Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

Pull it!!

His car might deserve it,BUT HE DON'T,PERIOD!!!!!
You know about the thread now.What do you guys think?
I say pull it!!!!:mad:
hey hope you finnish this soon i will keep watching to find out what happens next:D btw this has reached a local bb for orlando club dsm;)
Wow. This is a hell of a story. Joe B, you are a role model, congrats on getting the money. Dave, good luck!

I found this link on a Ford Explorer board, which had gotten it from a BMW board. Word's spreading
Almost 25,000......

...hits, and climbing.

It's a damn shame but jackasses like him need to be brought down to their knees. :mad:
I think it is safe to say that this message thread has reached every automotive enthusiast internet group out there.

The sad thing is that he probably enjoys all the attention he's getting. You guys are right's great to see all the other forums getting involved. Keep it up!

Dang..... It has taken me a few days to clear out my e-mails and respond to everyone requesting the info on bringing trolls to justice. :eek:

Many are requesting the investigation tactics on how to find trolls, not only what to do when you catch them. Trolls are unique critters........ They are in plain sight until they are fed money. Then they turn invisible, yet are right under your nose. :D
When completed, using the tactics will enable you to find even the most evasive troll.;) You see, Trolls cannot hide........ If they are dumb enough to rip off a TR enthusiast, they are dumb enough to leave a trail. It is a rather close community and you never know who may be watching.:eek:

I am working on the investigation tactics and will post as soon as completed. Thanks for everyone's encouragement and gratitude in regards to bringing the troll to justice. Now if I could only make money at it.:( Yeah, that's the ticket...... If every person that read the thread sent me $1.......... :D Oh well, it's a nice thought.

Oh yeah, Car of the Week? I would pull that sucker in a heartbeat. To show off a collection of parts that may have been obtained by less than respectable means should not be tolerated. I would punt that entry back into the freaking stone age. :mad:
I probably speak for everybody thats visited this thread except for
POS lil joey you deserve every $1:cool:
I will be the first!

I was thinking that a long time ago.

I tell you if I get just 1% of what's owed to me by a thief who
ripped me off, I would be more than grateful. I will be one of the first give money for your help. A dollar is nothing compared to talking to a lawyer for $200.00 /per hour (and I have a stuttering problem) so this could get costly trying to explain him/her my case. I understand the F.B.I. could be reading this thread, NOW HEAR THIS, "Why don't you consider putting Joe 1320 on the payroll? " I would say $100,000.00 /per year would be a nice starting salary. We the internet people keep those UPS & USPS trucks rolling with packages. When things like this happens people will not spend $$$ on the net.

OK that's it for me.

P.S. If you guys see me rolling off in the back seat of a Blue Crown Victoria with (duel exhaust). You know what happened to me.

Ken you the MAN

Way to go Ken mosher thats what I was talking about:D How you like that POS lil joey!!!!lots&lots&lots of LOL:D
WOW! I don't even know where to begin. I just spent close to an hour reading this entire thread after finding a link to it over at and I'm amazed to see the response this has generated. First off congratulations to everyone who fought back against this troll. The only reason people like him get away with this crap is because the people getting scammed don't get serious about retribution. Joe 1320, someone mentioned earlier that you are a god, and that you are. I'm sure that eventually you will become a household name to all of the honest members of automotive enthusiast sites around the world. I'm doing my part to spread the word and I encourage all of you to do the same. Someone else mentioned earlier that a link to this thread should be at every for sale section of every forum out there and I wholeheartedly agree. Hopefully you guys have enough bandwidth to handle it ;) . There are Joey Cipolla's lurking around at every board out there, we in the RX-7 community have had our fair share. Hopefully this thread will help everyone who's been wronged get what's owed them, and ensure that the trolls get what they deserve.



PS - Joe 1320, you've got mail. :cool:
Man....can't even begin, to even think about wanting to mess with you Joe.:) You are a hereo far and wide. Your name will be yelled at the top of mountains, for all the world to hear. Next time i buy something, i'm going to ask for a adress, home phone, and work phone, driverlicense, social security #, there moms maiden name, and vin # off of all there cars!! :D :D

Yet another RX-7 Forum member. I commend you on all the hard work. When you get the time could you shoot me an email of the tactics used? I've yet to be screwed on a deal, but I'm sure my time is coming :)
You guys rock thanks for the info I live 5 min away from this guy on lawrence ave. I will now know who to keep a eye open for. The 7 community is greatful thanks again.;)