I just was chatting with Eric. He said my tune is fine and he was able to show me points in the data that have a run of about 0-55 in 4.0 seconds. I'm not certain what is going on at this point, it certainly didn't feel anywhere near that fast. As soon as this crap weather passes through, I will have to make more runs and try to purposely do a bunch of 0-60 runs. The other thing that has come up is making sure to get a good launch.IT appears we have nobody that can open a ECUGN file.
I would love to see what Eric tune looked like when poster received the ECU. Eric is almost spot on with his chips , I would think his ECU would be spot on too.
Have you got the tune the ECU came with? If so I would reload it.
These new ECU's have lots of windows you can open and you get one wrong your garbage in is garbage out.
You may have something that is pulling timing unexpectedly