Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

ive been reading this post since day one.this is the first time ive replyed to it.all i can say is wow:eek: .i never thought this thread could possibly get 100,000 views but it is getting close.
I too have been reading since day one...I'm VERY proud to be "going fast with class!"

Kev :)
I have to say this....

No matter where we are in the world, no matter what car we drive, no matter how fast our cars are in the 1/4 mile or top end, no matter if we drove a Yugo or BMW, we all came together and showed support for Joe1320 when he got Little Joey by the balls.

That is something that earns a great amount of applause because we all have one common goal - giving trolls like Little Joey the castrating they deserve.

BTW, did Levey ever get his $$ back from the lowlife?
This is amazing! Worldwide support of Troll Termination. I hope to implement Joe 1320's tactics to settle my situation with a guy that won't come thru on a deal. My hat is off to all involved with bringing this to justice.
crossed over out of motorheads.....

and into gun geeks. there was a post on the ar-15 mailing list, referencing a thread on the glock talk web board. if it ever pops up on the subguns boards (populated by the nicest buncha guys with automatic weapons you'll ever meet) i'll post again.
I'd say by now little Joey probably has to find a new place to live - cant imagine all the messed up stuff happening at that location.

Pizza delivery order for 20 pizza pies

Taxi-Cabs outside beeping the horn at 3AM for phantom pick ups

Chinese food delivery $52.40 sir

Boxed dog crap arriving in the mail (thats my favorite)

:D :D :D :D :D :D
I just wanted to be part of this thread.... Seriously though I'm really bad with names and the sad part is that I will probably remember this POS name for the rest of my life because of this thread.:mad:
hey im from

joe u the man!

yo when is this kids birthday lol

he is screwed!!!!!!!!!!!

between all the boards that know about him, i fgiure about 250,000 hits at least........ this kid can not move anywhere because every1 knows him

hahahahah i love it.... my little brother once got ripped off on pokemon cards, never got revenge o well

im gonna go tell, i do not think they know
woulda thunk it! GM, Fords, MoPars, all living in harmony for once at the expense of a punk scammer

Hey were all car guys,right? :D
there are more that car guys here

car guys, truck guys, sportbike guys, jeep guys, soon enough there will be chess players hearing about this ;)
Good work, Joe1320! I had to use some of the same tactics recently to receive parts that I bought via the 'net over 2 months ago from a guy that came up with a lot of excuses. I finally received the parts last week, and, well, my story is not over either! But at least his name isn't popping up in any search engines!

BTW, I got this thread from I will post links to it on a few Buell boards and Yahoo A100 owners board.
I wonder what will happen when it hits 100,000 hits? :eek: Every day there are people requesting the info on getting restitution. I've had numerous follow ups where folks are getting their money back. :D The stuff does work. Keep spreading the word.:p
From the Studebaker Drivers Club ( yes, they were cars made in the USA! ) and the Chrysler FWDLK (Forward Look Mopars designed by Virgil Exner '55 through '61 ) discussion group links to this thread, your extreme retort with this jr. scammer has taught us all a good lesson -

Never let 'em get away with it!

Joe 1320, you have immortalized a teen with a good lesson too, who we hope still has a chance to go straight!

So, after several hours of reading this between Olympic events tonite, I am checkin' out with tired eyes!

Joe are you listening? Remember me the guy that bought the TTA after you test drove it? You told me that it just quit and you couldn't get it started...yeah right

What ever has been said in this thread you deserve. You could have told me the truth. There is no way that the #4 rod broke, taking out the cam and the #3 piston with it and you not know it.
You could have just told me and the guy you originally bought the car from the truth.

You brought the car back and got your money returned to you after you blew the engine up. You told him it just quit.

This thread was posted way after my conversation with you took place. "Could it be ", I told myself as I took the engine apart that Joe lied to me about the whole thing??

Yes Joe, you did. And now I am having a hell of time finding an engine that I can use since the 1200 mile Precison Turbo block is trashed, because you decided to throttle the car too hard or whatever.

Ultimately I bought the car, so I own it and it is my problem now.
But you could have changed that by telling the truth that the engine was trashed and at least letting me know what I was getting into.

Maybe when you are older and your nine year old son says "hey dad lets buy that car because it is cool". But later you have to tell him he cannot ride with you because the car has major problems that you did not know about. My son asks me about the car every week-end. I have to tell him the same story, that it is not finished yet and I am still trying to fix it. One of these days Joe, you'll know what I am talking about.

No Joe, the blame is not totally with you. But you made a conscious decision to be a part of the problem.

"An honest man is one who's never been caught"
~ American Proverb ~

:confused: Do you have a clue what this quote might signify?

would somebody please go take a bat to this guy? that's the only way you'll ever straighten this kid out!
Hey guys,

Look I hate trashing people.

My problems started way back in September, but I just got the engine out last week-end.

I have been telling myself that Joe was straight up with my deal.
This is why you haven't seen my post until now.

Joe C. did not sell me the car, but he indeed broke it and lied to the guy he bought it from, who gave him his money back. Ultimately I bought the car from the original owner. No big deal, I will fix it.


Hello fellow Hot Rodders!!!!!!!

I got here from, had to register so I could reply to this AMAZING thread, GO JOE 1320, and everyone else!

Its about time these cumdrinkers get what they deserve.
You all have inspired me to try to get satisfaction from a deal I got ripped on last year that I didnt persue, but now I will, its not the money, I just want to make ALL these bastages feel the heat, and contribute to kicking them ALL off the 'net!!!!!!

Emailing Joe1320 now for the info........................