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Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joe 1320
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As a Mustang owner, I have always followed the Turbo Buicks (get it? Followed, as in seen the taillights?). I must say this has been one of the most informative threads ever.

But I gots ta know. Dave, did you get your money back? Don't let the punk win, turn his ass in!

I'm a poet. And I know it.
THis thread has gone worldwide

I applaud everyone's effort this has even made it to our Subaru board, unfortunately a bunch of people on our board got scammed on enjines by a guy that has been previously arrested for fraud, thank Go I was not one of those people. After reading through most of this thread I have not seen anyone mention it allows protection for buyers and sellers and while the fees are kind of high I would tell you that it is well worth it. Ireally wish you people would not have gotten your money back and this kid would have gone to jail, something tells me that he will be up to his old tricks again soon on another board. I take my hat off to all of you!
i can't believe how widespread this thread has gotton...keep spreadin the word!
Wow I read the whole dang thing!

greetings from the 3000gt / stealth group!

Hella good news about nabing this punk. I still think you should make your tactics known publicly. Who cares if the trolls know how we can get back at them. As long as it works.

Go Dave go!!!

Joe1320, what can I say that hasn't already been said? U Da Man!
Originally posted by 2001TrueBlueGT
As a Mustang owner, I have always followed the Turbo Buicks (get it? Followed, as in seen the taillights?). I must say this has been one of the most informative threads ever.

But I gots ta know. Dave, did you get your money back? Don't let the punk win, turn his ass in!

I'm a poet. And I know it.

Can I get an Amen from the church? :D
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet, I'm only on page 9. :) But this has reached the Nissan sr20deforum. We are currently experiencing issues with another lame excuse making troll.

It's a shame that honest, hardworking people have to deal with idiots like these...

Joe1320, if you could send some advice to Storm on this thread, I am sure he would appreciate it...

Congratulations on your victory! *sings Another One Bites the Dust*:

Dont know if it was mentioned earliar....but this appeared at the 3000GT/Steath International Boards ( What is interesting is there is someone named Irfan or something, alot like what was mentioned earliar, and who lives in illinois

thats a post of what he was selling, and here is a post of his fraud:

Just thought i'd pass this on. I got this link from the 3si boards..and im sure that you have our support over there.

Originally posted by PrinzII
Back to the root of the issue....Did the damn troll cough up the dough?

Everyone who sent him money for parts that they never received eventually got restitution. While Dave Levey hadn't sent money to Cipolla for parts, he was out money for expenses from going to see a car for sale that upon seeing it, was evident that Cipolla misrepresented the condition of the vehicle. He didn't receive all that he was out, but at least he received a token kick back. Every once in awhile Cipolla pops up somewhere and starts his BS routine about how he works on TRs and sells thousands of dollars in parts every week. He still drives the same rusted POS and people shake their head and walk away, the word on him is out. :cool:

Thousands of dollars in parts every week? Where is the money going Joey? Drugs? I do know that nobody on this or any other automotive board will give you a dime for anything! :D
Now he is trying to sell my friend a brand new trans with all the goodies for only $500. Don't worry though, I told him not to.
Hi guyz!!

Yo! I came via a link on the international Stealth/3000GT message board. I now have also placed a link on the International MR2 board, a place I come daily!

International MR2 board!

Much applause for Joe 1320, what he did is great, and I'm now also helping getting this thread even more popularity!

Together the good make one massive force against evil!

Greetz to all fast car lovers!
Leaps, bounds

Hooked this thread from , Toyota MR2 message board. History in the making.....

Unfortunately, for every Joe C. that gets staked, 1000 innocents get screwed.......
Big thanks...

Originally posted by 86WH1TType
This thread has now reached ;)

to Big Joe with the good word and to 86WH1TType aka EhKings for the freeway directions to this thread.

Keep on haulin arse and Aloha!

nocturn from and :D
Man, this is like the Energizer Bunny of threads, it keeps going, going....................

Here's another interesting thread somewhat related to this one you'll be glad to see: Click

I did not realize you buick guys were all as cool as my neighbor. (I help him work on his occassionally) Thank you for this helpful information although I have never been ripped off over the internet. Maybe this will keep me and others from getting ripped off. This link is also posted on the National Lightning Owners Club boards as well. If we see him on our board we will let you know. Joe 1320 could you please e-mail me informatoin in case this happens to one of us? My e-mail address is Thanks again.

From one hot rodder to another......Happy Motoring!!!!!!!!!