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I just thought id throw a little teaser out.........

my finished front suspension.......



I hear ya on that charlie....... ive been sleeping a few hours, working a few hours.... im still trying to get caught up mentally while im off these next few weeks.

the 3800 idea sounds really good.......... i hadnt thought about that at all! I knew you were valuable!


I ended up with one off the back of the motor and started looking at it. 1.5" off the heads and 2.5" log but it has the outlet in the middle of the log.:frown: I need to find one off the front of the engine so I can do something like Lee did on his HA. Stupidly simple too. The header is isolated and the colector's in the front of the engine. The cross over connects to a new flange under the log so it's basically split until it goes to the up pipe.:eek:
LOL..... well I think the rear will be much more obvious on this particular vehicle, the orange one is the 4 link we talked about..... this truck is just my tract-o-leaf set up we talked about way back.

well thinking about it charlie, what if you had 2 of those back 3800 manifolds and used them with there center port to run twins?...........

hmm.... twin turbo sounds good...

LOL..... well I think the rear will be much more obvious on this particular vehicle, the orange one is the 4 link we talked about..... this truck is just my tract-o-leaf set up we talked about way back.

well thinking about it charlie, what if you had 2 of those back 3800 manifolds and used them with there center port to run twins?...........

hmm.... twin turbo sounds good...


I think I've created a monster.:eek: LOL

Post some pics of the tract--leaf set up Aj. I think the guys might get a kick out of it.:biggrin:
A.j. you need to hide that chit and just keep it covered with a wheel ;) lol
I'm ready if not just about for some TWINS C'mon! :tongue: :p :D
Ohh, cheep header ideas that need slight fab work! My favorite kinds!

Ive been working on my interior. Put in a real nice low milage gray console bucket interior. Not Carb/turbo related but id put up some pics if anyone wants.

I bought a 3" tube for my intake. Finally ordered a K&N filter. Should make a nice cold air intake thats better than that big red thing.
LOL....... you guys are funny.........

I would love to do twin draw thru's.... but chit.... ones a pain enough!

I just need to get some paint on the rear parts charlie and I will unveil the tract-o-leaf! LOL im getting there....

LOL....... you guys are funny.........

I would love to do twin draw thru's.... but chit.... ones a pain enough!

I just need to get some paint on the rear parts charlie and I will unveil the tract-o-leaf! LOL im getting there....


I know you're a perfectionist Aj but since it's a work in progress then you should go ahead and show it off.:cool: I think your adaptation of my idea is just the kind of thinking that needs to be done.:biggrin:
LOL....... you guys are funny.........

I would love to do twin draw thru's.... but chit.... ones a pain enough!

I just need to get some paint on the rear parts charlie and I will unveil the tract-o-leaf! LOL im getting there....


whats a tract-o-leaf a leaf spring with extra leafs? :confused:
Well its like a slapper bar..... except its solidly linked in the front of the leaf and replaces the lower plate of the axle.. the middle of the bar has 2 bushings, and a turnbuckle- thats to control the preload of the axle.

its like a ladderbar for leafs without the axle birdcage... makes the hole assembly much more streetable... as long as the preload is low...

hooks like hot dam... I have to thank charlie for the direction that he pointed me in.... a little harder to set-up with leafs... but it works!

It's a modification of an off road set up. Aj's description doesn't give you the whole picture, it really needs to be seen to understand how it works. What it realy does is allow the axle to move up and down but keeps the axle wrap to a minimum. Because it's linked foward, when the axle starts to rotate on the springs it litterally picks up the middle of the truck and transfers most of the weight to the rear.
It's a modification of an off road set up. Aj's description doesn't give you the whole picture, it really needs to be seen to understand how it works. What it realy does is allow the axle to move up and down but keeps the axle wrap to a minimum. Because it's linked foward, when the axle starts to rotate on the springs it litterally picks up the middle of the truck and transfers most of the weight to the rear.

im actually thinking of extending the front link out..... i have it mounted to the leaf in the front, but I think I want to push it another foot or 2 forward of the leaf.... get a little more pronounced wheel stand effort!


lol I have a setup like that on my old now gone '83 Toyota pickup with SBC works great.
You need to try it on a Jeep Adam. Off road it will chew anything up if it can't get traction. Kinda scary sometimes.

lol Sounds do-able, I don't go off-roading much anymore in my own vehicles, mostly my 4 wheeler or my brother's RZR S.