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Site slow...server error message


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Feb 6, 2010
The past few days I have experienced the following issues:

-Very slow site loading time, compared to before
- Clicking on a thread, then being transported to the forum home page.
- Clicking on a thread, waiting approx 60 secs, then getting a " The server did not respond in time. Please try again." message.

It has taken me 3 tries to post this, with the first 2 tries getting the above message.

I have tried 3 different computers/networks (work, home, friends) and my iPhone, and I experience the same lag time.

This site has been quite fast, but lately the speed has slowed and the "timeout" messages more common.

Anyone else experience this?
Working great here everywhere.
If you've got IE 8 or 9 with compatability settings turn them off on this site. That seems to be causing the issue. I got the info from someone else and it has worked fine since the I turned that feature off.:)
I am using Firefox, and have tried IE9 as well......same problem.

Here is the odd part.....when I log out and browse the sight, it's quicker than sh!t.

Once I log in, click on the same thread, the thingy in the top right corner is "thinking", then it times out with a "server error".

This just started btw in the past 10-14 days, as well.

Very odd.......;)
I am using Firefox, and have tried IE9 as well......same problem.

Here is the odd part.....when I log out and browse the sight, it's quicker than sh!t.

Once I log in, click on the same thread, the thingy in the top right corner is "thinking", then it times out with a "server error".

This just started btw in the past 10-14 days, as well.

Very odd.......;)
That just means that you pissed off Shane.....

This package doesnt have Miserable Users.
That just means that you pissed off Shane.....


Wouldn't surprise me, but that is not the way to handle people.

I doubt it tho.

Shane's been on vacation so it wasn't Shane.:rolleyes: It has to be something with your system. Maybe you got a bug looking at gay porn?:p

Ran a virus scan, and nothing.

Also, I am on other forums, all without issue.

Like I said, if I am logged out an looking at a thread, it is quick, lightening quick.

Once I log in, everything comes to grinding halt.

Last the server error message also includes this: "The error message is in the JavaScript console".
Ran a virus scan, and nothing.

Also, I am on other forums, all without issue.

Like I said, if I am logged out an looking at a thread, it is quick, lightening quick.

Once I log in, everything comes to grinding halt.

Last the server error message also includes this: "The error message is in the JavaScript console".
You have to remember this site isn't using VB like 99% of the other sites out there are. If it's coming up as a javascript error in the console then it sounds like it's on your side.:oops: I use several different scanners on my system and each one will catch different issues. I've yet to find one that will catch all of them so all 6 that I use seem to work great. Pain to scan and update but hey, it works.:D
Charlie- This ONLY happens once I am logged in.

Not logged in- lightening fast speed
Logged in- very, very slow, and multiple :server error" messages or I get redirected back to the main forum page, once it times out.

Iphone, Mac, PC....all the same issue, regardless of browser (Firefox, IE9, Safari) and location (work,home, mobile phone).

Something is not right here.
Like I said, this fomat hasn't been used by a lot of forums right now so it has to do with your configuration, not the site. If you go to other sites that use the same format and they load fine I'd agree but most of them out there are still usning VB and not Xeno (sp) forum. Sorry.
Like I said, this fomat hasn't been used by a lot of forums right now so it has to do with your configuration, not the site. If you go to other sites that use the same format and they load fine I'd agree but most of them out there are still usning VB and not Xeno (sp) forum. Sorry

Poking around the Xenforo forums, out of curiosity, it seems many had the "The server responded with an error. The error message is in the JavaScript console." error message pop up while logging in, browsing, opening threads, etc.

How would the configuration change by me logging in vs not logging in?

The settings on all 4 machines (Mac, 2 PC's, and Iphone), I have logged in from, at different times, have not changed.

Here is another thing:

Logged in, when I scroll over a thread title, the preview box says "loading..." for approx 30-60 secs before it previews the first few words of a post.

Not logged in, it is under 10 secs, like before.

What settings/configuration should I be checking to see if they are out of whack?
You'd need to ask Jay at this point, sorry.:) I'm just a tech and not a puter guy after all.:oops:
it is a xenforo problem not a user pc configuration problem. may not affect everyone due to so many
types of OS's and configs, but it does affect some.
had to send last msg about 5 times - said I could not post unless logged in, I was logged in. Logged in while already
logged in - would not let as I was logged in!! got out of the screen and it let me post!!??
it is a xenforo problem not a user pc configuration problem. may not affect everyone due to so many
types of OS's and configs, but it does affect some.

had to send last msg about 5 times - said I could not post unless logged in, I was logged in. Logged in while already
logged in - would not let as I was logged in!! got out of the screen and it let me post!!??

Looks like I am not the only one experiencing this.

While browsing the Xenforo forums, it seems these issues are more common than once thought.

Any others have this issue?
Yes I have been having this a lot the last 3 weeks, and no my computers or OS havent changed at all.
What system are you guys using to surf? I did have a problem with IE until I turned off the compatability setting. That solved a bunch of issues for me.:)
I havenot changed a thing on our PC or my 2 laptops in the last 1-2 years and the last 3 weeks this is the only site effecting me. It takes 15 seconds to load so I can click on anything. Windows 7 on my recent laptop. No problems until recently.