Anxiety or Panic Attacks

I have taken ATENELOL for years (12 probably) for high BP but it does nothing for these bad boys when and if they hit.

Not suppose to take 'em with a case of brew! :biggrin:

Seriously, you may have built up a tolerance. They may work for a 'newbie'. Worth a try.
Anybody ever have them? I had one last night again and I felt like I was going to die?:eek:

I had an attack about (4) months ago (scares the living sht otta ya btw) and the doctor prescribed me Niravam that disolves under the tongue. I guess Niravam is another form of Xanax.

I going thru a bad bout of Lyme right now and have been treating it for (3) weeks now and don't really feel much better now then I did (3) weeks ago:mad:. My fuken neck won't stop hurting and im nauseous all day long! I am assuming the panic attack is related in some way or another to my Lyme or maybe im just dying?

My Niravam is 0.5mg. I took (1) and it didn't seem to help so I took another and that didn't seem to help so I took a third and eventauuly after (20) minutes or so I started to come back to Earth.

Anyone have a recommeded dosage or Niravam or Xanax to take when a panic attack hits? I probably should have taken (3) at once. Anyone have any advice or suggestions?
Niravam and Xanax chemical name alprazolam are both the same and are scheduled benzodiazopines.
Im suprised it took 1.5mg of alprazolam to curb the anxiety especially if you arent a daily user of it. That chit is no joke and has a high rate of dependancy if taken for a long time. It is abused by many people for rec use unfortunately. It can become a crutch. The maximum daily dose is 3mg if i recall. Taken as needed (Which to anyone reading this it means that you dont always take the max dose every day!). 1.5 mg in 20 min is a lot for someone not used to taking it. Im suprised it didnt put you to sleep. Dont drive or operate machinery after taking it. The dose is dependant upon the severity of the attacks and the amount prescribed by the doctor. Everyone is different. If i took 1.5 mg of alprazolam id probably fall asleep and not wake up for a long time since ive never taken it.
Schedule IV drug findings required:
(A) The drug or other substance has a low potential for abuse relative to the drugs or other substances in schedule III.
(B) The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
(C) Abuse of the drug or other substance may lead to limited physical dependence or psychological dependence relative to the drugs or other substances in schedule III.

Control measures are similar to Schedule III. Prescriptions for Schedule IV drugs may be refilled up to five times within a six month period.

Drugs on this schedule include:

* Benzodiazepines, such as alprazolam (Xanax), chlordiazepoxide (Librium), diazepam (Valium)
o temazepam (Restoril) (Note that some states require specially coded prescriptions for temazepam)
o flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) (Note that Rohypnol is not used medically in the United States);
* The benzodiazepine-like "Z-drugs": Zolpidem (Ambien), Zopiclone, Eszopiclone, and Zaleplon;
* Dextropropoxyphene (Doloxene) and propoxyphene (sold in the U.S. as Darvocet);
* Long-acting barbiturates such as phenobarbital;
* Some partial agonist opioid analgesics, such as pentazocine (Talwin);
* Antidiarrheal drugs, such as difenoxin, when combined with atropine (Motofen) (difenoxin is 2-3 times more potent then diphenoxylate, the active ingredient in Lomotil, which is in Schedule V);
* "Diet drugs" such as phentermine, sibutramine and mazindol;
* Certain non-amphetamine stimulants, including pemoline and the pseudostimulant modafinil.
* Chloral hydrate (sold as Aquachloral), used as a sedative and hypnotic.
* Meprobamate (Miltown)
* As listed on the US Customs web site under discussion of Khat, see cathine and its listing based on relative freshness.
One thing to watch out for though: Xanax is HIGHLY addictive and can cause more harm than good. Dealing with someone having this problem right now.

