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EBL SFI-6 install & tuning thread


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I noticed there isn't an .xdf item defined for AE duration. Helping a friend get his car dialed in before I have to PCS(move) and I was looking at the AE event during PE, I need it too last a little longer. Now the filtering could help if I increase the AE amount and reduce the coeffiecient?

On another note, finally was able to get the alky going on my car. Works pretty well when controlled with the EBL, just need to figure out its happy spot. Also had to add a makeshift air bleed for the WG solenoid since it cant bypass enough pressure, boost only climbs to 16 psi. First time with the air bleed and the boost climbed to 25psi, blew right through 3rd gear before I could lift off the throttle. One count of knock at 25 psi right before lifting off the go pedal. Trans is the weak point now. Had to put the car away shortly after since it binged all of its alcohol, but Im happy with it right now.
To extend the duration of AE lower the filter table coefficients. Note that this will also slightly increase the volume of AE.

For the WG solenoid, I changed the orifice size in the T fitting. It is a brass piece so am able to solder and redrill. Currently at 0.028", which seems to do the trick. Little different then a separate bleed, but accomplishes the same thing.

For PE fuel, particularly the AFR commanded portion, I notice at higher RPMs the commanded AFR will decrease(increase fuel) past the threshold that is set in the bin. For instance, the commanded PE AFR is set to 11.2 across the RPM range, but the logs are showing 10.9 at the end. Not sure if there is an undefined parameter or Im missing something in the mask. For the "PE - AFR Enrich Over Time" parameter, is this the maximum amount for a PE event?

You hit it with the "PE - AFR Enrich Over Time" feature. It is causing the commanded AFR to lower over time. This will then decay out over time when not in PE. The purpose is to help cool the engine, as extended WOT will cause heat build up.

The "PE - AFR Enrich Over Time" parameter is the maximum amount that the commanded AFR will enrich during PE. To disable this feature set it to zero. Note that this change is on top of the commanded PE AFR table values, they are the base value during PE mode.

I set that parameter to zero and it helped since its not adding fuel during a relatively short WOT burst. BTW, this is not my car being tuned at the moment, its a friends warmed up 109 block. GN1 ported heads, roller cam, 6266 turbo, 100 unleaded fuel, 80lb injectors, peak boost is about 19 psi right now. Still running the stock ignition with autolite 104's gapped at .030." Running into rich knock, or possibly a spark blow out condition at the upper 4K rpm range, and Im having trouble dialing in the AFRs to find its happy place. With the Hemco 65mm upper, it doesn't like AFRs to be anything leaner than 10.8 ish. Im trying to target the AFRs in the mid 10's, but around 10.1 the knock sensor picks up rich knock, or spark blowout, and when that happens I cant really use that WBO2 data because the knock retard causes the AFRs to drop into the 9's. Its a domino effect after that with rich knock, engine wont pull any further, and we are trying to be really careful because the owner has over 7K invested in this engine. I will post up the latest log hopefully within the next 24 hours, depending on how my night goes.

Im thinking of closing up the gap on the spark plugs to .028" and see if that helps, any suggestions? I notice with 3rd and 4th PE spark reduction, the AFRs also drop, as expected. Im also thinking of reducing those values by 1 0r 2 degrees, since it has the GN1 heads. ???
Read this the other day then forgot about it... Yes, try going to a .028" gap. The stock ignition isn't that strong for a lot of boost. while the plugs are out can give them a good look-see for detonation.

As far as lowering the spark reduction, I don't have enough experience with those heads to say.

