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What about guys with high post counts that are obviously selling plenty of parts on here that should be paying the fees ??? Is there going to be a crack down on them as well? I don't have a problem paying again but I feel others should do their part as well. To be honest with you it's pretty tough on here right now with all the competition to try to make a dollar

Post count from non technical forums will be removed.
I just became a member not too long ago and do not meet the requirements. I have been active, trying to learn about these cars and i love this site! there are very good people on this site willing to help a novice like myself and its very much appreciated.. That being said, i think its a good idea. This will weed out potential scammers. Eventually i will meet the requirements and will be able to sell with no problems. Thanks again.
Same here not a bad Idea though ;)
Guess I'm out of luck. I've been a member for years, and before my brother passed, he was a member (That's how I got involved with TB's). I'm talking about 10 years of history but I only have 80 posts. Please let me know what I need to do to get "grandfathered" in. I'm sure a few people here could vouche for me.
Post count from non technical forums will be removed.
so is that to say that if someone only comes on here to buy parts and finds their answers to questions by searching but dont have enough knowledge to offer technical advice but have been on here for years that their post count will be near zero and wont be able to sell anything. By the way how much is it to become a supporting vendor as i could not find a dollar amount anywhere on here, Does it vary, can you post something in a sticky in the for sale forum.
I will have to wait and see what the final results are at the end of the "changes" I guess I might have to do like everybody else does and x1x2x3 and lol my post counts up.
Hopefully the grandfathering comes into play, being a member since 2004 (this time) pretty sure I have been around a lot longer but like others had a brain fart and had to re-register.
I don't like to see anybody get ripped off and agree with changing the rules to help prevent this. I suggest post count or time of membership. I also say leave the post count alone and not disqualify any of them. You can start or implement whatever rule you want but don't think it should be retroactive.
Everybody is going to agree with Staff/ owners to try and safeguard members, but how about a little slack for the guys that have been around for awhile?
Well, there is at least 30 guys I have dealt with no issues. I only have ~250 posts over the last eight years.
Don't confuse quantity with quality. I should start posting crap just to get the count up?
I posted early here agreeing with the original idea.

Since then it seems to have taken twists and turns.

Now I see this: "Post count from non technical forums will be removed".

I'm a relatively new member (just shy of 3 years) and have very few technical posts, mostly because I feel I don't know enough to chime in on alot of things.

Many times I've seen a guy chime in on a tech post and for whatever reason if someone who knows more reads that guy's post and that guy is somehow wrong, he gets his butt kicked for it.

I like that aspect for it's knowledge based reasons, (I don't need no BS) and yet I come here for not just the information, but many other reasons.

Sometimes it's to see what's for sale, sometimes for I visit to find some lively bench racing, or to read about some cool kills and spills but most importantly, I come here for some sense of community.

I love these little cars!

Most of my posts are mostly an attempt at a light hearted (at least I try for that) comment about one thing or another and they really don't amount to a hill of beans.

I've learned so much here and I really do appreciate that this resource is available to me. Thank you.

I am, and will likely remain a "consumer" and never a "seller", so this post may mean little or nothing to you, but I feel restricting "for sale" posts to folks that only post in the technical arenas seems a bit counter-productive.

It's your board and you can do as you feel fit, however, I was nearly chased away from here by some schmuck that felt it his duty to put a "newbie" in his proper place.

I would think that with the state of this community and it's dwindling members and vehicles you would welcome any new members...perhaps "with limited privileges".

I understand the intent of the original idea here and I totally agree with it, but I remember vividly pre-Haterade, this board being dominated by e bay posts and ad's and the bitching that went with it.. The reasoning for e bay posts was "to be able to keep the board alive".

I'm fairly certain some members bought stuff from those e bay ad's that didn't measure up either.

Your original idea and #1 post here was the best one, you should stick with it.

Quit trying to please everybody, do wha'ts best for the board by sticking with the original plan, and let the chips fall where they may.

Give it 2 months and adjust accordingly, it's not like you haven't done the very same thing with the new format, is it?.

Just my 2 pennies.

actually brakes, susp, tires and wheels is in the tech forum section. Not trying to pick on you just raising my post count, crap wrong section again, lol

Personally i could care less about selling parts as my track record proves it!!! What im talking about is the Post count
I think to sell parts you should have to register within the for sale section with full discloser of name, address and telephone #. Those should be posted in the for sale add too. A minimum of 150 posts or 1 year membership in the forum should be enough unless they are in the political and/or lounge section. I have had mostly good experiences in buying parts off the board. I haven't sold anything but at some point I may. I hate it when I see members that have gotten ripped off. Sometimes is not for much money but still it just not right.
I think to sell parts you should have to register within the for sale section with full discloser of name, address and telephone #. Those should be posted in the for sale add too. A minimum of 150 posts or 1 year membership in the forum should be enough.

This is probable be the best way to address this HOT MESS!!! But maybe 250 to 300 post count to be on the safe side.
As much as I hate to bring it up, if a for sale add comes up in a specific forum it needs to be reported, no exceptions!!!! Not being mean but if we want to get a handle on the scammer/spammers we need to know who's doing it and there's a lot of forum specific sales going on.:mad: I have to admit that I'm guilty of this myself but it does happen very seldom.:oops:
I think to sell parts you should have to register within the for sale section with full discloser of name, address and telephone #. Those should be posted in the for sale add too. A minimum of 150 posts or 1 year membership in the forum should be enough unless they are in the political and/or lounge section. I have had mostly good experiences in buying parts off the board. I haven't sold anything but at some point I may. I hate it when I see members that have gotten ripped off. Sometimes is not for much money but still it just not right.

pronto good idea have people start waking up and no buick outside... too much info
pronto good idea have people start waking up and no buick outside... too much info
i thought that idea was great untill you shed light on the no buick outside. thats an exellent point 87chrisss. my cars never stay outside long but im sure lots do.great point
The at least they should register with the site. Shane's not going to run out and swipe parts off some car in Idaho.
Any time you buy parts off a message board you run the risk of getting ripped off. The worst thing I see happening if we limit selling on this board is an increase in evil bay listings.:eek:
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