Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

sleep? what's that?

The time is now 4:53. That's AM... and I started reading this around 1. I honestly don't even remember how I started reading it! I got online to check my post about converting my carbed 3.8 to a 4.1/Qjet setup, and somehow, by some mysterious (and sleep-depriving) circumstance, I ended up reading this for the last 4 hours (give or take...). Good to know that people got their money back, good to know that at least one hustler is so infamous he can't sell $50 bills at $20 each to his own mother. And as someone who's had his beloved Regal stolen from in front of his own house, I know exactly what it feels like, and he deserves it. Good. Of course, I got mine back that same day, too... and it wasn't missing a thing! My car loves me, ha ha haha ha! Okay, now that I have a staff meeting in seven hours...

G'night, God bless, Remember the Alamo...

no, I don't know what I'm talking about anymore...

"Trust in God, but lock your doors."
"The single greatest fear of any criminal is a would-be victim with the means and will to defend themselves."

Matthew 8:20
i haven't found a thread on the internet on ANY board with as many replies or views as this thread...put it in the record books!

ooo i get to start page 20;)

did that joe guy REALLY commit suicide like Red Regal T said???
Just posting to bring this back to the top so other little slimy pigs like Joey will see what will happen to them if they choose to screw around ;)
Originally posted by mike
I heard he was still screwing guys around on some Camaro boards.

Oh really? Well, he better stay the F*** away from Team Camaro because if he does not I will let hungry pitbulls loose on him.
What a story this went on for a while joe i comment you very well done. I havent had any real problems that large few little quirks bug other then that nothin bad. Im glad you got all you wanted and the satifation of nail'in his ass to the wall. congrads
This is the energizer bunny of threads. Hopefully it serves as a warning to those that want to screw a member. I wonder if little Joey ever grew up and learned his lesson?
Originally posted by Joe 1320
This is the energizer bunny of threads. Hopefully it serves as a warning to those that want to screw a member. I wonder if little Joey ever grew up and learned his lesson?

actually i thought i saw him selling stuff on the other board. unless its a different joe.
Joe you have mail thanks Daniel . ps GOOD work on this and I am glad you got back what you had invested . To many times jerks get away with scams like this!
Wow its going to take a long time to read through all this!

hahah now everyone that has responded to this thread is going to get an email!:D