Anyone know Joe Cipolla?


JOE1320 I want to just say excellent excellent excellent as i to was scammed and after 1yr and the threat of prosecution and a warrant issued i finally got my money back. It is firm proof that when a piece of sh*& tries to rip any of us off, it is only persistance that will get your money back:D .
Also I would love to get a copy of your attack strategies to file away in my folder. I am honored to be apart of the buick community and to see that other than just the cars we also stick together with integrity and honesty and will go any length's to insure our common interests and weed out these warts of society not only from our own boards but also our fellow enthusiasts no matter what types of vehicle's they maybe as no one in this hobby needs to be ripped off as it is expensive enough as is without giving the money away.

please email me your strategy to and thanks to the car gods for giving you to us.

87 T-Type WE-4 soon to be high 10's driver
66gs hardtop
66gs conv. 2x4 (yes original dual quads)

PS> Dave did you get your $$$$$ or is BUBBA breaking him in?
hasn't this guy been doing this for a while I heard of the name joe cipola a long time ago ripping people off
There is no tactics. Just be a dick head to the guy and keep check on him.

threaten with police action/lawsuit.

Threaten with violence.

Threaten/makefunof/ and demand pay.

Jsut read through its not a complex operation

Guys, you wont believe this one, My brother and I, were reading most of the threads and how he was scamming everyone, we both looked at eachother and said " THIS is JOE?!?" We almost bought a black WE-4 car from him back in Sept 04. It was listed on Ebay. I had my eye on another black WE-4 at the same time, but came accross the one Joe was selling on Ebay. Just about every part on the Ebay page about the car was a lie. I mean the car should have ran 10.50's with all the stuff he said it had. Just so happens our friend SouthernBoost, tb member, had just seen the car at Bowling Green Nationals, and told us about it. How it was a sweet car and a good deal. IT did have some rust in the doors, but had grey leather interior which makes the car stand out. So i kept it in the back of my mind. We ran accross the one on Ebay, and I thought, you know? This sure looks like the WE-4 from Bowling Green, so I contacted the original owner of the car. He said " I sold it to a kid name Joe, and I wasnt very happy with the transaction.. He told us he was going to restore the car, and never sell it. The next day it was on Ebay, with a list of liesssss"

We compared pictures of the car on Ebay and another website, that the original owner had it for sale on. SAME CAR! Different Story! We came VERY close to paying $10,000 for this car. Luckly we did some detective work first. We called up lil Joe and said Look pal, Everything on the car is not true. You bought it from the owner a few days ago, and according to the owner, the car was basicly stock with a downpipe. There is no way you could have put all these parts you claimed to have, on it. We know what you paid for the car, and you're not going to rip us off. And all he could say was... uhh uhhhh...uhh..uhhh :) He said he'd call us back, but never heard from him again! Thats when I bought the 87 GN out of NC from Mushroom. ( the one with the red fuel cell) and have been loving it ever since.

Crime dont pay
Originally posted by quickbrick
ya, this came out of nowhere. joe1320 isnt even a member anymore unless he changed screen names.

That's news to me. :rolleyes:

I still get e-mails asking for the troll terminator instructions and are happy to send them. I only check this thread after an e-mail asking for help. So to set the story straight, I've been a member since the "old" board and Turbo Bricks are in my blood. I may not post much, but I sure do read. :cool: I'm also not going anywhere as I love the cars, the hobby and the board.

As far as the other "ideas"............. being a **** won't get you anywhere when dealing with the law enforcement agencies. Finesse is the only way you get your foot in the door to get their attention and get results. The other approach gets you blown off by the very parties that would serve the justice.
You know i give all you guys a lot of credit cause if this little snot nose punk would of ripped me off i would of made a personal trip to go pay him a visit and collect in person either cash or his a$$:mad: :eek: i dont like when these punks think they could get away with ripping people off but he is going to rip the wrong person off and they aint going to sit lightly. You all give em what he deserves:mad: . Good luck all FrankC
Originally posted by Joe 1320
That's news to me. :rolleyes:

I still get e-mails asking for the troll terminator instructions and are happy to send them. I only check this thread after an e-mail asking for help. So to set the story straight, I've been a member since the "old" board and Turbo Bricks are in my blood. I may not post much, but I sure do read. :cool: I'm also not going anywhere as I love the cars, the hobby and the board.

As far as the other "ideas"............. being a **** won't get you anywhere when dealing with the law enforcement agencies. Finesse is the only way you get your foot in the door to get their attention and get results. The other approach gets you blown off by the very parties that would serve the justice.

sorry my bad, i was thinkin of someone else
wow, i had to post in this thread. i like to be a part of history. the longest thread ever!!!

also, i'm glad that you guys got your money back. teaches thos jerks not to mess with the rest of us.
Joe Cipolla is not dead as Red Regal T mentioned.

He was arrested for Grand Theft Auto here in Chicago last week. There is a thread on about his arrest. You need to register to view it.
hi,i deliver cars for a living and had the bad luck to deal w/joe cipolla.he owes me money still and stole my car too.iv'e already talked to the police and a lawyer,just wait till they drag him to arizona for the guy he ripped off there[he sold the same 69 corvette 3 times]their all just laying in wait for him and finishing their case aganst him,some people have allready gone before the grand jury and told their story,,

if anybody has questions feel free to e-mail me

damn guys........i just wanted to let all of you know over here at turbo buick that your thread made it all the way over to my forum under buyer and seller ratings, i would also like to congratulate joe b on his outstanding work as a gearhead detective in this matter. I just bought a header for my sentra spec v and if he gets any more shady i might have to come here for help. goodluck and happy modding guys.

Clint B