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Lower O2's with Alky?


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Jun 3, 2001
Made a couple of WOT blasts on the highway from 45~ to 80~mph with alky and without. I was primarily monitoring O2's and KR.
KR wasnt really an issue (was only running 14~psi boost/ 43psi FP static), only 2-3 degrees without alky, and zero with alky. What did catch my attention was that without alky my O2's were 830-840, but with alky they were 800~. Why is this? Does it have something to do with the cooler/denser air pushing through the intake from my "alky-intercooler"? Or is it the opposite and the alky isnt atomizing, causing the ECM to lean out the mixture?

P.S. Didnt feel any bogging with alky. Hard to tell which felt faster, performance was good in both cases.
This is why it is good to have an egt. :) You would know if you were beginning to lean out.

Few people run only 14 psi and alchy, so it isn't likely you wil find someone that has had a similar experience, But if I had to guess, I'd have to say that you are not in any danger at this low psi.

Likely the 0-2 reading is false due to the alchy vapor replacing the Un-burnt gasoline in the exhaust making the 0-2 'think' you are running lean.

Alchy 'likes' high cyl. temps, and higher timing. Your egt's are prolly only in the low 1500 range. A scan tool is fine for up to 18 psi (intercooled) but after that I would use an egt as well, to keep out of trouble.