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My new sweet heart!


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Mar 29, 2007
Six weeks early and born on April 1st weighing in at 4lbs 10oz. I was so positive we were having a boy that I cannot describe the emotions when a little girl appeared. I remember being emotional when my son was born but I just couldn’t stop weeping when I saw her. Mom and baby are doing well. It most likely will be a few weeks before we can bring her home due to her size. The adventure continues.



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My wife and I just had our first Nov 30th. Everyone thought that it would be a boy but I wanted a girl. Well, she came out at 6lbs and 13oz. God is great! I can't imagine how tiny your girl is.
That sure is a precious thing. You are a lucky man. Congrats to you, the mom and family.
Thanks for the kind words. Mom and baby's health were both declining quickly prior to the birth. I'm just so thankful for the way it all turned out. Many great doctors the grace God.
Congradulations and she's beautiful!

We also got our son and daughter who are now 15 and 12 respectively.

They just keep getting more expensive but the joy they bring is a million times more valuable and I would trade any of it even for that warehouse full of cars someone posted on another thread.

God has been so awesome to me too man.


we just had our second little girl feb 11th....

Congrats Chad!!! I just became a dad for the first time on March 7!!! Bouncing baby boy!!:D :D ---Keith
Had my first back in was a girl...I love her dearly and would go to all ends of the earth for her....really changed my outlook on kids....congrats.
Thanks again everyone. It’s been an emotional rollercoaster. My daughter is still in intensive care and probably will be for some time. They put an IV in her and it got infected. An infection in an infant is bad especially in a premature child. They now have to treat the infection for at least seven more days. She has been very tired and we had to put a feeding tube down her nose as she does not have the energy to eat on her own. I sent my 2 ½ year old son to my parents so my wife and I can spend our days at the hospital. Being Christians we spend much time praying and thanking god for our little girl. I will post updates as she progresses.



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