This is an awesome thread to read but is really confusing to this EBL Noob.....i need some help guys, after long consideration i ordered the ready to go system for my buick, got it all installed and im so dumb founded its not even funny....where do i find the pre loaded files to get things going? Ive looked and maybe im just not looking in the right spot, i really hate asking such novice questions but im lost....sorry for hijacking this thread ,if i need to start a new one please let me know
Bud, are you all set up and ready to go? Is the WUD corresponding with the ECM properly during key on? If so, and your ready to flash in a stock bin, just click on Display in the WUD, then click on Flash, and when you get to the next screen it will have a button for you to select to choose a specific bin file. When you click on it, it will (should) open up access to your Dynamic EFI folder (it might take you to the last folder you accessed, so if it does, just manually go to Dynamic EFI), the bins are located in the Dynamic folder, and all of them are defined in there in terms of which one is which. Double click the bin you want, you will then be taken back to the Flash screen where you were in the WUD, but you will now see the bin you selected attached, then click Flash...
The easiest way to find the included calibration is to go to the EBL SFI-6 Flash Program Group and open the User Calibrations Folder:

Start->All Programs->EBL SFI-6 Flash->User Calibrations Folder

Then go up one level. At that point the installed files will be shown. The folder called 'Calibrations' will have the supplied BIN in it. Note that this is the same calibration that is in the EBL SFI-6 Flash ECM as provided (only one with the EBL SFI-6). There is an empty 'User_Calibrations' folder that is intended for the BINs that you are using for tuning.

Also in the above EBL SFI-6 Flash Program Group is links to the various documents along with the What's Up Display (WUD).

On our web site is two Intro to Tuning pages. Part 1 being a tutorial on Tuner Pro and the WUD. The first step is to get connected to the EBL SFI-6 ECM and observe the data, get the hang of recording data logs, looking at them and so on.

See the Information drop down menu on our site for the above links, also see the 'What's Up Display' link for a decent look-see of the WUD and it's various displays and features.

I have communication between the ECM and my laptop and i checked that it was working by pushing the gas and watching the TPS sensor scale on the WUD screen...I went to the flash area and chose the only file i could find and flashed it succesfully...started the car and it ran really rough, im sure im doing something wrong and ill mess with it tonight when i get home.
When i was doing the pin swap i noticed the side notes, are these just suggestions or are these steps that need to be taken? What about the MAP sensor, do i have to reconfigure this or can i leave it like i had it when i was running my Poerlogger and logging boost?
Once again, sorry for the Novice questions and thanks for the help, i know ill get this and the car will run great when its all said and done.
This is one of the "Notes" im talking about, does this need to be done ?

A8 A8 ALDL Serial ORN Note: also connected to A9 internally
A9 F6 ALDL Diag WHT/BLK Move pin E to position M in ALDL connector, 8192
A10 C6 VSS DK BRN Pin D2 goes to ScanMaster & ALDL pin E
A11 C5 CAM High YEL Needs PU on pin D2 for 160 ALDL (470 ohm & 5.1V Zener
Do i need to splice this in order to go from C16 to both B1 and C16?

C16 to B1,C16 Battery+ ORN
Bud, I am looking at your signature, and there needs to be some changes made to the bin if your running larger injectors and a bigger cam, or are you running a different setup? If it's the same setup in your signature, then after downloading TunerPro V5, the first thing you need to do is bring the stock bin into TunerPro V5 and change the injector flow rate from 28# to 50#, otherwise your running way too rich. Then you need to alter you SA base, idle state and Main table to work with the 210/215 cam your running. From there just set up a VE Learn to smooth it all out, should only take a few minutes...
yes, i did down loaded tuner pro and i ran the disc that came with my system....when i get home this evening ill give it another try.
I need to change my sig, i went with 60s and a 6265 turbo while i was upgrading.
Thanks for the tech support guys i really need it.
At this point im open to any and all tuning tips/suggestions
Yes, then be sure to change the injector flow rate from 28# to 60#...

The SA Main Table was already converted to KPA from LV8 in the XDF file, but depending on where your target RPM may be at idle in either park or in gear (I keep my targeted RPM at 900 in Park, and 700 in Drive, which may differ from others), be sure to bring the value in the SA main table closer to your particular idle state target (mine idle state is set to 22*, so I also average that number in the SA main table in the correct RPM & KPA areas)...
This is one of the "Notes" im talking about, does this need to be done ?

