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Before Black BS'ing thread.


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OK Kool....

So Charlie! I got a 301 turbo. .... but I still need the plenum for the 301. so you can leave the compressor/wheel off the list and save it for a spare.

sweet deal man! im stoked!

You two are going to unleash your hybrid drawthru assult soon, I can't wait for these holidays and all of the coldness to be gone, Im ready for spring.
You two are going to unleash your hybrid drawthru assult soon, I can't wait for these holidays and all of the coldness to be gone, Im ready for spring.

You aint seen nothing yet Adam. I'll let Aj tell the rest to you. We've been texting back and forth about what he just got but I'm not gonna be the one that lets the cat out of the bag. If you have a cell number send it to me in a PM and I can keep you up on what's going on.:biggrin: BTW, since I work for AZ now, from tomorow to Sunday I get 30% off anything in the store but oil and antifreeze. We stock the 6AL so I'm buying 2 of them. Aj is getting the second one.:biggrin: If you want the same deal I'll be more than happy to offer it to you Adam.:smile:

I forgot to add my boss is letting me work on a three day/four day work week so he doesn't loose me. Talk about luck. Minimum 36 hours unless something happens and I have to work more. This is a good thing.:biggrin:
OK... were getting closer than ever... parts is coming in!

but yesterday was a seriously bad day for me.... I couldnt drink my sorrows away fast enough!

So whats on the agenda today boys?

Getting a frigging broken tap out of my exducer housing and going to work til 8 for me bud.

no fun.... I get to go to the clinic today with my new little security guard. I dun fuc ked up.

But anyways, how did you manage to break a tap charlie?

no fun.... I get to go to the clinic today with my new little security guard. I dun fuc ked up.

But anyways, how did you manage to break a tap charlie?


Did you catch something or did you end up as a baker Aj?

I've been doing some prep to the turbo before I send it to Ronnie and was chasing the threads so I wouldn't mess up the finish when I get it back from him. Something was stuck in the threads and hung up the tap. I tried working it back and forth gently but I'm guessing that there was a crack in it for some other project. It just snapped off on me.:mad:
Thanks for the MSD Offer Charlie, I'm not sure if I want to use one yet. I do have a electronic ignition from Jacobs Electronics, and It came with a huge ignition coil called an Ultra coil and a little something called an opto-timer-boost master. Everything is Jacobs Electronics, I don't know if the last unit will work since it came off of a ford. but I know the Jacobcs electronic ignition box and coil will work though even though the coil is huge and external.
Im lost and dont know what the hell yall are talkin about... so time for me to unsubscribe!!!:rolleyes:
Did you catch something or did you end up as a baker Aj?

I've been doing some prep to the turbo before I send it to Ronnie and was chasing the threads so I wouldn't mess up the finish when I get it back from him. Something was stuck in the threads and hung up the tap. I tried working it back and forth gently but I'm guessing that there was a crack in it for some other project. It just snapped off on me.:mad:

yup im a baker.

Im lost and dont know what the hell yall are talkin about... so time for me to unsubscribe!!!:rolleyes:

i guess that would be a pain, to get a bazillion emails in your box about the **** we talk...

but again, this is the thread to use if you have a rant, a quick question... or just feel like wasting space.

Im lost and dont know what the hell yall are talkin about... so time for me to unsubscribe!!!:rolleyes:

You just need some age on you kid. Bakers make bread and another form of bread in is a bun. Aj's got a bun in the oven.:eek:

As far as the 6AL it's an ignition system that works very well on just about any car. You can add some extras like a boost timing control which will take timing advance out of the ignition timing so the engine won't detonate.:biggrin:

The sale was only until Sunday Adam. To late for me to do something about it now.:frown:
whats on the agenda today boys? I had to do damage control last night, seems the guy I built that 402 chevy popped a head gasket. i guess its time to pull the motor.

Now that sucks Aj. I just picked up a hind quarter to smoke tomorow. I have 2 to do and it's supposed to rain. How's that for sucky.

hind quarter to smoke?

either you like your meat or your my new toking hero.


but yes, smoking meat in the rain is no fun.... what temp do you smoke at charlie? wood type?

hind quarter to smoke?

either you like your meat or your my new toking hero.


but yes, smoking meat in the rain is no fun.... what temp do you smoke at charlie? wood type?


I'll be using a mix of mesquite and pecan. Makes for a nice flavor but if I could find some I'd love to use apple. I keep the temp between 200 and 250 so it takes most of the day. The shoulders get about 30-45 minutes bare then get wrapped up with onion, green pepper, red chile, and a pound of bacon. I also throw in lots of black pepper. I'll be throwing some red baby potatoes in it after a couple of hours. Sorry you won't be here to have some.:biggrin: