Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

Dave ?

So Dave...that troll still hiding from you? What's the story?

13 pages later and that A$$ still hasn't paid you huh?

This has been really informative, cause I have a similar problem involving another guy in Chicago. I'm gonna have to email Joe B for some advice!!

btw, you've reached!

This thread is absolutely amazing, everyone knows about this clown now, guess his days of ripping people off on the net are over.:D

I got here through a thread at and will be passing it on to and maybe a few others. This is definately some good reading. It's encouraging to see at least one of these jerks is getting what's coming to him. Keep up the good work - you make buying/selling car parts online better for all of us!

Hey guys,

I'm not a GN kinda guy, stick with the "big, white farm implement" :D :D :D

I am VERY impressed with the way you guys handled this thing and how well you put the heat on "the worm"!!!!. (I always thought I was a serious bu&&head, but I am humbled before the mightly Joe1320!!!)

Just to let you know, this link has made it to (Lightning forum) and will soon be (if not already) on the svtcobraclub forum!!!!

Just a great big "THUMBS UP" from a guy that drives a truck that "hauls".... If you guys are ever in Nashville during the summer, we have a "cruise in" every Saturday PM in Cool Springs. Look forward to seeing you there!!!
Joe 1320,

Another shout out from the SVT Lightning community.

You earn a....


You have mail. :)

You have also reached Ireland !!

I picked up on this from a BMW board - the system works !!

Fantastic work by all, especially Joe 1320 !!

It's good to know that if anyone does get scr*wed there are options and support !!


Richie :D

I've just read it all. Fantastic to see someone persue this little turd until they got their money back.
Let this be a lesson to all internet traders out there who think they can make a quick $ by decieving others.

You made it to the BMW world now.

E39 forums
To Joe and everyone else involved here......GREAT JOB.....I am a truck guy, but I may just have to at least pick up a picture of a GN out of respect for you guys.........:D
You've reached the Jeep world too, now...

Even here on the we have this thread (I'm in Toronto, Canada). I just can't understand how this kid can be so stupid and why no one has kicked his ass yet? Also, what does his family say? Anyway, I hope he gets his. What a jerk. Good job guys!

Did the Levy guy ever get his cash?