Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

Hey, I justed wanted to say that you are an internet god to me! I just finished read this novel and I can't believe that someone was able to stand up to these little punk *** scammers!

I was refered here from forums, but as soon as I am done I will post in my hometown forums at

2001 Honda Civic EX Checking in

All the MoPar folks seem to be checking in, and the folks from are no exception.

Glad to see that your hard work has paid off. We're all pulling for you.

Anybody heard the verb "Cippola-ing" yet? Or, "he's pulling a Cippola"? Cippola = Zippola? ;)

All of us here at the world's largest online home for 1955-1961 MoPars (over 16,000 pages of information!!!) wish you luck and continued success in the hunt.

Dave, Webmaster/Mailing List Coordinator
Another member here. Will this thread be available in both hard cover and paperback? ,I admire your determination and hope that all is resolved. Thanks for putting the fear of God into some other potential inter-net scum...Regard's ....Eric
I just spent 2 hours reading all the posts and I must say that I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Joe 1320 is starting to be a household name in the automotive message board world, way to go. I have been ripped off myself and I thought I would drop a line or two and say keep up the work Dave.
Fiero's Agree

Hi, I am from the Fiero Forum, remember the little two seater that could that Pontiac made?

This little book made it to our forum, and I can say that I am with ya! I have been weaseled before and it's good to see this little punk getting caught, Kudos to you!
Well done, this thread has now reached Mig Performance Vauxhalls in the UK... you must be proud.
Oh WOW!!! Its amazing how many groups can come together when a preson (or persons) are being terrorized by a scam. Who woulda thunk it! GM, Fords, MoPars, all living in harmony for once at the expense of a punk scammer. Glad to see there are those among us that are willing to fight the good fight. Joe, be sure and write a book here soon on the processes as well as tips and tricks to 'Keep from Being Another Victim'. May just make enough money from books sales to be able to sending 'Little Joey' a nice 'Fraud Doesnt Pay' poster for his cell!! Congrats to all involved and may the thread live on to help others.

Take care,

2001 Dodge Intrepid R/T - Dodge Motorsports Edition
1997 Dodge Neon
1970 Dodge Super Bee (for sale -
1958 Plymouth Belvedere
1957 DeSoto FireFlite
keep at him dave

got this link from I just spent the last few hours reading the whole story.
congratulations to the guys that have got there cash back
and to dave to keep at this little bull**** artist
Its good to see the whole automotive enthusiest stand together to stomp these trolls.
I read about this thread from a Mac forum,

People like Joey should be stoned to death! Great job Joe B and good luck Dave!

Here is another thread that is kind of related. The fellow who started the thread had a bad (-very- bad) experience with a VW dealer after he bought a car from them. This only shows how it's not just kids dealing over the internet, it can happen at 'reputable' businesses. It's also a long but good read. Business was taken care of in the end and people were satisfied.

As someone who has been ripped off by any number of internet parts scam artists, all I can say is:


It's great to see this little turd get regulated!!

Hats off from the Subaru world!!
take care,
'02 WRX, the first in florida! - Slow
'85 200SX, worked CA18DET - Faster :D
Just thought I'd say this has reached the UK (if it hasn't already).

Found this link on EVO Magazine's forum ( and have also posted it on the TVR forum (

Read through up to about page 12 (so got the bulk of the story). Unbelievable what this guy thought he could get away with!! Makes me wanna take a holiday to Chicago and pay him a visit myself, and I haven't even dealt with the guy!!!

Glad most (all?) of you got it sorted eventually...

Hiya everyone,

Ive just read all the way through this from a link at

So youve made the English TVR and Lotus boards :)

Im amazed, and seriously impressed, I would really love to know how you managed to track the guy down!

Joe 1320, major kudos mate - far too many people think its impossible to track them down over the internet, and youve proved at least one wrong.

Lets hope a few other scumbags see this thread linked from somewhere and learn they arent gonna get away with it