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PTS XTREME &, suffers huge loss,


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Good to hear.

Now for that speedy recovery. I wish all goes smoothly.

Steve :D
2quiktocare said:
Ok, straight from the horses mouth, you guys and your mental support both in prayer and well wishes did bring a big lift in my spirits and attitude when Bruce visited. Bruce was right, I did get a tear in my eye. I got a nasty paper cut off of the cheap printer paper he copied all your responses on.

I am supposed to be out of service for 8 weeks, but we will see. The doctor was amazed the day he released me and then again today (one week later) to remove the staples and outer stitches and see just how much I was doing. I don't think I'm pushing things at all, but it's more the doctors and surgeons are all that good. The chief cardiac surgeon in Northern California is now the head of the cardiac department at U.C. Davis Med Center.

I will close now and get some more rest, but I needed to share the warmth I felt as Bruce shared your responses. Thank you all, God bless you all for your prayers, and I am looking forward to much more of a future knowing all of you.


Hi Mark, I finally noticed this thread today and great to hear you're coming back to health. Hope you get totally well soon so you can get back to your normal activities. Good luck and see ya over at TROLL CENTRAL soon. ;)