87 white regal


Rear suspension, paint job on parts need touching up & cosmetics still in progress. Excuse the messy work benches. This has been a major thrash & clean up comes later.

car looks killer cant wait to see the finished pics
Thanks Dave, The car is coming along nicely all that's left to do is the front brakes & tuning. Then the customer gets it & he is going to wet sand the paint & buff it out. Heres some pictures of the wheels & DR's he choose.
Hey MSDGN (Scott),

Hopefully I will meet you and Nick sometime in the near future.

I'm told the 2 cars you speak of are WAY more than fast.;)

I'm just looking to have some fun with a Mustang or two and maybe a Honda or 4.....:cool:

I'm currently attempting to trace the history on this car and if it turns out to be the car I think it is, it will already have an amusing 25 history with me.

How cool would that be?

The big upside to getting this car in July is that it is definately the PERFECT time to run a Turbo car in Phoenix.................... or maybe not.:biggrin:

Mumble, mumble, mumble...........:mad:

The big upside to getting this car in July is that it is definately the PERFECT time to run a Turbo car in Phoenix.................... or maybe not.:biggrin:


Yikes....Even with the dual Derale fans I'm running, one quater mile sprint and the engine is so heat soaked it takes half an hour to get back down to 160*. My car is parked until temps drop back below 100*.
Yikes....Even with the dual Derale fans I'm running, one quater mile sprint and the engine is so heat soaked it takes half an hour to get back down to 160*. My car is parked until temps drop back below 100*.

Even racing at night in the summer bites...it's still over 100 degrees outside at 8:00 pm...sucks sitting in the staging lanes with a fire jacket and helmet on...soaking wet before I start my run...I tried racing in the summer many years ago...I even went at 9:00 pm...thought it would be cool enough outside...WRONG!...I don't race in the summer at all now...TurboTGuy I'm sure we will meet one day...I primarily race at Firebird...I take the GN show car to Pavillions occasionally...
GAWD, you elders can be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO emberassing at the worst possible moments............

Giving away any secret a boy could hope to hide......

Thanks Lou, thanks alot!

Now I won't be able to attend any summer camp anywhere that all the kids won't already know about me............. :eek:

Are you sure you weren't the MMFIC at some sheep hearders camp in a past life? ;)

You know, picking out the weak ones and all...........Exploiting them to the others.......


Honestly though,

Thank you so much for all of your help, knowledge, guidance and mentoring.

You have been a true inspiration and friend to me.

Don't think it went unnoticed.

The fact that you are willing to put this car out there and be as proud of it as you have shown to be just reinforces the fact that the trust you asked for, and that I immediately felt when we first spoke, was well placed.

You are truly an honorable man and business owner.

Who'd a thunk when I saw this car on e bay.............well, who'd a thunk..........?

Not me.......... that's for sure, but life is funny that way...
Y'all know what I'll be dreaming about tonight........

No MC, it's not about your man dress........

I get to go pry the car from Lou's hands next weekend!

Not saying I don't want him to keep up the thrash, but none of you can imagine just how stoked I am to spend a little windshield time in this little car.

I'm thinking I might need to bring a crowbar.........

Lou evidently has not told New Guy yet that his current release policy is for all his new creations to be road tested by Meanchicken and Flaco before being released to the new owner.

Bwoohahahhahaaa :biggrin:

Bwoooahhahahhahaaa :biggrin:

Bwoohahahahahahhaaaaaa :biggrin:
Don't be shy.

Mr. Chicken,

If you and Flaco are in Lake Forest next weekend and want to take her for a lil' spin, I'm ok with that.

LIL' being the operative word here.

If you break it, you pay to fix it.

I'd like to meet you guys.

Mr. Chicken,

If you and Flaco are in Lake Forest next weekend and want to take her for a lil' spin, I'm ok with that.

LIL' being the operative word here.

If you break it, you pay to fix it.

I'd like to meet you guys.
Yeah, Guy maybe even take them on your next camping trip. lol
I live about 10 minutes from Lou's shop...I might even have my GN in there next Sat getting wheel studs installed.

If I see the White T in the lot...and can pry the keys from Lou's hand...I'll go run her through the gears and see how she breaths...:D
And Lou denegrates me for not being able use ScanMaster fully.
But...U R still much quicker than I.

In my defense...these studs are long enough that the axles need to come out...

I'm not opposed to yanking my own axles (done it before on my Camaro)...I just don't feel like doing it.

On a 68 Camaro I used to troll around in in High school I had these poorly chosen and overly deep dished American Racing sloted rims (it was the late 70's :rolleyes:). The problem I always had was the studs would stress fracture over time and then snap occasionally. I'd hear it happen...they'd ping around the wheel dish until they got shot out onto the street....I'd watch them bounce off other cars in my mirrors... "Oooh...that's gonna leave a mark..."

I carried a bag full of spare studs and lug nuts around...I'd pull over...pull the wheel and brake drum...bang the rest of the broken stud out of the hub with a hammer and punch...insert the new stud...thread the nut on inside out and then wrench down on it to pull the stud into place...then back the nut off and reinstall everything and be on my way until I heard the next one go...:rolleyes:
I had the same problem/solution with '65 Chevelle in college.

Turned out both the rear wheels were bent.

But it was college and I was drunk most of the time.... Kinda like now but I was better looking...........
In my defense...these studs are long enough that the axles need to come out...

I'm not opposed to yanking my own axles (done it before on my Camaro)...I just don't feel like doing it.

On a 68 Camaro I used to troll around in in High school I had these poorly chosen and overly deep dished American Racing sloted rims (it was the late 70's :rolleyes:). The problem I always had was the studs would stress fracture over time and then snap occasionally. I'd hear it happen...they'd ping around the wheel dish until they got shot out onto the street....I'd watch them bounce off other cars in my mirrors... "Oooh...that's gonna leave a mark..."

I carried a bag full of spare studs and lug nuts around...I'd pull over...pull the wheel and brake drum...bang the rest of the broken stud out of the hub with a hammer and punch...insert the new stud...thread the nut on inside out and then wrench down on it to pull the stud into place...then back the nut off and reinstall everything and be on my way until I heard the next one go...:rolleyes:
Yeah, a hammer & punch won't cut it with these longer studs. While I'm at it the axle seals will be changed & check the rear end out for any possible problems.
Yeah, a hammer & punch won't cut it with these longer studs. While I'm at it the axle seals will be changed & check the rear end out for any possible problems.

Rear end check...uh...:eek:
Other than being a bit gassy from the wifes Taco Soup...the rear end is just fine....no need to go there...thanks...:redface:

But if you want to inspect the differential on my GN...then cool...
When I changed the lube last year, the magnet had a nice layer of clutch material on it...