I have before and its a real PIA and it wasnt recreationally used either. Very stressful the amount of BS you encounter whan you take care of someone who has anxiety and depression. If they have any other dependancies such as alcohol its even more of a bitch.
I guess you are right. From what I have read 0.5 mg is a small dosage so I will kepp that in mind if it happens again.
Dont be decieved. Its a small dose for someone that has been taking 60-90mg/month for years at a time but its a big enough dose for a person that rarely takes it. Dont take more than needed and avoid taking it if possible. Panic attacks wont kill you. Ive never had one but from my observations of others they must really suck.
1.5 mg in 20 min is a lot for someone not used to taking it. Im suprised it didnt put you to sleep. Dont drive or operate machinery after taking it.

Yea ya know it's funny you say that about putting me to sleep. As soon as felt somewhat normal I poped an Ambien CR because I just wanted to go to sleep so the anxiety would not return. The last thing I remember last nite was taking a drink of water after swollowing the Ambien. Usually the Ambien takes 20-25 minutes to knock me out. Does the machinery thing include guns?:eek: :cool: I did take a few days off.
Some people will need a Zoloft/Paxil long term as preventive maintenance,
others can get buy with an emergency supply of Xanax or Ativan.
The less fortunate have to rely on both...:(

Anxiety and depression are two totally different things and require different drugs. They are not always paired but in a lot of cases they are. Zoloft and Paxil are for depression and will not help with a panic attack at all. It takes a benzodiazipine like alprazolam to suppress the anxiety if its severe. The only ones that would benefit from both would be those that were under the care of a doctor and exhibited depression and extreme anxiety at the same time. If you suffered from anxiety and took an anti-depressant you could really screw yourself up bad. Always follow the doctors instructions and never self medicate.
Yea ya know it's funny you say that about putting me to sleep. As soon as felt somewhat normal I poped an Ambien CR because I just wanted to go to sleep so the anxiety would not return. The last thing I remember last nite was taking a drink of water after swollowing the Ambien. Usually the Ambien takes 20-25 minutes to knock me out. Does the machinery thing include guns?:eek: :cool: I did take a few days off.
You better consult with a doc about taking the 2 of those together. Not sure thats a good idea and doesnt seem a doc would prescribe both at the same time. The alprazolam should have been enough to knock you out. I bet you were a zombie when you woke up later.
I subscribe to both acupuncture and twice monthly visits to the chiropractor. It has made a world of difference for me. I am often too much of a type A personality. I need to be calm, collected and quick thinking when under intense pressure at work. My .02

Maybe Brett should try masterbation:tongue:

I have to make some quick comments...

Dose depends on patient, maximum is recommended between 3-6mg per day, and I know people prescribed 2mg bars 3x a day. Depending on your liver functions I'd say a dose of 1-2mg is a good dose for a acute attack. Try chewing the pill if you really get panicked, it'll help kick it in quicker but taste horrible!!! Like was already said, only take when you are having an attack. Usually, I've found if I wait until the attack is full blown and all I can do is concentrate on the attack I end up "chasing" it trying to calm down with too much drugs. After time I've learned to "feel" when I'm getting one and taking a .5mg pill before it gets bad can stop or slow down an attack greatly and prevent me from taking more than I need.

Anxiety and depression are not two totally separate things, most times they are hand in hand. The reason doctors prescribe SSRI's like zoloft, paxil, welbutrin, prozac, etc., is because they have such high success with these drugs in dealing with depression related anxiety. I have said SSRI's didn't help me but could help others with similar symptoms.

And a panic attack won't kill you, it's only the elevated heart rate, closing of the throat and asphyxiation etc. that results from a panic attack that could.

I wouldn't take ambien after a xanax as stated before.
Xanax addiction is real and can be a very painful thing. I have a very close friend who has been through two years of rehab and is now just finally getting his life back after about ten years of total oblivion. Another friend, now ex-friend, has not been able to shake it and has been hooked on the things for years (among a laundry list of meds). I was given a prescription to them a few years ago during a divorce. The doctor told me just take them as I felt I needed. They really didn't agree with me given my job at the time and my propensity to consume adult beverage. Discountinued use and was glad for it after everything was done.

