Here's another story I was told of just yesterday, that I thought was fun to hear.
The tech inspector and the racing director at the track happened to be at the front of the staging lanes talking with each other when my car came up for a run. I'm sure it was one of the two last runs of the day. The 5.67 runs. The yankers.
The tech inspector, who also is the owner of a company that we do business with came by the shop yesterday and told me this story. He came by the shop just to congratulate me on the latest progress with the car. That was cool of him.
Anyway, the story continues like this, Steve noticed the car staging and was telling Cliff, "You know, if Donnie ever gets that thing to hook, that car's going to be a bullet." Then the car launched...
Holy ####!
He ended his short visit to the shop with, "Don't think people aren't watching what you're doing with that car."
I replied, "Yeah, too bad they also have to witness all the bust runs too, when I'm experimenting with the tuneup."
You don't fall across the bitchin tuneups without taking the chance and trying new things with the tuneup. It will make you look like a fool to others sometimes, but it can also be very rewarding when you stumble on one.