Brian Hofer trans's?

nothing wrong with a guy that for whatever reason doesn't want to build the trans,the word no seems to be a tough thing these days.there is nothing wrong with a guy that plans on and is excited to go fast and has a certain way about himself.if there just isn't a fit, there just isn't a fit.
And I aint here to blow the lid off of anyones deal, He coulda just sent him a PM and told him he was all booked up and that woulda been the end of it, insted of taking it public.

Tmsak is a grown man who serves this country for a living.. not some kid who just cut off his fart can
And I aint here to blow the lid off of anyones deal, He coulda just sent him a PM and told him he was all booked up and that woulda been the end of it, insted of taking it public.

Tmsak is a grown man who serves this country for a living.. not some kid who just cut off his fart can
I don't understand? Who made it public? And what about the sig thing. That seems pretty public.

Looks to me like Brian made the right decision on this one. If other trans builders are reading this thread, I think someone's going to have a bit of a challenge finding a reputable person to build his tranny. That sig behavior is a major red flag to people that have learned a thing or two when it comes to doing business with different types of people over the years.
Hey guys, lets just let this thread die. He knows Brian is alive and well and why he backed out of the job. It answers his original questions and is going to get ugly if it keeps going. Back to tech stuff as this belongs in another section anyway. Have a nice day Gents!:)
I would bet it has something to do with making a remark such as in your signature now, Quote:" Was going to go with a Hofer trans, but he backed out for no reason. Must be nice to have soo much money, that one can turn down work on command. I envy him."
I doubt Brian has so much money he thinks that way, but I'll bet that he prefers earning his money without losing his hair from dealing with people that constantly question his decisions without following his instructions, look at any postings here in the trans section, everyone seems to "interput" adjustments or settings to suit their wants without considering what said adjustments will do to the life of the trans, then piss and moan 6 weeks or months later when the smoke leaks out, but it was working so well.....:eek:

I dont know who or what was said, but whether it's Brian, Chris, Lonnie, Bruce or Dave, if you don't or won't follow their instructions exactly, maybe you should learn to build it yourself, it's easy...just ask anyone.


Well put Kevin, thank you.

judging by your new sig, he knew what he was getting into. Smart move Brian.

Thank you for the support.
This was my point exactly. Sometimes, you need to "qualify your customers". I felt his "sig" would be mild to what I would have to endure AFTER the transaction.

He can also read your previous post and get as feel to what type of person you are. Your sig. is not going to help at all. If you get it back and set the detent wrong, it will kill it in short order. So then you'd have to pull it, get it back to him and pay for him to replace the damaged parts. Would you have a problem with that,and admit that you were at fault because you thought you had the detent set right? Soooo many don't and this is a headache to the builder.

Then you have the half throttle 15-20 psi driving guys that are applying a heavy load to the trans with only 50% or so of the line pressure being applied.
This too will kill a trans and the driver blames the builder again.

Oh, and the guys the buy all baddest biggest parts then can't tune their own cars. Blame the engine, trans and converter builders when it doesn't go 10.0s, high 9's:rolleyes:

Im sure you get the picture by now but any vendor that has read it will have a heads up thanks to your signature.

I'm not saying you fit either of these profiles. If Brian thinks he may not be able to build a trans to make you happy he has every right to refuse the job and does not have to give you any justification.

Thank you, another very well put response.
Some people just don`t get it. I did not do any of this to be malicous. I just want to protect my sanity. What is left anyways!:wink:

Shame on you Brian....meany.


Dan, you still rock Buddy!!!!:D
Hope life without the GN is still tolerable.

Meany:mad: ;)
I have had my own business for over 25 years. Eventually, a smart business person knows when to avoid certain jobs or deals if he/she has learned anything.

I too have avoided certain customers or jobs over the years and its not always due to any particular reason. Sometimes, there is just a sense that the personalities are not compatible and if one pays attention to ones instincts alot of potential grief can be avoided on both sides if at least one party recognizes this in advance and "passes".

Selection is not exclusive to the customer...

I have to say honestly. I NEVER expected ANY support when I saw this post was made. I figured it would be one big kick in the pants.

Another awesome post here as well.
I can't tell you how many businesses I have gone into that have a sign stating they have the Right to refuse service to anyone. The statement of who to do business with is not exclusive to the customer is right on. Sounds like the right call was made. The freedom to chose is what makes this country great.
Ultimately... everything is not about the money, or being to busy. It is about peace of mind. My hunch seems to have been a good one. And now, I have no doubt I made the correct decision.

Tony... I apologize for the hurt feelings, and hope to move on. Not everyone sees eye to eye at times. But, the best response would have been a properly placed call or PM from me. My bad, I own it.

Thanks to all that responded, good or bad.
It is hard to please everyone, all the time. And sometimes, you can`t please anyone anytime.

Shame on you Brian....meany.


Dan, you still rock Buddy!!!!:D
Hope life without the GN is still tolerable.

Meany:mad: ;)[/QUOTE]

It is not tolerable at all! I got the bug...i got it bad. I have a mustang....I am soo ashamed.:biggrin:
How about leave the next reply for the OP. Then hopefully it will be over....
I have to say honestly. I NEVER expected ANY support when I saw this post was made. I figured it would be one big kick in the pants.

Another awesome post here as well.

Bend ovah, I'll kick ya with these size 17's !!!

If I ever need a transmission, I'll give you first shot Brian.

So because I was declined for no reason, (and without being told either, was just left to hang, & wonder) I express my frustration in my signature, and now I'm a picky customer? Tell me how I'm picky, when all I did, was ask him how much a trans will be, and asked when I could drop mine off. He gave me a day, I couldn't do it that day. Then he gave me a day when he would be home, and I couldn't make it that day. But I could the next day. By then he was not answering my calls. I was stumped..
I never spoke about what I expected this trans to do, never spoke about returns, never asked for any price breaks, never asked about payment plans, nothing. All I asked was how much will it cost, and when you're available, as my car's locked behind another car in storage, and when I have the trans, I'll call you. After that, nothing...
So I was left to hang, for about 4 days, with no reason, before a pm was left for me, saying "I can't do it".... I had the trans in hand, and all the money cash. All I wanted was for him to rebuild a trans, and you would have never heard from me again. Again, I only spoke to him on the phone, a few times, trying to arrange a day where we would both be free, so that I can drop it off... In the mean time, he backed out... I'm lost.
I've never hassled a vendor, nor EVER asked for a price break, EVER, in my entire life.
I didn't want to comment, but did you ever think he's gotten backed up with work? From what I've seen from your post it seems like he made a good decision. Please let it go and find someone else to do the work that can get the tranny done for you. B!tching like this won't do you any good and makes Brians decision look better and better. Good luck.