Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

This is Great!!

Hey guys, just wanted to drop in and let you know this thread made its way over to the Forum!!!! I think this is great, way to hunt down and get a little troll like him! ;) I hope anyone who got screwed over by him gets whatever they feel they want for retribution!!! :D Take care guys, and Good luck!

Checking in from

Joe 1320, you have my utmost respect for being true to your word, and for being honest and unrelenting in your justice. I began this thread well over an hour ago, linked from, and really have nothing more to say than what has already been stated.

"When troubles come they come not in single spies, but in battalions."

Never more true than for Mr. Cipolla, I hope from this newfound infamy springs the necessary growth of his character, for his sake.
Checking in from

I'd just like to say that this thread was very inspiring and congrats to everyone involved for taking care of this scammer.

I also find it very awesome that such a diverse group of car enthusists have banded together here. Everything from classic domestics to luxury cars to souped up imports. Truely inspiring :eek:

1990 BMW 325i here as well

Read all 21 pages and I must say,Joe, u deserve much more than the internet compliments and respect you have recieved, truly a great deed.

DAVE! what happened? did you ever get your money back? Anyone know any updates on little Joey C. or if dave got his cash>?
well, a couple of hours later- I can finally say: way to go Joe.

You're good. This thread IS becomming a legend. As you can see, it made it's way even into BMW forums.

I noticed people from DTM, and I represent by congratulating you on your achievement.

Thanks for the entertainment provided, too :D

I also got this thread linked off of in regards to another possible troll thread. Congratulations all around of course for godlike perseverance. One thing has been bugging me though. On page 7, 8, or 9, around there anyway, the users "Pro Stock Jim" and "Buickpwrd" both stand up for Joey C., AND END THEIR POSTS WITH JOE CIPOLLA'S UNCONVENTIONALLY CHUMMY TRADEMARK "TAKE CARE!" I have never seen anyone use that salutation in a post or e-mail EVER. The conclusion: same guy! Amazing story!
Another Ranger addict, voicing his support. You're a model for all of us who do commerce over the net. Keep fighting the good fight!
another ranger driver!

Great work guys! I went through the whole thread! Very nice rtype said, ya'll are a great model for everyone! and like 2k1 said...this thread has been posted at nice work!
Adding to the contingent from the Ranger Forums, all I can say is "wow". Talk about determination. Congrats on your success in removing all pride that little *#*^ had.

Special tip of the mug goes out to Joe 1320 and Dave Levyfor their expose' of this little turd... We at look forward to little Joey's arrival soon! ;)
Seriously though, I'm another one of the Ranger peeps from who has been reading this thread for the past 2 hours. I hope this little p.o.s. enjoys ALL the "reactions" that he has brought down on himself!
OMG, I think my head is gonna explode. I tried to read it all, I really did!!

But I gave up, it's too nice outside and I'm gonna work on my truck.

More praise to Joe 1320 and Dave Levey from the forums.

Maybe this will teach all those little trolls to stay under their bridges!!

just another guy from the ranger forum say grats on the job well done. and in a way sad to see the saga end. so joe if i rip you off can we do this again. lol jk
From sounddomain, termpro,

Wow, im glad this finally got solved. I myself am going through HELLL with this guy from north carolina. Im not getting anywhere myself, im printing off all the info and giving it to my parents to take care. (lawyers and police actually listen to adults) Ive lost $500 to him for two amps for my car stereo.

why dont you guys just use paypal? that way you dont have to deal with all this mo bull****.

Joey's made it to the realm of Car audio - posted on,, and I'll be slamming it onto

Right now we're dealing with our own similar pair of scammers - Chris/Scott Burns of Texarkana, Texas and Austin Leasch. Maybe we can get this kind of unified response.

Great work Joe 1320 and Davey. I'll be emailing shortly for details on how to wrest trolls out from under the bridge and fry them in the bright light of truth. :D
Geeze I read the whole thread, it is freaking long, but a very good read. I guess I missed the link back in January, from the fordvschevy board. I think I was dating some girl then, and didn't have time to read message boards ;). If I ever need help to catch a scammer I will email joe1320. I got the link off of
Email me if interested :D :D