Are they ever going to legalize weed?

You only notice the obvious stoners. There are plenty out there that you are unaware of and probably are friends or at least acquantances with right now.
Same for alcoholics. My father in law kept a good job and provided for 4 kids for years all while consuming huge volumes of alcohol. Wasn't until one time he came home and didn't recognize his wife and held a knife to her throat that outsiders realized he was a drunk.
Same for alcoholics. My father in law kept a good job and provided for 4 kids for years all while consuming huge volumes of alcohol. Wasn't until one time he came home and didn't recognize his wife and held a knife to her throat that outsiders realized he was a drunk.

That wouldn't have happened had he been a stoner instead of an alcoholic. That's the hipocracy of legal alcohol. However, it's like gun laws, people do wrong, not guns, weed, or alcohol. Your father in law could have snapped without any influence and perhaps the alcohol just delayed the inevitable.
You only notice the obvious stoners. There are plenty out there that you are unaware of and probably are friends or at least acquantances with right now.

You are sooooooo completly right..... it would shock alot of people if they found out who actually does

Some people who would normally have terrible tempers or other mental issues can function perfectly normal under the influence and be a crappy person without.

case in point, I know some very very awesome people who are returning vets from the middle east. They are suffering terribly from PTSD and other mental and physical ailments. without, they were flat out suffering, couldnt be exposed to light, couldnt hear loud noises.... couldnt face there familys or friends.... and now with, they are wonderful functioning members of society who pay taxes, take care of there family, work critical govt jobs and have forgiven what has happened to them.

I alone thank it, for giving me my friends back........ I watched my highschool best friend return from a massive IED blast... I about cried when i saw the smile it put on his face...
It has more potential for positive use than most people have realized IMO. Certainly more positive of a recreational substance than alcohol. Legalize it.
Julio's right, of course. It's all about the home life or lack of it. That said, on one hand, I'm all for undoing most of these ridiculous federal and state regs, but on the other, really don't want to share any of my "space" with losers/stoners. We've got plenty around here now, don't need any more, legal or otherwise...
Yeah people like Michael Phelps, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Ted Turner and Stephen King are real losers. :rolleyes: There are many successful people who partake in marijuana. And the ones who aren't so successful are generally calm kind people I wouldn't mind sharing my "space" with.
Legalizing marijuana would also decrease the amount of violence, and put a lot of street dealers out of business, but it would make it too easy for our young to get it, and abuse it. This is a lose, lose situation for us, only the government will win because they are the ones taxing us for everything we have or do in life.
You only notice the obvious stoners. There are plenty out there that you are unaware of and probably are friends or at least acquantances with right now.

Like your politician, police man, lawyer (I know a bunch of those that smoke), boss, business owner, nice oold neighbor, etc! I know of quite a few people you would never think smoked but guess what, they do!
I think it's just good for your mind. In college, my buddies all went out and got slammed on weeknights and could never get up for class in the morning. I would puff a one hitter, sit back, relax, turn on some good music, and study. Guess what, I never missed one class. My drunk roommate got kicked out first semester becuase of a .53 GPA.

Now that drug tests dont allow me to smoke, I have a few drinks at night, more on the weekend. I can honestly say, it's fun to get smashed sometimes, heck have any of you read the stuff we post in the Midwest section????:D:oops: But, I would much rather not drink and just take a couple puffs to ease my mind again. Cant do it though.:mad:

The TV show I watch on National Geographic interviewed a guy from Jamaica. The guy explained what smoking meant to him and basically said "It makes me relax, look at my life, and learn how to better myself." I agree with this man! I think a good reality check is necessary for todays society. People need to slow the heck down sometimes and get out of their normallities becuase everyone seems to go about their lives with blinders on.
I would rather meet someone on a two lane at night that has been smoking pot than someone that has been taking Ambien or Xanax and especially if they mixed those legal drugs with alcohol. Has anyone heard of people driving on Ambien and don't even remember? I've had first hand experience with what these people do, it's scary what they do and don't remember. You can spot the pot smokers- they are the ones taking every precaution and prolly driving slower than me.
Guys, the studies are not even hard to find, try googling it, alcohol is much worse for you than pot.

This is from a guy that does not smoke any, but luckily has an open mind. If you think it is illegal because the government is "protecting" us from it, well, i feel that is not far removed from believing in Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny.

All the info is out there about why it was deemed illegal, the only difference between illegal drugs and the stuff in our medicine cabinet is the manufacturer.

Does anybody that feels this way actually know how strong, and addictive many of our pharmaceuticals are?

Oxycontin anyone?
Yeah people like Michael Phelps, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Ted Turner and Stephen King are real losers. :rolleyes: There are many successful people who partake in marijuana. And the ones who aren't so successful are generally calm kind people I wouldn't mind sharing my "space" with.

Well, I certainly consider some of those you mention to be real losers, successful or not! I will "go the distance" to distance myself from said people.
S10xGN said:
Well, I certainly consider some of those you mention to be real losers, successful or not! I will "go the distance" to distance myself from said people.

