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Why Are HotAir Cars Slow?


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You can use my trailer any time! She's a little old but gets the job done, I'm going to re-deck it next week, its all yours!
And my kids 03 2500 Chevy too! I dont drive it much, he's in college now and I bought him a 350Z ( girls car ) But it is black with a 5 speed.........
hot air cars ar not slow just challenging to work on intercool cars ar easy :p we just put a 51 turbo 40 lb injectors on a 85 but at 28 lb boost we killed the bottom end :eek: WE WILL BE BACK :eek:
And my kids 03 2500 Chevy too! I dont drive it much, he's in college now and I bought him a 350Z ( girls car ) But it is black with a 5 speed.........

wow. thats a offer and a half. i will hit you up for sure. not sure when nick wants the car.
Getting off topic. :frown: :redface:
LOL back on topic. reason for the bump is i went back and started reading some of the posts and there is alot of good info flowing in this thread.
wow, its been over a year since anyone has posted here. im going to do a take it to the top for some good reading for any new people we might have.
You hot air folks need to visit the E85 Technical forum. E85 could change everthing! It is a chemical intercooler with none (well, almost none) of the problems running methanol. Several TB guys have removed their intercooler!!!
E85 (85% ethanol, 15% gasoline) is great since ethanol has a high heat of vaporization.....that means that it sucks heat out of the air/fuel charge...just like an intercooler! Plus, it is 105 octane so you know what you can do to the boost control knob. Trouble is it takes about 30% more E85 to get the BTU's up to match gasoline so you will need to upgrade your fuel pump and injectors if you get serious with E85.
Hot Air

ps...the biggest problem with E85 is it's limited availability!
Took two hours to read! Let me try a rundown,short of small improvements on flow,the main thing is cooling the hot compressed air in my HOTAIR engine without an ic. I have the two choices of e85 and water-alcohol injection.
You guys have my attention!
It depends.....

If you drive the car everyday and E85 is not readily available, I would go with alcohol injection.

If you drive the car everyday and E85 is readily available at a much cheaper price (30% less) than 93 octane, I would go with E85.

If you drive the car on special occassions and E85 is readily available (price would not be a consideration), I would go with E85.

Understand that you will, in all likehood, have to upgrade your fuel system to run E85. I'm told that E85 likes to run rich. It also takes 30% more fuel just to equal the BTU's in gasoline. Your fuel pump and injectors will be challenged as never plan on a bigger fuel pump, larger injectors, fresh fuel sock (in the tank), fresh fuel filter, hot wire for pump, and an E85 chip as MINIMUM requirements.

Keep us posted on your journey.

Hot Air
Its been a while,but what about upper cylinder damage on a daily driver? Does e85 have the same effect as methanol on cylinder walls? I have had racing gocarts and they run fastest right before they blowup? I may be ignorant,but I do want to understand, please HELP.
Guido how much is a little more? That will tell you what ya need to get the job done.
I have had racing gocarts and they run fastest right before they blowup?

I've never blown up my Buick, but I've been told the experience is the same. You'll get a glorious pass (Heavens open up and angels sing) and then kaput!
E85 is the big deal here in Colorado

I haven't considered it as an option because I am running fine on 91 octane and Propane. (I have nitrous also) No detonation ever... If one had access to a dyno that would be the proper way to set it up... might give it a try the next time fuel prices go way up.

As for the stuff taking out injectors and fuel pumps... I haven't seen it. You probably could add some of that "miracle oil" to your batch and have no issues ever.

Converting the car to Speed density... awaiting a warm day to finish up the remainder of the project.