It seems that this thread has found an "Over-rev", Donnie, as much as I know you are attemping to enlighten many here with what you have found to be "Un-Tapped" power, the general population of TurboBuick and other forced induction investigators can(and will, if they pay attention) learn if they so desire, but I for one will tell you to keep what you've learned to yourself and only share with those "willing" to spend the time learning, way too many here in open view thinking "Moore's Better Rule", I suggest you quit sharing information, document and save it for those few that can benefit from your work when you can choose the "who" that wishes to push further with simular concepts.
I've encountered opposition in my past, they all look the same after a while, all talk, fake tits and gloss, but not a ballsack to be found in sight.
There has been 2 sides to every street on the road to progress, no matter how strong you(knowledge wise) are, your forward motion will be thwarted/slowed by those returning from failure without success and praying you don't find what they could not.
It's up to you bud's if you think it's worth it, you or I don't make money on these fools by feeding them information they won't use, only the salesmen at the parts counter will because they don't.