This conversation should have its attention directed to the individuals who really want to maximize any given combo. We definitely don't have the different forms of racing putting tons of money into R&D for us anymore. We already have the all of the facts. You probably cant come up with a combo that hasn't been tried or tested. We are only working from 209 to roughly 281 cubic inches. 500 hp is 500hp on a 109 with a 3.4 stroke crank, off center 3.8 with a 3.50 or on center 4.1 with a 3.625. The difference is when and where does my 500 hit the ground in relation to my torque. Lots of ways that you can jockey those figures around. Cam profiles, lots of smart people have tried different ramps, lobe separations, and durations. To me looking at a cam card is like looking at the Matrix, but some people can plot a graph in their head of the performance. I showed my cam card once to a board member and was immediately told that I was going to need some compression. He was right. I had the exact same cam in one motor and changed a few things on the piston design, night and day difference. Weight, Buick has always expressed using heavy cranks, lighten one up a little, knife edge and polish it. I have a Winberg crank in a motor that is so beautiful, I almost didn't want to run it. Whoever initially ordered it had to have about 5K in the crank. Aluminum rods, there have been a couple in some 109 and stage motors that work great if you really want your car to rpm quick stroked or destroked. I believe the last Duttweiler motor was destroked and I don't think that Ingersoll ever had motors larger than 260 cubic inches. 15 years ago you could not give away a set of cast iron stage 2 heads, a crank with less than 3.40 stroke, or and odd fire crank. I was told that you could make more power with the cast irons but at the expense of weight, you will never use that short stroke crank get a 3.625 and with our electronics you can't get an odd fire crank to work. I paid $100 for a 3.750 stroke odd fire crank and traded it for a 3.59 even fire. I would love to have the 3.75 back because an odd fire can work now, odd fires are proven to run very low 7's. Someone went outside the box and made it work. I would have wanted to take this conversation to the advantages of stroking a motor.