The boost power issue has a lot to do with how well the motor breathes. if your running stock heads and cam, its a moot point cuase 24 PSI equals 24 PSI no matter what turbo. Now if the flow is opened up and you can utilize this extra air flow..thats when this issue of boost arises as far as detonation control. Heads and cam will have the greatest effect.
Once you really start making power..and want alcohol to have a shot, you need to increase the volume of alky through your motor. It is my belief that the little pump in the SMC kit isnt capable of delivering the volume needed to sustain a high horsepower application. Not putting it down..I think of it like a TA49 gets you into the 11's. The shureflow pump is better suited to handle the larger volume and a larger container for the added flow will also be required. You have to rethink your wheel

and how you apply it. there may be exceptions to the rule as in everything, but up to now, documented ET's dont lie.
I know , I know, this requires a lot more planning and does keeping the motor from knocking and making power. A $150 DIY kit is not intended for this.. a twin/triple/progressive type system is more in line... which way.. no one knows..we're all stuck in the 11's

but not for long
Look at the video I posted, I'm running over 100 PSI alky on twin M10's and zero bogging or transitional knock. Doing this kind of pressure on a simple "turn it on at 10-12 PSI", you would have had rich pop from the motor.