Big Site News, It's Changing! Need Input!

aww man, i like the website, just the way it is... ive alwys thought the current color scheme was pretty nice, and its easy to navigate... but how bout red, orange, black, white, and chrome maybe? something along those colors:confused:
I like the current layout but change is always good. would be nice to lose the 45 second wait and of course more PM's
Maybe its just me, but 95% of the time I'm on my mobile browser. Maybe something alittle more mobile friendly.
And as most members like myself are aging a little.....maybe a darker font that's a little easier on the eyes. :D

Scott, I don't know about making the font darker, but you can change the size on your end. Using Firefox (don't know about IE), hold down Ctrl & roll the mouse wheel either way. Or Ctrl and either + or -. Ctrl and 0 reset to norm. This is just the browsers zoom function.

I would like a real time chat feature, especially for the mods and admins.

That would be a good idea to add. I second the motion.:biggrin:

Increased PM's are needed as well but I'd understand the issue with the server space.:frown:

Fix the notifications as well please.:smile:

As far as colors or mods to the main page it's fine and Romone has no taste.

Sorry kid but 22's just don't fit a Regal with out a lot of ugly involved.:biggrin:
That would be a good idea to add. I second the motion.:biggrin:

Increased PM's are needed as well but I'd understand the issue with the server space.:frown:

Fix the notifications as well please.:smile:

As far as colors or mods to the main page it's fine and Romone has no taste.

Sorry kid but 22's just don't fit a Regal with out a lot of ugly involved.:biggrin:

who the hell said anything about rims.. lol were talkin about the website... Nothing bigger than 20"s:p or smaller than 10"
Scott, I don't know about making the font darker, but you can change the size on your end. Using Firefox (don't know about IE), hold down Ctrl & roll the mouse wheel either way. Or Ctrl and either + or -. Ctrl and 0 reset to norm. This is just the browsers zoom function.


Yes, IE9 has that feature.
Shane is talking about the appearance of the site, not features. We do not have the original art work so the site IS going to change. The only person that seems to understand this is Ratfink.
This is just a rough idea I did quick. I think Sgrim is wanting suggestions on the "look" not functionality...which I think is pretty good as is. We do need more smilies though, these are getting old. I've made a few for


i like your lay out.
This is just a rough idea I did quick. I think Sgrim is wanting suggestions on the "look" not functionality...which I think is pretty good as is. We do need more smilies though, these are getting old. I've made a few for


Like it!
How about when you log in you go right to the main forum page and not highlights of the most recent of certain sections. I hate have to navigate a few pages just to get to the forum page. I say a pic of a real car up top, or a rotation like has, which my WH1 is on. Set up a thread for people to post their cars and have others vote.
I say a pic of a real car up top, or a rotation like has, which my WH1 is on. Set up a thread for people to post their cars and have others vote.

That's a killer idea. A rotating Header with a car of the month. Winner get's a t-shirt with the logo on it and their car. Could make it a $5 entry fee to be car of the month. Would pay for site maintenance.