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PTS XTREME &, suffers huge loss,


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So sorry to hear about this :frown: Mark is an even nicer guy in person. He and his family are in our prayers, and please keep us informed.
He was in ICU recovery

And they didn't take him off incubation as of yet that I know of. They prefer to leave him be right now.
Guys, I wish I had more to tell but I do not. They say the next 48-72 hrs will tell the tale.
Keep up the prayers guys and when I do make it up to see him (Worded another way, when they let me see him) I will be sure to print this and take it up. Just the same with the other thread going on here. It always makes people feel better when they KNOW they are being thought about and are being prayed for.
Keep it up.
Thanks again guys and a big Thanks to Russ Merritt, who was there for me when I needed someone today.

Pray, baby, pray

Bruce, I put him on our prayer chain at church. I know it will help!!!!!

Im saying a Prayer right now for Mark

Man, what a shock to see this just now on the Board.

I just yesterday got my new converter that I ordered from Mark.

I went thru this with my Father years ago and it is Scary. But Im sure Mark will do well. He will feel much better after they get his pipes cleaned that is for sure.

Mark I hope you get to read this and are doing well, we are praying for you and your family.

Dennis Swarthout & Family
Anytime Bruce. Better days are comin dude...... Hopefully for both of us. Keep us informed and tell him (when you can) we can't wait till he's back!

Hang tough Mark, it ain't the same without you!!

When he wakes up and sees all the good lookin chicks takin care of him......

"Let me stay and face the peril" :D (Holy Grail)
Hoping & praying all is well for Mark & family/friends supporting him. A few of us know how tough it can be to recover from major surgery :frown: Hang in there, the Buick world & many more still need you!
my thoughts are with you!

and I hope Mark rebounds soon and is back given you ( Bruce) crap!
Keep strong!


I have just spoken with Mark and he is in recovery doing well.( What could be expected anyway)
I am on my way up to see him right now and will report back when I return.

Damn.... What a relief!!!!
They say he is doing well and ended up doing a Triple by pass and he is recovering best to be expected and well!!
What fantastic news!!

Talk at you all later with details if possible.

Thanks again for all the prayers as they seemed to have worked.

I Love our whole community of! ...
So very glad that things are going Well!!!!!

God bless him and his family.

Mark is doing great!

He passed all his tests last night and all were within their parameters, so they let Mark go home to his brothers last night. He is sleeping alot and doing very well. I took the threads posted on here up to him and he was just at a loss for words from all you guys. I "think" I even saw a tear, lol:) ( I know I did) He was very appreciative of ALL the well wishes and made the comment, "Those guys are GREAT!!! It REALLY lifted his spirits and he wants you all to know he treasures the thoughts and prayers. He does look alot like Zipper man tho, LOL. He has staples from neck to nads. They also used a leg vein so that looks just beautiful also. He will win no pretty leg contests for awhile. LOL
Anyway, he is in great spirits, hurting from soreness but on the whole feels alot better. He can't wait to get back, (Which he never thought he would say) but he wanted me to thank you all for the prayers and thoughts.
Both Mark and I thank ALL of you for the thoughts.

I have been asked repeatedly by email lately as to how to send a card or something to him.
The best method at this time is to send any cards and/or little gifts to the shop as I try to go see him or talk to him daily. I spent all of Saturday up there at the hospital and I was amazed at the progress of the surgery. Hell, I had back surgery and they kept me for 5 days. He has open heart surgery and they send him home in 7. That just bewilders me.

So, for those of you who want to send a little something here is the address to send to:
Mark Yarbrough c/o
PTS XTREME Transmissions
5852 88th street #700
Sacramento, Ca. 95828

Again, I personally want to thank each and everyone of you for the thoughts and prayers.
Hopefully, he will be back in no time. They are saying 6-8 months. But knowing Mark, it will be sooner. He is a tough guy to hold down.

Keep up the prayers for a speedy recovery.
Thanks to all


P.S. If nothing else good came out of this , it did make alot of us realize exactly how precious LIFE really is. Of all the trivial things we bitch and moan about, 90% of them are so immaterial it ain't funny. When something of this magnatude happens so close to home it really puts things in perspective. I know it did me, and I hope to the Lord, it did you too. :biggrin:

11/14/05 2:35 pm pst
Ok, straight from the horses mouth, you guys and your mental support both in prayer and well wishes did bring a big lift in my spirits and attitude when Bruce visited. Bruce was right, I did get a tear in my eye. I got a nasty paper cut off of the cheap printer paper he copied all your responses on.

I am supposed to be out of service for 8 weeks, but we will see. The doctor was amazed the day he released me and then again today (one week later) to remove the staples and outer stitches and see just how much I was doing. I don't think I'm pushing things at all, but it's more the doctors and surgeons are all that good. The chief cardiac surgeon in Northern California is now the head of the cardiac department at U.C. Davis Med Center.

I will close now and get some more rest, but I needed to share the warmth I felt as Bruce shared your responses. Thank you all, God bless you all for your prayers, and I am looking forward to much more of a future knowing all of you.

Get Well

Mark! Glad to see your post. Had not heard anything for awhile and was wondering how your doing.

My Dad and Uncle both went thru this so I am somewhat familiar with what you went thru but only second hand.

Dad said the worst part was waking up after surgery with the tube down his throat.

My best wishes for a speedy Recovery! :smile:

Dennis Swarthout
GOD BLESS MARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Super to have you back so soon!!!!!!!!!!
