Thanks Charlie. Donnie pretty much summed up his intent when he made this post:
Since he doesn't understand a basic principle of the AMS boost controller, I was offering constructive comments and suggestions. I realize he said "there's very little that I can't figure out on my own, and I think I've proved that throughout the many postings I've made." Once I realized he was missing something, I drew his attention to it. The reason it's taking so long is because he doesn't know what he doesn't know :smile:
I understand we can all just ignore him and let him do it his way. My concern with this is he starts these blogs (his word) and then someone might read it and assume the information is all good. There really needs to be checks and balances. I have had at least a dozen conversations with my AMS customers, explaining why we don't do it the DonWG way :redface: I hope that if anything, he calls his AMS vendor and get the tech support he deserves.
I also want to aplogize to Will for drawing his attention to this thread. Will is a great guy, whom I have a lot of respect for.
You're absolutely right, Cal. I'm not doing it the mathematically correct way, I'm sure. Though, I hope you do understand that if a target with a certain ramp can't be obtained, and you absolutely need that target to be obtained, that will certainly show up in the graph view. One is then free to correct the settings to adjust for that, or they can simply leave the settings alone if the graph view is a proper representation of the curve they are attempting to create.
Now, I will admit that I don't have the patience to sit down to thoroughly study and understand the math involved with the settings to the point that the curve and settings are mathimatically perfect. I will also guess that the vast majority of people that use this unit also don't have the same patience. That is why so many people come to you for help when it comes to setting up a program. Am I wrong about this? I would also guess that AMS has found that too many people struggle with the settings, which is why they have gone to a completely different software interface with the new 2000.
You so quickly assume that I don't understand the ramping problem. I do. I've just been able to work around the problem with my particular settings. You cannot say that my settings don't work. They may not be the cleanest (mathematically) settings. But the settings work. And I didn't have to take the AMS math course 101 on their unit to figure it out.
I posted my experiences with the unit to show how I'm learning to use the unit, not to attempt to show that I'm some sort of wizard with the unit as yourself. Is it the correct mathimatical procedure? Absolutely not! Does it result in a control pressure curve that will match any other settings method to come up with the same curve?
If a person is able to understand this grey area that I've learned to work with on this unit, then they shouldn't have a problem following the way I set up the unit. If they are incapable of perceiving this grey area, or simply have absolutely no clue about how to set up this unit, then my way would certainly be the harder way to try to understand. Just look how hard it was for Cal to understand how I do it.
The easiest way would be to just call Cal and have him write the math out for you.
There you go, Cal. I gave you a free plug. How do you like that?