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I guess I will start it and I hope ALL will contribute....Merry Xmas


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TBcom Admin /Prayers NYFD/NYPD
May 24, 2001
From our family to all of our members & familes,


Harley (dog)
Scrappy and Boost (cats)
Lilly (believe it or not live in house Rex rabbit)
Tony (blasted horse that kicked me)
Tessa (Kendra's pony)
All the Sheep The herd
The fish

Been doin some thinking....Maybe some care, maybe some don't but I would like to convey something.

I have had alot of time to think during this health issue parade and I have come to the conculsion and realized exactly how fortunate I am even though bad things have been occuring. I have seen people much worse off than I.
Halie, Lee Westrope's child for instance,I wish I could help Lee more but I do Pray for him and his family daily, and I have been trying to spend as much time as I can this year with the Childrens Shriner Burn Center.After seeing these people I pray for them with a whole lot more every time.
I have a HUGE soft spot for them. We are trying to get them to let some of the kids out here to the farm for a Field trip sort of thing for Xmas and give them each a little something. Pet and feed the animals maybe ride one whatever.Then each of them get a little gift. I went through my closets and donated to homeless people jackets I never wear or some have never worn. When I say donated I mean donated, I do not mean drop off somewhere. I mean I went downtown to where the homeless hang out , tried to find people with kids, but just handed them right to the person or child in need. Had Cindy and Kendra do the same. You would be surprised at what you would come up with doing a closet cleaning and the feeling of helping someone on hard times just makes you feel awesome!. (don't get me wrong, some and most are just that ,bums, but when you see a family there you can see the difference, and that is who I want to help.) Since I am not much this year for the normal Xmas spirit, for some reason I am very drawn into making THIER Xmas a little extra special. I want to pay it forward to them. I want to make it one they will always remember. I realize this may sound corny but if you have been what I have been through lately, you just might understand a little more.

I think what I am trying to say is take a step back, absorb the love that surrounds you and cherish it, no matter who you are. There will always be somebody worse off and in more need.

I am going to make it my mission this year to make somebody happier than they had planned on being and pay it forward to as many kids up at the Center as I can.
PLEASE try and do the same by helping just ONE person, even if it is just a McDonalds meal to a homeless person, but let all members help just ONE person and that is 25 THOUSAND PEOPLE we gave a smile to this XMAS.That is what I would like for Xmas!

Thanks again for listening and remember Be safe Be a nice person, and pay it forward.

Bruce, Merry Christmas to you and your family too.

Merry Christams to all and happy new years. God bless everyone

Count me in...

You guys are the best. Though most of us will never meet, I still feel I know some of you like neighbors. I wish every single member and his family a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Thank you all,
Best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you and your family, Bruce, and to all of the TB.COM members everywhere.
Merry Christmas and God bless everyone and their familys.

Mike Barnard

Cindy Barnard (wife)

Hailey Barnard (daughter)

Robin (dog)
Merry Christmas to ALL

this year has been trying for you, I'm impressed that you still have enough in your heart to share with all that you do.
My Grand daughter Hailey improves each week, still not out of the wood yet,
but outlook looks good.
I wish all TB folks Happy Holidays, and best wishes for a Joyous New Year.
Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays all!

I'm glad Hailey is improving 57, that is good news.

Thank you to Bruce, Shane, Jay and the TB community.

Dan and the family...sadly now minus a fish.
Even though we lost the 2nd granddaughter this year, Jenny, Chris, Riki and I are all healthy so


Jordyn and Jaydyn are angels looking down from above.
I hope the new year will be better than the last one for everyone. Daniel Ray:)
Merry Christmas to all of you!! I am very fortunate to be loved , and have many friends that are willing to take their time to help me , and others!! You know who you are!! May God bless all of you!!! Mike & Lynda Booher:cool:
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! I would like to thank everyone who has helped me this year! Whether it was tech advice, or parts. I can't think of a better community!! The Bassages, Phil,Donna, Zack, Zain...and our Jack Russell, Lorcaan.:biggrin:
Merry Christmas everyone and a prosperous new year!:smile:
Bruce thanks for a great post.I have always said if you feel life has you down go to the sick kids hospital when you leave you will appreciate just how good you have it.I wish all of you a Happy and Healthy holiday season.

I hope every one and there family's has a Great Christmas and an even better New Year.

Merry Christmas from all of us at American Towing........
We do our part everyday of the year, Our goal is to make sure we help one person a day. It makes me smile and warms the heart of a stranger.

Hope all of you get what you wished for in 2011
Merry christmas to all

im thankful ,for all my buick brothers and sisters ,wish you all well and hope you have good health,and prosperity in the up coming year.may god bless ,and keep you all in the palm of his hand.