Well just who on this list is a LOSER in your mind?!?!? Effective communication is a lost art these days. There are a lot of successful people I disagree with, however, calling Donald Trump a loser is exactly on point... A conceded windbag, yes, loser, no. I'll go the distance to embrace ANYONE'S good qualities and work ethic, and, do my best to ignore ignorance.
Part of the problem with legalizing weed is that THC stays in the system for so long it will be hard to test someone after a accident to see if they are high. The good thing about alcohol is that the cops can pull someone over and test them on the spot and get them off the road if needed.

The next nail in the coffin of weed is that no companies will allow their employees to test positive for it. I work in a steel mill and I don't want the guy in the crane that has 100 tons of molten steel hanging from the crane to be stoned. Weed may not kill people but it does keep most of them from having a job which doesn't have any good results for the unemployment rate. People can smoke weed all they want as long as they stay out from behind the wheel and dont operate any equipment as far as I care but the government better not give them a dime for unemployment or welfare.

To get unemployment everyone should be required to take a drug test to get their check. I have to take one to work so they should have to take one to get my money since I am pretty much their employer since I am paying them.
Part of the problem with legalizing weed is that THC stays in the system for so long it will be hard to test someone after a accident to see if they are high. The good thing about alcohol is that the cops can pull someone over and test them on the spot and get them off the road if needed.

The next nail in the coffin of weed is that no companies will allow their employees to test positive for it. I work in a steel mill and I don't want the guy in the crane that has 100 tons of molten steel hanging from the crane to be stoned. Weed may not kill people but it does keep most of them from having a job which doesn't have any good results for the unemployment rate. People can smoke weed all they want as long as they stay out from behind the wheel and dont operate any equipment as far as I care but the government better not give them a dime for unemployment or welfare.

To get unemployment everyone should be required to take a drug test to get their check. I have to take one to work so they should have to take one to get my money since I am pretty much their employer since I am paying them.

Not all tests are the breathalyzer. There are other methods to test someones ability to drive such as field sobriety tests. Saying weed keeps most people from having a job is a far stretch of the imagination since most people who use it have a job. And most likely all drug testing the unemployed is going to do is push people to use other substances that will be out of their system faster such as alcohol, crack, and meth. There has to be a better solution.
I would hire a toaster before a drunk any day. The system is ass backwards. You can smoke a pound of grass and still drive your ass home. Can't say the same for alcohol. Everyone knows it too yet we debate about it. o_O

Not saying I want someone to be high or drunk on the job.
I don't know where all you guys work but in a steel mill you better be on your toes. Someone's life depends on it! No matter how much you try to convince me that weed is a good thing you will fail to convince me. I am not much of a drinker and I don't drink and drive since that is what killed my brother so I could care less if they made alcohol illegal as well.

A friend of mine moved to California just for the medical marijuana and now her and her husband don't have jobs and they have twin boys who are paying the price for their parents addiction. Yes I know this can and does happen with alcohol but two wrongs don't make a right.
Part of the problem with legalizing weed is that THC stays in the system for so long it will be hard to test someone after a accident to see if they are high.
A blood test can test for the "Amount" of THC in one's system so if legalized they would have to put a "Legal Amount of THC" in place just the same way they did for Alcohol. Then adjust that level as time goes on according to accidents and such... The same way it was done for alcohol...

The good thing about alcohol is that the cops can pull someone over and test them on the spot and get them off the road if needed.
I am sure with todays technology and the funding they could find or develop a tool to test the THC level in the blood stream! Hell the blood sugar test's would be a great place to start....

The next nail in the coffin of weed is that no companies will allow their employees to test positive for it. I work in a steel mill and I don't want the guy in the crane that has 100 tons of molten steel hanging from the crane to be stoned. Weed may not kill people but it does keep most of them from having a job which doesn't have any good results for the unemployment rate.
Same goes for Alcohol !! No companies would allow for someone to come it blitzed or Drunk and I am sure you wouldn't like a drunk person operating that crane above your head even though alcohol is legal?

People can smoke weed all they want as long as they stay out from behind the wheel and dont operate any equipment as far as I care but the government better not give them a dime for unemployment or welfare.
Again, same goes for alcohol and since it's legal all kinds of people are killed every year from drunk drivers! I don't think that will ever change. They are also put on welfare!

To get unemployment everyone should be required to take a drug test to get their check. I have to take one to work so they should have to take one to get my money since I am pretty much their employer since I am paying them.
This I Agree with 100%!

In today's society there are all kinds of terrible drugs that are LEGAL and Illegal which are readily available to anyone. From prescription drugs, Home made Meth, Alcohol, Cocaine, Crack, Heroin, Etc, Etc which are killing many people every single day. To me, Pot seems to be at the bottom of that "Killing" list in terms of the fact's but since it is illegal I guess it don't make it right. My son is in high school as a sophomore and there are some kids already "binge drinking" and steeling the alcohol from other people to get drunk. I often sit back and wonder what I would rather my son do "IF" he were to do something... That's a hard decision!
