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Unable to View PowerLogger Logs.


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Jul 24, 2010
Is the 'Internal Logging Settings' box supposed to be highlighted?

The 'Enabled' won't let me check the box because that whole area is light. is 'Download Log 1' and 2,Status and both 'empty's.

My logs have been saved as .dat files. I named them,made a notation and put them in a PL Saved Files folder in My Documents.

However,I can't view them no matter what I try. Even had two people who are very computer-literate check this out. They both were...:confused:

Any help is appreciated.

Steve. '87 GN,t-tops. Powerlogger.
the internal logging is a feature that we never implemented.

If you have .dat files, zip one up and post it. I will take a look.

to open your .dat file, use the F3 page, click load, and select the file.

If there is data in the file, it will be displayed on the graph, gauge, and data screen.

To create a log, you must put the PL software into Record mode, then stop and save the recorded data.

Thanks,Bob,for the reply.

Today I took another stab at trying to view the logs. Still no luck. I made a few replies below. Maybe I have to uninstall/install. ??

>If you have .dat files, zip one up and post it. I will take a look.

I appreciate that you'll take a look. I'd really like to be able to view them and compare the numbers to what I've read. Otherwise,I'm not gonna lean anything. It is just a log I made at idle as a test run to operate the program.

>to open your .dat file, use the F3 page, click load, and select the file.

I see idle.dat in the box under Log File Control. I click Load..a small Window opens with Load Log File at the top. Under that is Look in: In that box is PL Saved Files,which is a folder I have created for the logs.
Now,idle.dat is also in the box next to Open.
I click on Open....
The Window disappears,and idle is still in the box under Log File Control.
...I'm back to where I started. Nothing played.

> If there is data in the file, it will be displayed on the graph, gauge, and data screen.

The file size is 66.5 KB (68,224 bytes),so there is something in there.

> To create a log, you must put the PL software into Record mode, then stop and save the recorded data.

I really like the idea of using the spacebar to start and stop recordings. Everything works great,except I can't view the logs after saving them.

My next step is to drag my desktop out of the house,into the garage,load the software and see what happens with that. ?

For now,I record the logs with a video camera (iPhone) aimed at the laptop screen. I can view the logs anywhere,anytime. But that's just improvising around a problem.

Any suggestions?


Steve. '87 GN,t-tops. Mostly stock,PowerLogger.
I click on Open....
The Window disappears,and idle is still in the box under Log File Control.
...I'm back to where I started. Nothing played.

Now that you've loaded the file, you must go to one of the screens (Data, Graph, or Gauge) to look at the data. You can scroll forward through the run with the arrow keys.

Once you load the file, try going to the Graph screen, what do you see there?

,and idle is still in the box under Log File Control.
...I'm back to where I started. Nothing played.

Any suggestions?


Steve. '87 GN,t-tops. Mostly stock,PowerLogger.

The file, idle.dat is loaded at this point and waiting for you to look at it. You have to click on one of the tabs labeled graph, gauge or data. One of three ways you can now view the data. Once you choose which tab to click then you can move through the data with your arrow keys.
The file, idle.dat is loaded at this point and waiting for you to look at it. You have to click on one of the tabs labeled graph, gauge or data. One of three ways you can now view the data. Once you choose which tab to click then you can move through the data with your arrow keys.

Ok,I'm trying this again. ..

idle.dat is in the Log File Control box.
I click on Load...
The Load Log File window pops up.
idle.dat is in the File name box.
Click on Open...
Quickly go to Data,Graph or Gauge and click on either...

Gauge: Most are at 0,including rpm. Nothing is happening.

Same goes for Data and Graph,which is flatlined on what I have them set for. (O2V,Clt,Ipw and Idc)

Well,time to take a little cruise and unwind here.

Thanks for trying to help.

Steve. '87 GN,t-tops. Mostly stock,powerlogger.
Ok,I'm trying this again. ..

idle.dat is in the Log File Control box.
I click on Load...
The Load Log File window pops up.
idle.dat is in the File name box.
Click on Open...
Quickly go to Data,Graph or Gauge and click on either...

Gauge: Most are at 0,including rpm. Nothing is happening.

Same goes for Data and Graph,which is flatlined on what I have them set for. (O2V,Clt,Ipw and Idc)

Well,time to take a little cruise and unwind here.

Thanks for trying to help.

Steve. '87 GN,t-tops. Mostly stock,powerlogger.

They're not going to do anything unless you move through the data file. If you're in the graph screen just click in one of the graphs and you'll see a vertical time line. Use your arrow keys to move it through the data.
Of course you're not going to see too much because at idle nothing miuch happens.

Right click any one of the graphs and choose something different from the list to look at.

I guess I should ask. Do you have the Powerlogger instructions??????????

It's extremely simple to use.
They're not going to do anything unless you move through the data file. If you're in the graph screen just click in one of the graphs and you'll see a vertical time line. Use your arrow keys to move it through the data.
Of course you're not going to see too much because at idle nothing miuch happens.

Right click any one of the graphs and choose something different from the list to look at.

I guess I should ask. Do you have the Powerlogger instructions??????????

It's extremely simple to use.

Ok,I have this issue figured out. It's partly me,and my sometimes troublesome laptop.

Yes,Dave,I have instructions. Both a hard copy and the pdf file. At first,I was under the impression that the saved log would play like a video,only to be able to stop it and navigate slowly thru it using the arrows. Not sure where I got that from. That mystery alleged-video never appeared.

Then I learned to go up to the top left to access the saved idle.dat Log. The data screen was almost all 0's except for WB AFR. I know not much shows at idle....but even the rpms were 0. The arrows made nothing happen.

Uninstall/reinstall time...

Now the arrows allow me to move thru the data. The slide bar allows me to scroll thru the graphs. ...and down at the bottom it sez what frame.

I still do get the *all 0's" sometimes. But a quick restart of the program fixes that. It restarts in seconds.

This laptop is an '03 Presario 2100 that has locked up on GPS programs,iTunes downloads into my phone,etc.

So,again.. It's not the programs fault. It's my thinking at first a vid will appear,allowing me to use the arrows. Plus,the quirky old laptop.

Thanks for being patient.

Steve. '87 GN,t-tops. Mostly (all?) stock,PowerLogger.
Now that you've loaded the file, you must go to one of the screens (Data, Graph, or Gauge) to look at the data. You can scroll forward through the run with the arrow keys.

Once you load the file, try going to the Graph screen, what do you see there?


All is good now,Eric. Thanks for the info.

Now time for some #'s. (Another post) I've got a light throttle skip/surge issue going on.

Hopefully someone can steer me in the right direction with that. My guess is the factory injectors are on the *soon to go* list.

Thanks again,

Steve. '87 GN,t-tops. Mostly (all?) stock. 81k.
I know this is an old thread, but my question is somewhat related.

After saving a log file (.dat) is there a way to EXPORT a Powerlogger file as csv or xls so it can be more easily analyzed in Excel?
within PLC, on the F3 page, the save function has a filetype selection. CSV is one of the options.
Yeah,that is an old thread. I posted that 7 years ago. It's hard to believe I've had my GN that long. It has come a long way since then.

Heh... I wonder how much into the tens of thousands I've spent. Geeesh!