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GN1 Performance 3.625 Steel Crankshaft


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Full Throttle is offering these on their website. Is anyone running one? Price is $799.00 I'm looking for one for a mild off-stage II motor. Good quality? Thanks for the input.

Your finally getting around to collecting parts for the II huh? Im going to pull the engine back out of my car again. Time for more "upgrades". Oh, you going to the nationals this year? If so, we need to hook up and drive out. Please tell Kim hello and give that little girl a kiss for me.


Ps, if you want, I can get you a one off billet crank!!
Dan at DLS is as anal as it gets. IMO when a engine builder gets involved in the production of these cranks and adds improvements to a rotating assembly with his seal of approval, and is excited on its outcome.:eek: Wrap it up, I'll take it.
We actually have seen this crank and we do support this board. The crank is NOT made by Cat and is NOT any sort of leftover Cat, CAT never had leftovers all there inventory along with some future inventory all went to TA Perf which is why no one else has any, TA paid for them up front. I was offered this option but declined based on the health and delivery time of the company. This new crank has a host of improvments over the old cranks but retains the narrow journal so that a Scat, K1 or Stock rod can be used. The K1 rod will not hit like the Scat rod mentioned. These are made in China (just like the DLS/BA which is another quality unit), they are made by the same company that makes cranks for Scat and other US distributors. Hope this clears up some confusion. If you bought one and had a problem why did you not just send it back instead of paying someone to fix it?
Dan at DLS is as anal as it gets. IMO when a engine builder gets involved in the production of these cranks and adds improvements to a rotating assembly with his seal of approval, and is excited on its outcome.:eek: Wrap it up, I'll take it.

The builders have to get involved or their probably wouldnt be any cranks around. Anyone could get involved if they wanted to front the $ and get at least 200 of them. They are not drop in cranks. This is why the engine builders typically wont sell them outright. They dont want the blame placed on them for something they really have little control over.
my engine is almost done they dropped everything in and it looks good after clearancing the block it ll be ready to rock. they didnt have to do anything special to my crank that i know of and its the weber kit.
I am pretty sure you are wrong:rolleyes: If you will read the post Dan is the vendor that left over the BS... Thanks for trying to stir a stinking pot...

If I had a problem with ANYBODY I WOULD MAKE IT KNOWN!

You guys that are swingers kill me... First you thought we took cheap shots at Cal now Dan... If you think anyone hurts your idol of the month you can't stand it:rolleyes: Sometimes it comes off as 2nd grade crap...

Some of you fight over your hero's on here more than what is going on in real life...

Get over yourselves people. I think as much of these vendors as you do...

I am tired of certain members turning ant hills in to mountains... Far as I am concerned you can sign off and never come back, we don't need the BS here!

Shane it is no secret that you have a hard-on for GN1 Performance and rightfully so.
The OP stated that the crank was available at a PAYING VENDORS site, that should have made you happy. The next posters mention Weber Racing, Hye Tech, and DLS then you come in here with your comment " Wow alot names mentioned in here...How about support the vendors that support the board guys".
It seems pretty clear that the names mentioned are supporting vendors...except DLS. If I mistook what you were implying I am man enough to apologize for it. I wasn't trying to stir the pot at all. As far as the second grade stuff...well I wont even go there. You already know that you have a Current supporting vendor that wont even participate here anymore.
If anyone else here was offended by my comment I apologize. I was offended by what I mistakenly took as Shanes intent.

I am just trying to be fair to the guys that support the board...

I admit the GN1 thing struck me wrong. I had no idea F/T carried them. Then I saw the BA crap... Again another nerve struck...

It was still by no means meant as a shot towards Dan...

I apologize for jumping the gun, as it appears I did with my first post...

I am trying to do the best I can do for this board and its members. Unfortunately you guys don't have to know and deal with all the behind the scenes BS that goes on in this little community. I get to here about and or deal with all of it:rolleyes: So no matter what I say in certain threads it is going to piss somebody off...

I am passionate about this board and the community. I have to do what I have to do to be fair. It is not easy and I am not perfect and I make mistakes... Long as you guys know in the end I am just trying to look out for all of us... Some people make a living of the TR world and thus are bind-ed in certain ways. I am not, this board is work for me that I treat as a stress reliever for my regular life. So a little money from a BB isn't going to make me loose my morals and principles!

quote-this board is work for me that I treat as a stress reliever for my regular life. So a little money from a BB isn't going to make me loose my morals and principles! -unquote

you some nut,... into self abuse?
to each their own, I appreciate the board, the info, and the latitude to express my opinion.

I just finished up a short block using one of the new 3.400 stroke cranks from DLS. It was absolutely perfect. I measured everything on it. Not to mention how well the race bearings bearing fit and how well they were custom chamfered to fit the cranks nice large fillets it has.

Dan has never let me down. His work is always flawless and he always goes the extra mile to make sure everything is going to work out well for me. His advice is worth more than you will pay for the parts.