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Anyone know Trae Liberty from Perris CA????????????????????????


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Sounds like it could have been him. Lives in Perris CA. Can't believe that no one on the board knows him!

I don't think he's gone to any of the TB get to gethers here in So Cal. We would have seen him. I know that I would have recognized him from his utube video. I even went back threw old pics from shows.:(

Mike B.
As much as I hate to say it you might try to get hold of Oilman. Spooks for spooks afterall. (No racial slur here so don't take it that way please.:) ) My point is he's scum but it's not uncommon for one of them to do something that isn't exactly above board.:oops:
Mark, I'm pretty sure that it was. Although, at this point from what I have learned so far, I have become somewhat distrustful of Danko, as he somehow used their phone # in Florida to call it in but with a CA listing (the phone #'s are the same other than different originating state location codes, Florida (FL) when I ordered from Danko in January of this year and and CA when somebody else used it for the scam).
PayPal I have my doubts about too. I will never again do any business with anybody that uses PayPal, or claims that they will run my check through PayPal.
And add B of A to that list too.
We'll see if my money ever gets recovered.
And I am still seriously considering canceling my CC as it is controlled by B of A.
And the phone # that somebody from PayPal or B of A fraud gave me that shouldn't have was a 951 area code.
And the time-frame involved.
I'm betting it's him.
But I actually have no proof that it was him yet.
The business name that was involved with this scam is "Rosemarie 263 @" or something similar.
Years ago I was taken for over $500 by some scum bag in Michigan and it went no where with the credit card company so at tax time the loss was written off.... Now when I receive an order with the bill to address Not matching the ship to address I simply give them a call to see why and to let them know that we do not accept orders like this.... Here is the reason for me calling them and or e-mailing them, Most of the time these scammers will not give you a valid phone number or E-mail (like the one that was disconnected on that $500 loss awhile back). Also I get to actually speak to the person and hear what their reason is and if I feel they are "fishy" I simply refund their money and tell them "Sorry we just can not process orders where the billing does not match the ship to address". JE pistons is the same way, they Will Not accept the order unless the bill to matches the ship to address. I know this personally because when I was at Richard Clarks place building my engine I needed rings shipped "Next day air" and they wouldn't accept my card so Richard had to use his and I had to pay him back. Seems Everyone is doing this now!

I hope you & Jack can nail this jerk off and get your money back, He is now added to our long "Do Not sell to" list........

this sucks, I had a guy sell me a fake GN (basic TB) just painted up and decaled. Storm Cintron was his name, I posted it on the here trying to get a hold of this dude. Nothing got me in contact with him. I hope you get this taken car of.
"Storm Cintron "......... The FIRST clue.
This a$$hat HAD to be a movie "star"...... :D

That Trae Liberty handle fits in the same category...Is it even his real name???
Yup, real name. He is in the Navy. Verified.

Had a long conversation with the detective involved in the case and will be pressing charges.

Wish Cottons would chime in on this..............................
Chuck Leeper said:
"Storm Cintron "......... The FIRST clue.
This a$$hat HAD to be a movie "star"...... :D

That Trae Liberty handle fits in the same category...Is it even his real name???

That was his real name. He could have been an actor the way he played me and me being stupid helped.
Well, looks like I have lost my battle with this rip-off / scam. I had reason to call the fraud dept of B of A the other day about something different and they the agent advised me that they had determined that my claim was valid, that it was a fraudelent claim / error and that I would receive credit back on my CC on the next billing.
Today I receive a statement from FIA Card Services that it was a valid charge and that I would not be getting any credit on this. Their statement:
"During our investigation we obtained additional information from the merchant(s). We found that the merchant(s) provided convincing evidence that I did engage in this transaction. The merchant(s) provided information which matches the home address, telephone #, or email address we have listed on your account."
Their is a 2nd page with a miniature copy of my request and a copy of a statement showing a merchant #, "payPal P2P with my name as "G Wells", (which I never go by), partial address (no space #), but a correct city, state, & zip.
Sorry for the rant, but 2-3 days after they tell me that my claim is valid, that it was a fraudulent charge, they send me a notice by mail that it was a valid charge, and that I am SOL. I will never again give away my CC# and I will pay by paper check, and they can ship whatever product then.
Now I need to go paper check on everything and change over from charging my CC#.
As Murphy's statement advises, "no good deed goes unpunished".
Naturally, I am with B of A, who else would let this go by unchallenged.
Cancel the card and tell them why you will never do business with them again. That is just lame to change their position on that fraudulant charge.
Simply ridiculous !!! B of A has never been a company I wanted to deal with in the first place, now I am glad I never did. They screwed my son on a transaction as well. Good luck guys !!
Scott please send me a copy of your do not sell to list so I can avoid stupidity myself.

B of A only has that card because I got that card from MBNA when I was with World Savings years back. Then World Savings was bought out by Wells Fargo? and MBNA was bought out in about year 00 by B of A. I would never do any business with B of A other than that. They do not hold my checking account & I don't think that they will hold my CC much longer.
Yaaa, what he said!!! I plan on filing charges within the next 48 hours, this needs to be taken care of. Although, I've been looking for an excuse to fly out to Cali for a while.......

Jack, did you ever pursue this asshat???
OK, scumbag, money has been taken back out of my account again. Formal complaint can now be submitted to the Navy. Asshole!
TR Custom Parts said:
OK, scumbag, money has been taken back out of my account again. Formal complaint can now be submitted to the Navy. Asshole!

Times like these wish I was still in... I would take care of this myself.
I won't buy anything from that SOB. every one on here has been good to me so far and kept their word :) . This undermines TB and trust is everything on here. One bad apple f*cks the whole sack. I'm going to be more careful thanks for the post. Still need some interior parts.