Not trying to say meds like this don't have their place in this world, but they are very dangerous. I haven't read anyone bring this up yet, but don't drink and take them at all. Alcohol and Xanax lead to blackouts.
Anxiety and depression are not two totally separate things, most times they are hand in hand. The reason doctors prescribe SSRI's like zoloft, paxil, welbutrin, prozac, etc., is because they have such high success with these drugs in dealing with depression related anxiety. I have said SSRI's didn't help me but could help others with similar symptoms.

And a panic attack won't kill you, it's only the elevated heart rate, closing of the throat and asphyxiation etc. that results from a panic attack that could.

I wouldn't take ambien after a xanax as stated before.

Exactly. I suffered from this many years ago. It was terrible, and I never knew when it would hit or what the severity would be. I know I lived with shotting pains in my head for almost 6 months.

My treatment back then was Prozac, and Ativan to be used for the attacks only.

I had found it really was mind over matter. Basically I turned completely within myself. I would come home from work and read, read and read books. I found after 6 months of this the attacks subsided until they eventually went away.

I found when reading, my mind would totally concentrate on what I was reading rather then be concerned when the next attack would come.
I have to make some quick comments...

Dose depends on patient, maximum is recommended between 3-6mg per day, and I know people prescribed 2mg bars 3x a day. Depending on your liver functions I'd say a dose of 1-2mg is a good dose for a acute attack. Try chewing the pill if you really get panicked, it'll help kick it in quicker but taste horrible!!! Like was already said, only take when you are having an attack. Usually, I've found if I wait until the attack is full blown and all I can do is concentrate on the attack I end up "chasing" it trying to calm down with too much drugs. After time I've learned to "feel" when I'm getting one and taking a .5mg pill before it gets bad can stop or slow down an attack greatly and prevent me from taking more than I need.

Anxiety and depression are not two totally separate things, most times they are hand in hand. The reason doctors prescribe SSRI's like zoloft, paxil, welbutrin, prozac, etc., is because they have such high success with these drugs in dealing with depression related anxiety. I have said SSRI's didn't help me but could help others with similar symptoms.

And a panic attack won't kill you, it's only the elevated heart rate, closing of the throat and asphyxiation etc. that results from a panic attack that could.

I wouldn't take ambien after a xanax as stated before.

I actually did the exact same thing and took a 0.5 yesterday when I started feeling lightheaded like one was coming on again. It never came so I guess maybe thats a decent idea. I hadn't had one in 4 months so I dont carry pills with me usually but I was at home thankfully.

I know its my fuken Lyme that in one way or another is causing these. Lyme is an ugly evil.
glad to hear you didn't have a panic attack... What really bothered me is that shortly after an attack I could only concentrate on when I may have another and every little thing seemed a symptom of another attack. It really is a mental trip. Sometimes it seems like it's started by your mind process and sometimes it seems your mind is responding to physical symptoms. It's a very hard thing to deal with and most people look upon it as a mental weakness. I looked at it this way when I first got them. Unfortunately some of us get these, but we can deal with them. The best things for me were talking about my problems and finding that other people had them and getting the right combination of drugs. Believe it or not, as bad of a reputation as xanax has, I benefited from it. I needed a pill in the back pocket for years just for reassurance. Now I don't even have to walk around with a pill and rarely have a "major" panic attack. But, when I have one I realize again how bad they are.

My advice, talk about it. You may be amazed how many people have similar problems. They can all help show how to deal with it.
I have before and its a real PIA and it wasnt recreationally used either. Very stressful the amount of BS you encounter whan you take care of someone who has anxiety and depression. If they have any other dependancies such as alcohol its even more of a bitch.

