I responded to this earlier but it must be hiding in cyberspace.
There are other ways to look at a car if you're a serious buyer. First of all, I'm looking at several cars, you're not saying I'm expected to fly out and look at each one are you? That would be really expensive and I'm not rich. If I were, I'd be buying a GNX instead. Since I'm not rich and can't afford to fly out and look at each and every car, I try and get enough information about each car so that I can make an intelligent decision to go to the next step.
The next step might involve finding someone to look at it if available or paying someone to go over it with a fine tooth comb and camera. BEFORE I can get to that step, I would have needed enough information about the car to get serious about it in the first place. This is where a good seller comes in; ask Grumpy, I'm sure he would agree. A seller needs to provide enough information about a car for the perspective buyer to proceed. Information should include a detailed description about things such as mileage, condition, repair and collision history, etc. along with some good pictures. There is a guy on this website advertising his BEAUTIFUL Regal T-Type. He set the bar very high but everyone should strive provide the best information and pictures they're capable of WITHOUT the buyer having to pull teeth to get answers; I'm not a dentist. I have no intention of playing Russian roulette but I won't take a chance on throwing good money after bad without having quite a bit of information first. The seller in this particular case, refused to help me get there and that is his prerogative. On the flip side of his prerogative is a good possibility her retains ownership instead of achieving his goal of selling the car.
If, after having someone look at the car in question, I feel this is the car for me, then I might fly out and take a look or, if I feel really comfortable with the seller AND the car, I might actually roll the dice. I've ppurchased two cars and a Goldwing, sight unseen and didn't so much as notice the roulette wheel spinning, let alone one representing the Russian version.