Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

Wow - this has to be the biggest thread I have ever seen here.

And I have been around since Nov 98......

So, I was browsing chitownracing's site - and I signed up. Looks like a nice little forum. They sure shut down little Joey pretty quick.

I love this from little Joey's profile -

"Watch may be the next victim of JoesV6

Heh..... yeah, only if you send him money.... Glad to see him slammed. Although it doesn't look like he has paid enough yet. When does round 3 start Mr. Dave Levey ?????

Isn't that a private high school where little Joey goes? Parents must have a little dough, eh? How about a nun cracking him with a yardstick a few times????
Due to reasons that cannot be explained, my e-mail is experiencing difficulty. perhaps the flow of mail from this thread is too much! :D For those that are having difficulty e-mailing me, try

This can also be reached from my homepage of

See ya! :cool:
Found this thread posted on the Tacoma Territory member forum.

Great work Joe on tracking down the troll and getting YOUR money back. I hadn't seen a recent update from Dave, but I hope you get the rest of your money back too.

POS Joey C

I hope everyone involved gets thier money or thier parts. I hate to see people get ripped off by some little scumbag that thinks they are cool. He is probably trying to feed a Coke habit or something. IMHO he should get his f**kin a** whooped by everyone that he ripped off, and then send him to the big house for Bubba to play with.:D
Good luck to everyone involved and don't let this POS get any rest untill you all get your money.

Originally posted by Dave Levey
100,000 kits, very very cool, and oh yea little joey still has not paid me,

Joeys e Mail is , and PHATMEATS@AOL.COM
cell number 312-320-5569

Joey's school

Holy Cross High School
3000 N. 80th Ave.
River Grove, IL 60171

Phone: (708) - 456 - 5110
FAX: (708) - 456 - 9647

hint hint :d any body want to say hi for me.

Dave Levey

<---shaking his head in disbelief that the troll hasn't coughed up the damn dough.
Originally posted by tjthorson
Wow - this has to be the biggest thread I have ever seen here.

And I have been around since Nov 98......

So, I was browsing chitownracing's site - and I signed up. Looks like a nice little forum. They sure shut down little Joey pretty quick.

I love this from little Joey's profile -

"Watch may be the next victim of JoesV6

Heh..... yeah, only if you send him money.... Glad to see him slammed. Although it doesn't look like he has paid enough yet. When does round 3 start Mr. Dave Levey ?????

Isn't that a private high school where little Joey goes? Parents must have a little dough, eh? How about a nun cracking him with a yardstick a few times????

LOL yeah this is by far the largest thread I have ever seen's pretty damn funny! this dude needs to get locked away for a long time
So has everyones money been returned yet? This kid seems like a real pile of crap, I hope he and Bubba have a wonderful life in the cage.
Just checking in from the Lightning Community, great job Joe.
While you're out trashing Trolls, check out this fraud on E-Bay. Guy had pictures of a Mustanf engine on this ad, winning bidder turned out to be in the same area and was gonna show up in person and pay cash. OOPS!, seller quit returning messages, looks like he never had the engine at all. Notice the "unusual" circumstances of payment, no mail? come on, EVERYONE gets mail, the USPS delivers to mountaintop monasteries for goodness sakes. Surely the "very small liberal arts college" has enough of an address to get those tuitin checks in the mail.

As an internet seller, this stuff just hacks me off.

I laughed, I cried

A lot of thoughts about this whole thing from me. I'm glad I got a "ringside seat" this being "home" as opposed to all of the visitors reading such stuff who linked from one site to another and another before finally arriving here. Reminds me of that guy with problems with that VW dealership in Atlanta.

I was going to get up on my soapbox, but I think there has been enough BW already.:(

I just registered so I could properly thank Joe 1320 for doing such a great job!

I was referred to this site from RC Groups which is a forum for remote controlled airplanes/cars/helicopter enthusiasts. It seems there is a very small percentage (thankfully small) of pathological liers in the world, including the car and RC enthusiast world.