Tell me about it....Worst part is when she has her head too far in the sand to realize what's going on, much less stand up and face her demons.
glad to hear you didn't have a panic attack... What really bothered me is that shortly after an attack I could only concentrate on when I may have another and every little thing seemed a symptom of another attack. It really is a mental trip. Sometimes it seems like it's started by your mind process and sometimes it seems your mind is responding to physical symptoms. It's a very hard thing to deal with and most people look upon it as a mental weakness. I looked at it this way when I first got them. Unfortunately some of us get these, but we can deal with them. The best things for me were talking about my problems and finding that other people had them and getting the right combination of drugs. Believe it or not, as bad of a reputation as xanax has, I benefited from it. I needed a pill in the back pocket for years just for reassurance. Now I don't even have to walk around with a pill and rarely have a "major" panic attack. But, when I have one I realize again how bad they are.

My advice, talk about it. You may be amazed how many people have similar problems. They can all help show how to deal with it.

Yea sometimes I think one is coming on and its just a headache:mad:. I've been outta work for a couple weeks now and hopefully return next week. I hope. Lyme really kicks ur ass tho so im not really optomistic to be returning next week.

Fortunately my Department has an unlimited sick policy. If you get sick they pay you 100% of ur pay as long as your out. (1) week, (1) month, (1) year...whatever. But you can't work OT when ur out so it's not something many of us want to do. OT pays for the toyz. I feel sorry for people that don't have that benifit. I just could not function at work the way I have felt letely. Of course you need to bring back a doctors note but if ur that sick then that's easy. When I return I will be carrying a couple of pills with me for sure tho. Thanx.
just fyi, I'd carry a prescription in my wallet when I carry the pills. I got pulled over with some in my pocket and it was a pain in the ass proving they were prescription. You need to carry a script with you if you carry the pills...

Caused trouble at work because they charged me with carrying them, so I had to get it dismissed.
just fyi, I'd carry a prescription in my wallet when I carry the pills. I got pulled over with some in my pocket and it was a pain in the ass proving they were prescription. You need to carry a script with you if you carry the pills...

Caused trouble at work because they charged me with carrying them, so I had to get it dismissed.

I'll keep that in mind....;)
Sounds crazy, but I used to date an older Psychotherapist with a rediculous amount of education and experience(no, I was not a client of hers). I learned more from her than just about everybody else in my life, and fortunatly, we are still friends. She always says that this generation has a nasty habit of prescribing meds to "fix or cover up the clients real problems". In other words, people need to sort out or try to resolve past and present issues in their lives. Being men, we are trained by society to play down our emotions or dismiss them and not communicate our true feelings. Because of her influence in my life, I try really hard not to do that anymore. It's O/K to seek that kind of help, I wish I had taken that route at different times in my life. Best of luck to you.
Sounds crazy, but I used to date an older Psychotherapist with a rediculous amount of education and experience(no, I was not a client of hers). I learned more from her than just about everybody else in my life, and fortunatly, we are still friends. She always says that this generation has a nasty habit of prescribing meds to "fix or cover up the clients real problems". In other words, people need to sort out or try to resolve past and present issues in their lives. Being men, we are trained by society to play down our emotions or dismiss them and not communicate our true feelings. Because of her influence in my life, I try really hard not to do that anymore. It's O/K to seek that kind of help, I wish I had taken that route at different times in my life. Best of luck to you.

It's not psychological or emotional. I recieved my Lyme results from a lab out in California today that performs in depth testing of Lyme. It was very expensive and I was reluctant to spend the money it costed but im glad I did now. It now confirms that I have multible co-infectious of the Lyme bacteria. It also confirmes what caused my panic attack. It has crossed thru the blood-brain barrier. I now how numbness in my right hand that has come on over the last couple of days. It is affecting me nuerologically now. I am actually having a tough time typing considering im right handed.

Basically im fuked! Unbelievable! Lyme treatment can take several years to treat and the damage may already be done. Unfukenbelievable!

Don't believe what a local Lyme test tells you. They are completely worthless! I tested negative with my family care physican. That test could not have been any more wrong!