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Time to go stage II with A/C!


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Ok, we will wait for a response from JE pistons on the situation. I want to be able to drive this home from the dyno....
Who cares what JE says the damage if there is any is done. . .the motor is already assembled amd in the car . You waiting is an excuse. Excuses are like a** holes. . . . . .everyone has one. Be like NIKE and just do it! Come on norbs. 100+ pages of false hope and dreams. . . For an outcome that never came to fruition. . .

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app

Don;t give up just yet, JE has a pretty good tech department, they should have a good understanding of whats safe and whats not? All this means is I may have to scale back my goals, until I build my TA block.
Don;t give up just yet, JE has a pretty good tech department, they should have a good understanding of whats safe and whats not? All this means is I may have to scale back my goals, until I build my TA block.
I can't endure that many more pages of reading without any results!
All eyes on your norbs... just the few couple of words... are assoicated with you... the rest is just good music...

Like I had mentioned to you before... You gotta get out there.. Get to the dyno good...or bad.... just don't go balls to the wall on your first run.... Get some true real world data!
I am having some personal family issues right now, that are urgent. I have to put this on hold as I need some time to myself...
Norbs is gonna be off the grid for awhile. Prayers sent from myself and Daveismissing and his wife.
Thanks everyone for understanding the situation. However, the crisis continues but is presently stable, but anything can change at any time.
Thanks for you support. my emotions are a roller coster lately. We will dyno when things settle down.
I know you have other priorities now but I got to tell you that you need to get out there and run off some stress. I can't have all the fun.