Good luck Dave and anyone else ripped off by this loser. It is SO FREAKING SATISFYING to know that no car person will ever write another check to a certain Joe Cipolla of Chicago, IL.

Thanks again,

PS -Here's the page that linked this most excellent thread.
Well fellows, where does this guy live? Is he in the Illinois area? If he is, for a small donation from all of you, I woud be more than happy to go get him (which isnt hard at all to find him, put some effort into it) Things like this need to be dealt with personally. However, about that donation, I would be more than happy to track him down, zap em a few times with my taser and break his kneecaps. Again, I will need some money as I need to benefit from it somehow. No I didn't get scammed, but I'm on my fellow buicks sides. Maybe some parts and ill do it.


P.S. Im serious and this post isnt a joke.:cool:
By the way, reason for my last post is that cops wont do anything but eat donuts and check his mail. It will take forever and nothing will happen. Be sure to let me know.

Scott<----future bounty hunter in training.:cool:
You might think I'm a wuss...

Not only would I NOT offer you any kind of "donation" but I strongly discourage such "thug" responses to what should be handled in the legal manner. I understand that you mean well and sometimes such drastic measures are taken as a last resort, but you obviously haven't even read half of the post(or did you?) where the Feds were ready to haul the said offender off if he didn't repay Joe1320 the money he owed. As far as I can tell, Joe Cipolla repaid Joe1320 the amount owed. I didn't happen to see if Joe Cipolla repaid Dave, or anyone else he might have cheated - but apparently you didn't even get that far into the posts.

Such thug response might be condoned over at a different board, but I don't think more than 20% of the regular members here shares your opinion to a pre-emptive escalation to such a drastic and extreme response. Especially considering the rest of the circumstances that have occured.

However, whatever you happen to chose to do of your own volition on your own, is entirely up to you! Unfortunately, a good beating might be the only real way to get through to "little Joey" (as my dad use to say: "if you can't learn through the ears, you learn through the skin:D) I am slightly depressed (when I think about it) that such low-lifes exist among us, but I don't have a magic wand to change the world immediately to make it better. So, I'm saying give law enforcement a chance (as Joe1320 did with apparently satifactory results) But if you choose to act on your own, I'm not goiing to be standing over your shoulder to make sure you don't do something I wouldn't do except as an extreme last resort, but I don't want to know about it!:D
No problem bud. Thats how I handle things. No I really didnt get far into the post. And that is good that he got his money back. All I am sayin is, its not all back, and I am hardly a thug. I'm 24 and know right from wrong. But, I am just tired of things not getting done. And when you take care of it in person as I suggested, all problems have been solved. No problem. Like I said, he didn't scam me. I dont even know the guy, but I wouldnt hesitate to make a few bucks on the side:D . But I agree it is completely wrong. But I dont wait for cops anymore. They never show up unless they're right behind you when your pipes are too loud or lights are too bright. I have yet to get a speeding ticket. I have been driving 8 years and have a clean record. However, I have over 30 equipment violatons tickets. Cops are out doing unimportant things. Yep I'm an idiot. Sue me.:D

Hey KC, I love the quote at the bottom of your profile there. Actually, (YES I MUST BE BORED TO MUCH AROUND HERE) I am going to spend a few nights during the week this summer with my car in the driveway and me on the side of the house all night on my days off. Im gonna setup someone to steal my car. It entertains me. Yeah everyone probably thinks im a psycho, but when it happens once to ya thats it. They are gonna get cracked, whacked, and body sacked. Cant wait to try out my new 500,000 volt tazer. Whatdya think? I love a good roast:D

cool-- thanks for the complement :)
get it on camera, id like to see some of that going on :)

keeep us posted

If you need a good laugh, check out page 6, classic!!

I know this guy, he tried to sell me a pair of slicks with a huge chunk out of the inner bead.

Check out all the new sites to go to.

Nice job Joe 1320 and everyone else for stopping the disease!