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Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joe 1320
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car audio resources .com

hey you guys and you hours long of post are headed to another car audio forum too!!

...good job joe, and thank you!

and good luck everyone!:D
Pro Stock John

Ok, I've read most of the thread, and would like to say good job to all involved in the "take down."

I'd also like to say that for everyone that thinks Pro Stock John has ANYTHING to do with this: No way.

Pro Stock John along with Nineball own which is THE BEST LS1 site on the net. John is very helpful and EXTREMELY stand up. He actually met this character, and because he'd never had the displeasure of dealing with his lies, didn't understand that Joey's friendly behavior was a ploy.

I really don't want a good man's name dragged through the dirt along with this crook.

- Matt
Guys, guess who I ran into tonight. Yup Joe Cipolla. He had is GN out and does it look like crap. He was trying to sell some stuff to a buddy of mine, but I told him not to. Joe actually mentioned that some guys don't like him because they think he screwed them and then I mentioned this and he shup up real fast. He told my friend that for a $100 he'll make his car go a second faster, but he has to have the car for 24hrs. I started laughing. He also said that he'll work on his car for him. He is such a joke.
Originally posted by mike
Guys, guess who I ran into tonight. Yup Joe Cipolla. He had is GN out and does it look like crap. He was trying to sell some stuff to a buddy of mine, but I told him not to. Joe actually mentioned that some guys don't like him because they think he screwed them and then I mentioned this and he shup up real fast. He told my friend that for a $100 he'll make his car go a second faster, but he has to have the car for 24hrs. I started laughing. He also said that he'll work on his car for him. He is such a joke.

ROTFLMAO! Like I said before, the power of the internet is dramatic. The same tool that scammers use to defraud people is used to spread the word on these trolls to shut them down for good. That little punk will have a reputation that will follow him for years to come. The urban legend continues! :D Mike, I'm sure the rest of the TR community salutes you for shutting the little troll down in his tracks.
It was funny because when he pulled in by us I knew who he was. I also knew him from high school. When he started telling my friend he had stuff for sale I pulled my buddy over to the side and just told him NO and look at this thread. Joe was telling us that he knows everything about these cars and that he'll work on them for people. I couldn't help my laughter. I just thought you guys would like to hear this. I'm sure I'll run into him again.
23 pages! This has to be the longest thread ever on TB.
Glad to see you guys nailing it to a scumbag.
...aaaaand now, the question that's on everyone's mind

Did Dave Levey ever get his $$ back from the troll? :confused:
Posted on Other Forums...


Someone had linked this thread from, where I found it...

I'm going to post it to and

I never really got past page 10, but will finish reading it later...

Just wanted to let you know word is getting around...
Re: Posted on Other Forums...

Originally posted by Buzz_Hog_RSX_S

Someone had linked this thread from, where I found it...

I'm going to post it to and

I never really got past page 10, but will finish reading it later...

Just wanted to let you know word is getting around...

Yep... I put it on

Let it spread some more!!!!
my my my .... how this has spread like wildfire

I must say that reading this thread was very entertaining and informative.

I came by this thread from a link on and praise joe 1320 for his dilagence and persistance. This is a shining example of the good guy coming out on top.

Joe 1320... u are now a legend... the saga finised last year and people around the net are still talking about this and linking this thread on message boards all around...

how ironic that the two main characters are named JOE... (joe 1320 u are the man and I quote "A God") to symbolize the common person... (jon would also have worked) ... the common person can screw u over and the common person can has his revenge in a non-violent fashion and within the limits of the law.

Is there a webpage or site other than this with information on how to beat net fraud such as guidelines on a government page or anything in a compact version? if not ..... someone should tell the government to do so..... i'm guessing the BBB (better business burea) prolly has one but I haven't looked...

crimnil from
I would definately give his brother Tino a call. He is a cop somewhere, I forget. I went to high school with both and if you explain what happened to his brother he should take care of it. Like I posted before, he was trying to sell my friend a whole bunch of stuff and install it all too, of course I told him about this and he's not buying from him. He actually mentioned this post and that he never lied to anyone and that he told everyone to go f**k themselves. He also told me that he was selling $2000 in parts a week over the internet. I'm sorry I don't even make enough money to buy that many parts and sell them every week. He's a little sneaky b*st*rd. Good luck with your money.
I just thought I would post a followup....... The e-mails from around the world still keep showing up in my mailbox. Little Joey still cannot hide, he still tries to sell parts, but the word is out and it appears as though he has been shut down. His name is all over the net and this thread is indeed an urban legend:D

things have been pretty quiet lately on the topic of scammer trolls on this board. On the rare occation that a dispute pops up, the situation gets settled quicker than a top fueler. :eek: :D is indeed a safe place to do business now that we are armed with the troll destruction proceedures. I have noticed that when I buy parts, everyone is quick to congratulate me and mention that there will be no funny business. I know that the regulars on this board the finest collection of auto enthusiasts I have seen anywhere. Every dealing I have had has been of the utmost ethical conduct and just goes to prove the moto of "going fast with class" Many thanks to all that I've been acquiring parts from recently. My goal of 10s with a stock(:rolleyes: well, sort of...) block will be realized with the help of the great friends of the TR community.

Now if I could only collect that $1 for every hit on this thread! LOL!
Hey Joe1320.....I am having a problem with a guy from Las Vegas from the 3rd gen Camaro/Firebird board over the matter of $628.69 that I sent for parts...many stories and excuses later I still don't have any parts or the refund I was promised 3 months later.Sorry to write this here but I didn't see your email address posted on here. I'd appreciate any info you can give me on how I may start to resolve this matter and get my funds back. You can email me at

For everyone's info his info is:
Username : Blackened

Julian Costache
889 S. Rainbow Blvd. # 614
Las Vegas,NV. 89145

Thanks in advance.
holy god... i really hope that this kid got arrested... this thread has now made it's way to ...and i'm gonna post a link over at ...even if this kid doesn't own my type of car, i just want my communities to know about him and be warned...
Turbo buicks, boy does that take me back. My first car was a 78 Turbo Regal, and damn do I miss that car.

How ya doin badass, saw your post on thought i'd come check this out. Reminds me of the thread on the vwforums about the guy fighting the dealership.

As for Joe C. well, I decided to do a search on google and pulled up this link: His car has been REVOKED from the archives. Talk about a real black balling. But, Karma is a bitch like that. Great work guys.
Another mention of this thread found....

Found this while doing a search also... Pretty interesting that this forum was the basis of the article.... Check the bottom of the page....
Hey all, I'm not sure what a turbo buick is exactly (sorry guys :)) but I was sent over here from Ranger Power Sports to take care of a "troll" as you so affectionately call them for the matter of 315 dollars owed to me for the past 6 months. can I get your email so I know what i can do about it?