST. This would be the equivalent of having the datalogging capabilities of the FAST system although it still wouldn't have the ability to spread everything you need out on one screen and overlay data onto tables. FWIW.
Couple of observations from all the BS........
I can attest to this. My RPM curves look relatively flat other than the shift changes but the ds rpm just continues to build. And like Dusty said, the rpm should always fall back to the true stall regardless of the shift points. You could save yourself a lot of headache and $$ if you let Dusty spec you a converter and improve your performance to boot. You will never get the perfect converter using NOS to spool a turbo - there will always be a certain amount of compromise. I speak from experience in using the juice with a BIG turbo.
BTW, my PTC calculated slip up top is around 4%

I guess I need to install that tire growth sensor to see what it really is.
I noticed the same thing. Why do you feel you need to use all the available stages on the AMS if you don't necessarily need them?