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Theyre going to be in for a world of pain then.
Check out the for sale front page now. You'll see exactly what I'm talking about. I feel sorry for the guy trying to sell one part but his thread gets barried right away because these guys have huge lists of parts.
Post count is back. Booyah!
Jay, I have been a member since 2007 ,but I have never sold or listed anything for sale. I have 90 posts,are the new guide lines going to effect me? I have made many purchases here by the way with no issues.

nice, i think 350 is good. To easy to get to 100. My brother has been around these cars just as long as i have if not longer and he only has 300 posts. To many people getting screwed on this board.
People can be grandfathered in by manually adjusting the post count. We'll deal with that on a per user basis.
I think time on this board would be a better idea than post count, I have a little over 300 but i have been a member for years as my current name and several years as 85ttypewh1 before i forgot my password. I admit i dont post alot because i follow the unwritten rule of SEARCH BEFORE POSTING. The posts i do make are to help people out, hell sometimes i even give parts away. I see alot of people with high post counts but most of them are just bs posts like x2,x3,x4, what he said, and mostly to just stir the pot. I maybe one of the people the other post referred to about listing an assload of parts but it is because of building 1 good car out of 4 or 5 and the other cars arent worth saving so i part them out to pay for the car i am building but not as anykind of income. And i have never had a problem. Just my 2 cents.
Im not going to do this based on time alone. That isnt any indication that youre a member of this community. It just means you registered an account and eventually you started selling stuff. Most forums run their FS sections much tighter than we do anyway.
People can be grandfathered in by manually adjusting the post count. We'll deal with that on a per user basis.

Thanks for being flexible. I'm nowhere near 350 but have been around for a couple years. There's probably alot of others like me that are legitimate members that just don't post much.
Well, its going to be tough i think to weed out people here doing the wrong thing but with time, it can be done. I think that jay has a great idea and the only issue is post count. My self as an example have no ill intentions on this forum but no one knows me and i don't blame anyone who is a skeptic as to what my intentions are. My opinion is making the post count 250 and at least 6 months of active posting. Again, thanks for a great site!
What about guys with high post counts that are obviously selling plenty of parts on here that should be paying the fees ??? Is there going to be a crack down on them as well? I don't have a problem paying again but I feel others should do their part as well. To be honest with you it's pretty tough on here right now with all the competition to try to make a dollar
I have been a member here for a long time, and as you can see I don't post hardly at all but don't really post on any of the boards that I'm on, doesn't mean anything. I understand what you are doing and trying to prevent. I am a member of many board's under the same user name. I have bought things off this board but never sold anything, but under your new rule, now I won't be able to. Not trying to cause a problem, but will abide by any ruling.
i agree with the #'s but like most people at first i just browsed alot without being a member then i got brave and finally became a member still took me a while to open up and post, now i just dont shut up. lol.. its honestly a good idea but if anyone ever notices "i do" members online and guests online theres always a shit load of guests.. also with the old site you could see how many guests were reading same thread you were and it was always alot more than member's i guess some people are shy i dont know? it'll also prevent the dealers and guys that become members to sell there car then never post again..its a pretty good idea, but i have to say there are a buncha guys that have just become members but have been browsing for years, i browsed maybe for a year or a year and a half before becoming a member..

also i remember having alot more posts than what i currently have??
Imo its great. I recently bought a part that was supposedly "new" and wasnt and this is from someone thats been selling for years and he is obviously hustling.
I vote that if your parting out a bunch of cars, have racks and racks of parts for sale or always selling parts you have to pay to sell cause your lining your pockets on the sites dime.
I vote post count enforcement as well.
Good work
What about guys with high post counts that are obviously selling plenty of parts on here that should be paying the fees ??? Is there going to be a crack down on them as well? I don't have a problem paying again but I feel others should do their part as well. To be honest with you it's pretty tough on here right now with all the competition to try to make a dollar

I think you guys should have your own section right above the normal posters that stays at the top at all times. Guys like you, Bob, etc shouldnt have to bump your threads. But, they would have to be deleted after they get old or you start another thread. If you pay to sell, you should be top priority.
Start with 150 and if it seems like we need to bump it then we can do it Jay. I also like the count now below the persons name. It gives a better idea of who's who so to speak.:)
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