Originally posted by wickedv6
won't answer mail or his phone now..
Thanks -
Linc Belt
Abq, NM
That's a VERY classic & super-typical situation that seems to run through almost EVERY rotten deal with a sleazoid source, certainly one of the very first indicators.
Simultaneously, and/or soon afterward, begin the "computer-glitch", "Internet Service problems", etcetera, kinds of lame-O excuses straight from the tired "Con-Man's Excuse/Alibi Manual".
These supposedly "slick" players would actually be hilarious, if people were not being harmed by their criminal ways.
Any responsible, honest, sober, legitimate adult who had not been run-over by a truck would get those "problems" cleared-up in 24-48 hours. (Weeks? Months? Hardeharhar...tell it to the Judge!)
Example: If your computer turned to dust tonight, I bet you know someone who would be glad to let you use theirs, right? Short of being kidnapped, bound, gagged & locked in the trunk of a '79 Eldo, can you think of ANY situation you could not get a message out someway/somehow? Even if you couldn't, you know someone/somewhere who would help you, right? Where there's an honest will, there's ALWAYS a way.
Public libraries have Internet Access. WalMart sells phonecards.
If anyone's word means anything, they'll find a way. If it doesn't, they won't...simple. Honesty is 24/7/365.
That kind of B.S. is the adult-sleazoid version of a 2nd-grader claiming "the dog ate my homework". Few ever change outside of prison walls. They just keep "fine-tuning" their get-over schemes, concocting stories they think/hope will get them a "magical" pass, "exempting" them from the real-world legal & logical consequences they so richly deserve.
Even more laughable are the sleazoids expecting apologies from the ones they callously abused and deceived!!
Hope your situation improves soon!
All honest people are pulling for you!