It's Friday and my GTA rims and new Nitto tires were shipped from San Fransisco last Thursday, which means if I don't get 'em today...someone is gonna get hurt!
Just got back from Wayne true two stoplight town with $1 32oz draft beers and $1.50 Jack n Cokes. Managed to stick the 4x4 Suburban in a ditch too. Heh! What fun!
Yey!!! Iam at work and i get to leave at 5:30 and then because my luck is the best i get to have class until 9:00pm with a test woohoooo cant wait screw college screw work iam playin the lotto
Eight and a half more hours to go until the weekend
Boy does that suck - on an up note its supposed to be in the 50s this weekend - woo hoo a heat wave