A8 A8 ALDL Serial ORN Note: also connected to A9 internally
A9 F6 ALDL Diag WHT/BLK Move pin E to position M in ALDL connector, 8192
A10 C6 VSS DK BRN Pin D2 goes to ScanMaster & ALDL pin E
A11 C5 CAM High YEL Needs PU on pin D2 for 160 ALDL (470 ohm & 5.1V Zener

Follow up to the email, this side note only has to do with pin A8, the ALDL data stream. The pin A9 - A11 aren't affected by this.

For the side note:

A8 A8 ALDL Serial ORN

Note: also connected to A9 internally
Move pin E to position M in ALDL connector, 8192
Pin D2 goes to ScanMaster & ALDL pin E
Needs PU on pin D2 for 160 ALDL (470 ohm & 5.1V Zener)

It depends upon if you have a scan master or if you want to be able to use a scan tool on the ALDL port. The stock '7148 ECM ALDL is 160 baud on pin E. The EBL SFI-6 ECM ALDL is 8192 baud and uses pin M on the ALDL connector.

To use the 8192 baud the scan tool needs to be set for a '91 Camaro with a TPI set up (VIN F or VIN 8). That along with the ALDL terminal moved from E to M.

The stock '7148 data stream is output from the EBL SFI-6 ECM on pin D2. This is the one that is used for a scan master and a scan tool. Need to add the 470 ohm (up to 1K can be used) resister and the Zener diode for this to work.

QwikStop said:
What about the MAP sensor, do i have to reconfigure this or can i leave it like i had it when i was running my Poerlogger and logging boost?

The MAP sensor should get it's +5 volts and ground from the EFI harness. The TPS wires will provide these signals. This way the MAP sensor is referenced to the actual ECM voltages, not chassis ground and the dash power.

QwikStop said:
Do i need to splice this in order to go from C16 to both B1 and C16?

C16 to B1,C16 Battery+ ORN

It isn't required but is best pratice. It provides a redundant battery feed to the ECM, which is where most of the ECM power is supplied from. This can be added later, to make best use of the EBL SFI-6 ECM adding additional terminals and wires will need to be done.

I guess im making some progress...i managed to get to the Parameter tree section and found the injector flow rate but it was set at 58.20#, i set it to 60# for the injectors that i have...i am unable to find the section that has various tunes to choose from that are close to what my combo i not in the right area?
I guess im making some progress...i managed to get to the Parameter tree section and found the injector flow rate but it was set at 58.20#, i set it to 60# for the injectors that i have...i am unable to find the section that has various tunes to choose from that are close to what my combo i not in the right area?
I think you're describing the bank select, which is part of the WUD. Right now there is only one supplied calibration included with the EBL software, and it is a fairly conservative tuned bin. I would leave the injector size constant set at 58 if you have the 60# injectors, as the trim will be set to be slightly rich. Is the engine equipped with siemens deka injectors? If they are a different brand/type, make sure you find the voltage offset data for the voltage compensation.

Included with the contents on the CD is the bin definition item explanation page, clicking on it will open it up in your browser, reference this if you are not sure on how each parameter affects the way the engine runs. Visit Dynamic EFI's webpage and read the intro to tuning topics, they cover all the basics to get you going. HTH
Last week I tried to export the datalog to .csv, but wanted to export as single header to use with race render software. For some reason the WUD will not export the file if the single header box is selected, I even tried exporting without the .csv box selected. Am I doing something wrong?

For defining EGT probes, will I need some sort of controller? What type of probe would anyone recommend?
I just did a .csv single header dump using WUD version 3.0i, it worked. Dumped the "gn_000125a.dat" file and got a 'gn_000125a.csv' file that opened in Excel with a double click of it.

For EGT probes will need an amplifier of some sort. A Type-K probe is the one to use due to the temperature range.
