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Happy Birthday Neal Steward (750H.P.V6): the almost big 40


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Gary Wells

White turbo Buick trailer park trash
Mar 2, 2002
Happy 40th Birthday, Neal, (750H.P.V6) (Brutal 6 Racing) & best wishes for many more. Hope that life's treating you good today, Neal.
Happy Birthday Neal

wishing you great day, to enjoy, relax, and in general, be thrilled for being so fortunate to know me ! :D

Thanks Guys,

I guys the years are starting to creep up on me these days. :D I've been enjoying my 40th B-Day so far by just kicking back. I had a little lunch with wife at Olive Garden and my folks stopped by too. My brothers kids called and sang me their rendition of Happy Birthday. I got a really nice framed pic from last years WCN from my wife and a $100 for Lowes from my folks. All told I think I made out like a bandit!

I guess it's all down hill from here. ;)

Happy Belated Birthday Neal!!! :biggrin:


Happy (late) Birthday, and thanks for all the years of TB guidance.
Mike Barnard
Thanks to Brent, Mike and Phil for the belated B-Day wishes.

One of these days I'll have to get off my lazy middle aged ass and make it out the track or to see you guys at one of the Buick get togethers. BTW, Brent thanks for the 20 year old chick butt shot. Too bad it wasn't in front of a Buick. But then again Buicks are for old guys... Hey wait, I think I resemble that remark!! ;)


Thanks Guys,

I guys the years are starting to creep up on me these days. :D I've been enjoying my 40th B-Day so far by just kicking back. I had a little lunch with wife at Olive Garden and my folks stopped by too. My brothers kids called and sang me their rendition of Happy Birthday. I got a really nice framed pic from last years WCN from my wife and a $100 for Lowes from my folks. All told I think I made out like a bandit!

I guess it's all down hill from here. ;)

Neal you are a bandit! Happy Birthday & may you stay young looking as I
I hope I'm still as good looking as you are when I get to your age. :biggrin:


I hope I'm still as good looking as you are when I get to your age. :biggrin:

Don't forget the charming part either! Neal I have always said you're one of the good guys that have a clue & a good brain in your head, Have a long good life.
Damn, a day late and a buck short. Happy Birthday Neal, hope you had a burger and plenty of beers.